March 15th – Beware the Ides of March!

March 15th – Beware the Ides of March!

In ancient Rome, the calendar year began on March 15. The 15th of each of month was known as the ides, from a Latin word that indicates division of a month. During the classical period, the month began on the night of the full moon, which was usually on the 13th or 15th of each month, depending on the season.

At any rate, back in 44 b.c., the legendary emperor Julius Caesar summoned members of the Senate to meet in the Theatre of Pompey on March 15. Previously, a soothsayer had warned Caesar to “beware the ides of March,” but since not much had happened that day, Caesar felt confident attending a Senate session. After all, the men of the Senate were loyal to him, so how much harm could he possibly come to?

Unfortunately, Caesar had enemies within his own Senate, and upon his arrival, several members of a group known as the Liberatores fell upon him and stabbed him to death. Some notable names were in the group, particularly Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus, the son of Caesar’s lover.
They claimed that their actions were not treasonous, but in fact tyrannicide.

In 1599, when Shakespeare wrote his famous play, he made sure to include the seer’s cautionary line about being wary on the date, and thus the term “beware the ides of March” has come to bring about a sense of impending doom. He also attributed an equally famous line to the dying emperor, “Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar.”

Falling just a week or so before the Ostara holiday, some members of Religio Romana celebrate an ides ritual each month, because the ides are sacred to the god Jupiter. The season dictated how Jupiter was honored – for instance, on the ides of September, there was a big public feast celebrating the grape harvest. Ides celebrations throughout the year often involved the sacrifice of a sheep in Jupiter’s name, although at some point that sheep may have been replaced by fish.

Interestingly, long before Caesar came along, the celebration of the ides of March was shared by Jupiter with a now-obscure Roman deity called Anna Perenna; she was most likely one of the Etruscan deities absorbed into Roman mythology and custom. If you took Latin in high school, you’ll recognize that her name references the perpetually turning year. Each March, on the ides, public and private sacrifices were made in her honor, to ensure a smooth transition into the new year, and to bless them over the coming months.

So – other than dead emperors, should you beware the ides of March? Is there some sort of magical significance to the date? Not at all – until Caesar’s assassination, it was just another day on the calendar.


Patti Wigington, Paganism/Wicca Expert
Article published on & owned by

Celebrating Legends, Folklore & Spirituality 365 Days a Year for March 15th – Buzzard Day

Twilight Spring

March 15

Buzzard Day

The buzzards (turkey vultures) of Hinckley, Ohio, return like clockwork on this day each year. Their uncanny return to Hinckley Ridge on March 15 has been the subject of folk legends dating back nearly 150 years. It seems that no one paid them much attention until a reporter, in 1957, from the Cleveland Press took an interest. When his article about the buzzards appeared in the paper along with the prediction that they would return on exactly March 15, interest in the birds mounted. By the time March 15 arrived in Hinckley, so did the buzzards-right on time. The news traveled fast, bringing media from Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana. The small township of Hinckley was unprepared for the more than 9,000 bird watchers that ultimately descended upon them. From that day on, the town dedicated March 15 to the Buzzards of Hinckley. The town council immediately made plans to deal with the throngs of people that would return every year along with the buzzards. In time, the fame of the Hinckley buzzards spread. Today, their legendary return rivals stories of the “Swallows of Capistrano.”

An old manuscript account by William Cogswell, one of the first white men to set foot in the county in 1810, made several references to “vultures of the air” at the gallows of the Big Bend in the Rocky River, where an Indian squaw had been hung for Witchcraft. Then again in December of 1818, there is reference to the “Great Hinckley Varmint Hunt.” More than 475 men lined up along Hinckley’s 25-square-mile perimeter and began moving inward to rid the area of predatory animals killing livestock. It is believed that the tons of butchered refuse attracted the vultures. No one really knows for sure what the enticement is, but every year on March 15 the buzzards of Hinckley return.

