Thank The Goddess It is Almost Friday! May Our Divine Mother Shine Her Blessings Down on You & Yours Today!

Egyptian Cats

A new beginning surges forward
like the foaming ocean waves,
like sudsy water of a washer woman
rushing forward over cobblestones,
washing away the dust on the road.
Cleaning blackboards with white cloth,
wiping away traces of the last lesson,
preparing for the start of a new day,
starting over once again from the top;
and this time, with feeling, please.
Purification requires great care:
bathing the body is not enough;
sanitize the home and property,
sterilize the hearth and the sink,
clarify the mind and heart as well.
May your new beginnings be blessed,
may they sweep clean your path,
may they purify your worn soul,
and may you ever find the way
to those you need most.

–Poetry, Songs, and Enchantments: A Pagan Sourcebook
Gwenhwyfar Rhwwttchen