What A Beautiful & Glorious Tuesday! Good Morning to all Our Sweet Brothers & Sisters of the Craft!

We had a lot of members respond to the post I made about the site that was stealing everything we owned. I wanted to up-date you real quick. I have turned him over to every possible site that deals with individuals like this. One in particular is the DMC. I filed a report with them. Then they send a notice to the site and give that site a certain time period to remove our material. If the site refuses, the DMC removes the material and also places a warning on that site. I also filed another complaint through WordPress.org. The WordPress that we deal with is a .com and there is also a .org site. I had emailed WordPress.com and we have always had a fantastic relationship with them. They gave me several useful links to pursue and apologized there was nothing they could do because it was the WordPress.org.


I believe what will get our material off his site is that I found out his name, address, phone number, country he is in and also his ISP address. Come to find out he is located in Pakistan. I don’t know if you know it or not but Pakistan has a law against witchcraft. So little old me notified a part of the Pakistan government that controls their internet. I informed the government that there was a Pakistan site that was publishing witchcraft material on it. I gave them everything they needed to know. I was assured by the representative that this matter would be addressed promptly.


Right now, it is a wait and see game. Wait and see who get him first! Perhaps you think we went to extremes but I don’t. Like I stated yesterday, we have done this for 15 years and we have never run into someone with such gall. It just hit me like this person thought he could do anything he wanted, no matter what. I hope he has learned one thing, it is not happening here. If after all this, we don’t get our material removed from his site, I will be taking up donation for a ticket to Pakistan. I bet you never would have guessed this made me mad as an old, wet hen.


I am going to stop or else I will be fuming again. I do want to thank all of our members that made comments to him on his site. Also the many suggestions that we received from you. I appreciate you banding with us during the situation. It is wonderful to know that you have such people ready to jump to your aid when needed. Never, ever forget we truly do love you.


Now, let’s get this show on the road….


Lady A