Tuesday Is Ruled By Mars

Spring Goddess
Tuesday Is Ruled By Mars

Tuesday is a Mars day, and just like the god of war, this is the time to tap into magicks to call for strength and courage. This day of the week is for rebels and warriors. If you are facing a challenge of any kind, need a boost to your courage, or want to enhance your passions, Tuesday is the day of the week for you. Some suggestions for Tuesday enchantments would include:

*Wearing the fiery colors associated with this day: scarlet, red, black, and orange. Don some of the more daring and bewitching colors of your wardrobe on Tuesdays and turn a few heads

*Carrying a bloodstone in your pocket or wearing garnet-studded jewelry to reinforce your convictions

*Working with protective and fire-associated plants such as the snapdragon, thistle, and holly to boost your shields and bravery

*Burning spicy-scented energy-enhancing candles to add a little magical aromatherapy to your home

*Cooking up a hearty meal featuring carrots, peppers, and garlic (all Mars foods and spices) to empower yourself for victory and success

Growing natural spirituality

Spring is a time of growth and re-energizing in the flow of the seasons.  For WOTC, this is also something that is happening as well!

African style woman

Hello my fellow brothers and sisters,

I am honored here today to show a link of WOTC on another webpage, Eupterra Foundation, that I personally have a hand in addition to being here on WOTC as well. With how much I have seen our gatherings of ancient lore, what works/what’s liked, passing down of traditions and wisdom, and answers to general questions  a lot of us have being in and of the craft over the years; it is with heartfelt desire for me to see us grow and expand and our influence reach out to others who can be moved by our way of life.

In time, I hope and encourage WOTC being promoted by other nature-based spirituality and practice sites.  Alas for now, I am glad to tell everybody about mine 🙂

Also, as many have awaited, the Essential Oil Series has been completed and is soon to be posting here.  I look forward to sharing info and uses with many of you in time upcoming.

Check out the sneak preview, and the link to WOTC’s site!

In love and light,


The Witches Correspondences for Tuesday, March 15th

The Witches Correspondences for Tuesday, March 15th

Dedicated to the powers of the planet Mars, personified as Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw, and Tyr.

Element : Water

Planet : Mars

Zodiac Sign : Aries / Scorpio

Angel : Samuel

Metal : Iron, Steel

Incense / Perfumes : Dragon’s Blood, Patchouli

Oil : Basil, Coriander, Ginger

Color : Red, Orange

Stones : Bloodstone, Garnet, Carnelian,

Plants/Herbs : Allspice, Blessed Thistle, Cayenne, Daisy, Garlic, Ginger, Pepper, Pine, Red Rose, Thyme, Tobacco, Wormwood

Magick to work: self-assertion, energy, and courage, victory, endurance, passion, masculine goals in general, sex, aggression, protection, controlled power, ambition, arguments, competition, conflict, destruction, lust, male sexuality, sports, strife, struggle, surgery, medical issues, upheaval, war

Moon in Cancer Part 2

The Spirit of Spring

Moon in Cancer

Part 2

The Moon is at home in Cancer, which gives those with this sign a striking depth of feeling and imagination.

The Moon is Cancer’s ruling planet, emphasizing the sign’s tidal moods and changing (lunar) face

This is a sensitive water sign Moon, with many moods. Even if the Cancer Moon isn’t saying anything, others will feel their presence, and whatever emotions they are feeling.

Those lucky to have them in their lives can enjoy warm affection and a sense of intimacy, whether as a friend or a romantic partner. For them every encounter is meaningful, and it gives weight to all their relationships.

They have strong maternal instincts, and love to take care of everyone, especially the vulnerable. Some Cancer Moon men may find it challenging, since they’re not supposed to be big feelers.

It helps if the Cancer Moon has an emotional outlet, like through performance, to offload all that emotional intensity. I knew a fellow with this Moon and that was how he found expression, through performance.

Each life experience is remembered as an emotional impression, and held onto forever. This is a blessing and a curse — a Moon Cancer may forgive, but they never forget!

Imaginative Spirit

Their powerful memories can be woven into story, music and art in a way that pulls at the heartstrings of their audiences or loved ones. The dark side is that they’ll nurture a wound for a long time, sometimes keeping one foot firmly rooted in the past.

The Cancer Moon has a delicate sensitivity that may be kept well hidden out of protection. But they demand a lot from those they love, and might test others loyalty without revealing their own feelings. This behavior comes from a fear of being rejected or left alone that has its roots deep in the psyche.


Those with the Moon in Cancer refill the well at home, and need a solid base of unflagging support. Even if they’re out in public a lot, they need the touchstone of that home base.

They also need lots of solitude to calm those turbulent emotional moods they experience, as well as what they pick up like a psychic sponge from others. When all this is in place, they’ll be emboldened to show their true strength.

The Cancer Moon needs to soak in a warm bath at night, and let go of worries.

Life with such a complex soul as the Cancer Moon is bound to be both challenging and exquisitely rewarding. The ideal mate understands that they’re both strong and sensitive, with wild fluctuations between the two extremes. You’ll win their trust if you provide shelter when they’re vulnerable and encouragement when they’re ready to take on the world.

It’s very hard for Cancer Moon to trust others, since they can be so deeply hurt. If he lets you in, chances are, he won’t let go.

But if he does let go, it won’t be pretty and you could expect a lot of hot and cold behavior from a Cancer Moon ex. They’re apt to keep you close, until they’ve found someone new, and then give you the final shove. You might mistake this for them still needing you, but that’s not true.

intuitive, gentle, nurturing, protective, sympathetic, refined, imaginative, loyal

The Shadow Side:
clingy, critical, moody, secretive, manipulative, needy, evasive

Quality and Element:
Cardinal and Water


Molly Hall, Astrology Expert
Article published on & owned by

The Witches Almanac for Tuesday, March 15th

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The Witches Almanac for Tuesday, March 15th

Tuesday (Mars): Passion, sex, courage, aggression, and protection.

Phallus Festival (Japanese)

Waxing Moon
The Waxing Moon (from the New Moon to the Full) is the ideal time for magic to draw things toward you.

Second Quarter 1: 03 pm

Moon Sign: Gemini
Gemini: Things begun now are easily changed by outside influence. Time for shortcuts, communication, games, and fun.

Moon enters Cancer 8: 57 pm
Cancer: Stimulates emotional rapport between people. Pinpoints need, supports growth and nurturance. Tends to domestic concerns.

Incense: Ylang-ylang

Color: Gray

Magical Days Of the Week – Tuesday

Goddess Spring

Magical Days Of the Week – Tuesday

Named for the Norse god Tyr, who was a deity of heroism and combat, Tuesday is a very martial sort of day – color associations include bright red and oranges, as well as warrior-like metals such as iron and steel.

The ancient Romans called this day Martis, after the warrior god Mars – other deities associated with Tuesday include Ares, the Morrighan, and other gods of battle and glory. Red gemstones like rubies and garnets come into play on Tuesdays, as do herbs and plants such as thistles, holly, coneflowers and cacti – you’ll notice these are all sharp, prickly plants!

One of the interesting – and more than a little amusing – aspects of Tuesday magic is that in addition to war and conflict against your enemies, this is a day also associated with marriage. You can also use this day of the week for magical workings connected to protection and initiation. Use Tuesday to assert yourself, make a mark and stake your claims.


By Patti Wigington, Paganism/Wicca Expert
Article published on & owned by


Tuesday’s Witchery

Prize for "Spring goddess" contest in "Fantasy and dreams" group
Tuesday’s Witchery

Tuesday is the day to work any magick that falls in the category of increasing strength, courage, bravery, and passion. All of these intense emotions are linked to this day’s energies, and spells designed around these themes will have extra punch when performed on this magickal day.

So, let’s add a little passion and conviction into your life! Break out the daring red pieces of your wardrobe, and put a little pizzazz into your day. Work with Lilith, and see what she has to teach you about personal power and sexuality. Meditate onTiw/Tyr and Mars, and see what those ancient warrior gods will show you about new tactics, strategies, and claiming personal victories in your life. Practice conjuring up that astral weapon from the meditation and use it wisely for protection and for courage.

Create a philter for courage and protection or handcraft your own Witch’s jar to remove negativity from your home. See what other Witch crafts you can conjure up with Tuesday’s magick. Create some kitchen magick on this Tuesday by whipping up a spicy stew-add in a few Mars-associated ingredients such as carrots, peppers, and garlic. Empower the stew for success, and then treat yourself and your family to a good, hearty meal. Try working with a little aromatherapy and burn some spicy or coffee-scented candles to increase your energy level.

Check the sky at night, and see if you can find the reddish planet Mars up in the heavens. Not sure where to look? Check an astronomy magazine or search the Web for more information. Become a magickal warrior and move forward in your life with strength, courage, and compassion. Embrace the side of yourself that loves a good challenge and that is passionate and daring! Banish fear, and face your future with strength and conviction. Believe in yourself and in your dreams, work hard, and you will win every time.


Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan