Till tomorrow, my sweets….

Circle Is Open Pictures

Did we surprise you? I am talking about the weekly readings. I couldn’t see you wanting Today’s Tarot Card or Rune at 2:00 in the afternoon. So that is why we did the weekly forecast for today. I apologize for us running so late today. It seems like a Monday to me (well as least that is what I am blaming it on, lol!). I promise we will be earlier tomorrow. It just hit me, I can blame it on astrology for a change. Moon in Pisces, yeah that’s it! I am a Pisces. I know it is a poor excuse, but what can I say.

Anyway, I hope you have a very blessed New Moon. I am not going to mention the Eclipse because none of us have even looked up for our area yet. After I run to town again, I will have to do that.

Till then…

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A

A Little Humor for Your Day – Tarot for the Computer Age

Tarot for the Computer Age

0. The FOOL: a manager using a SPARCStation 413,1432 to run a screensaver.

1. The MAGICIAN: a hacker with a Mac, a Pentium box, a Sparc, and a Cray on the table in front of him — all running the same program with the same GUI. An infinity sign is over his head.

2. The HIGH PRIESTESS: a woman holding the Documentation, closed and concealed. The crescent moon is showing on an Indigo behind her..

3. The EMPEROR: Steve Jobs sitting on a NeXT cube, holding an optical disk vertically in his hand.

4. The EMPRESS: A secretary with a NeXT Machine.

5. The HEIROPHANT: Bill Gates with two flunkies kneeling before him, their faces averted, offering him floppy disks. He wears a laptop computer on his head.

6. The LOVERS: a PowerMAC and an IBM Power PC exchanging software as an angel bathed in glory regards them.

7. The CHARIOT: A man in a chariot, hurtling up an exponential curve, drawn by the twin sphinxes of Technology (black) and Culture (white).

8. STRENGTH: A woman holding the entire design and implementation of Microsoft Excel in her mind as she corrects the final error. An infinity sign is over her head.

9. The HERMIT: An old hacker, white-bearded, burns the midnight oil; its Star-of-David flame illuminates his keyboard.

10. The WHEEL OF FORTUNE: A rotating wheel. Cray is on the side going down, despite its good technology; Smalltalk is opposite it, and C++ is sitting on top. Four winged beings — a mouse, a turtle, a dog-cow, and a human — look on.

11. JUSTICE. A cold-faced woman holds a calculator in one hand and a delete-key in the other.

12. The HANGED MAN: A programmer is tied by his ankle to a cable duct. His phase is completely shifted: he awakens at sunset, he sleeps at dawn. His monitor is reverse-video. He programs on, flawlessly, oblivious to his circumstances.

13. DEATH: A skeleton wielding a scythe surveys a field, on which are scattered PDP-11s, Apple ][‘s, IBM 360/91’s, Xerox Alto’s, and many other machines.

14. TEMPERANCE: An angel stands with one foot on her chair and one on the floor, as she copies files from one disk to another. A cursor blinks from her chest.

15. The DEVIL: The goat-headed Lord of the Pit stands on a pile of Windows manuals, holding an inverted torch in one hand. Two humans, male and female, are in chains at his feet.

16. The TOWER: An ivory tower is struck by a bolt of lightning. Two robed figures, denied tenure, are hurtled to the ground.

17. The STAR: A Mac is running its `warp’ screen saver, in a transient fragile moment of peace.

18. The MOON: A wolf and a jackal are typing at two PC’s. A crayfish crawls out of a pool, offering suggestions that may ultimately prove deadly. The moon shines through a window.

19. The SUN: A naked child riding a winged rocking horse programs clever applications on a high-quality workstation.

20. JUDGEMENT: An angel blows a trumpet; all over the net, web pages arise, to be rated Cool or not.

21. The WORLD: A woman dances on the clouds, unclothed, unencumbered, in a ring of clouds, a 3-d mouse in each hand. The four winged beings from the Wheel of Fortune surround her.




Astronomy Picture of the Day – Solar Eclipse Shoes in the Classroom

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2016 March 8

Solar Eclipse Shoes in the Classroom
Image Credit & Copyright: Astronomie-AG, Progymnasium Rosenfeld, Till Credner, AlltheSky.com


Explanation: The total solar eclipse of March 8/9 will be the only total eclipse in 2016. Crossing the international date line, the New Moon’s dark shadow traces a limited, narrow path for viewing the total phase, making landfall in Indonesia and mostly tracking across the Pacific Ocean. A much larger region will be witness to a partially eclipsed Sun though, during morning hours on March 9 for southeast Asia and northeast Australia, and before sunset March 8 for Hawaii and Alaska. Safely viewing the eclipse can actually be very easy. One technique is demonstrated in this shoe group portrait from a classroom in Rosenfeld, Germany, taken during March 2015’s solar eclipse. With blinds closed to darken the room, each threaded hole in the window blind creates a pinhole camera, projecting multiple images of the eclipsed sun that march across the floor. Other viewing alternatives include eclipse glasses and a comfortable chair, but be sure to wear a fashionable eclipse shirt.

Earth Sky News for March 8th: Supermoon total solar eclipse March 8-9

Supermoon total solar eclipse March 8-9


The moon turns new on March 8 or 9, 2016, depending on your time zone. The new moon happens one day before the moon reaches lunar perigee – the moon’s closest point to Earth in its orbit. Thus this new moon counts as a supermoon. It won’t be visible in our sky, but it’ll line up with the sun to create a larger-than-average effect on Earth’s oceans. Plus this new supermoon swings right in front of the sun, so if you’re at the right place on Earth, you might be able to view the new moon silhouette in front of the sun (but remember to use proper eye protection). The eclipse will begin at 23:19 UTC on March 8, 2016, and its maximum point will take place at 01:59 UTC on March 9, 2016. Totality will last for 4 minutes and 9 seconds.

Who will see the March 8-9 eclipse? Note on the worldwide map above that the path of totality (in dark blue) passes mainly over the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Only those along that long yet narrow path can see the total eclipse of the sun. The path of totality starts at sunrise in the Indian Ocean to the west of Indonesia, and then goes eastward across the Indian and Pacific Oceans until it ends to the west of North America at sunset.

On a worldwide scale, the whole total eclipse from start to finish lasts for over three and one-third hours, yet at any point on the Earth’s surface, the maximum duration for the total eclipse is just over four minutes. The black dot on the animation to the right shows the path of totality whereas the larger gray circle depicts where a partial solar eclipse is visible.

The best spots to watch this total solar eclipse from land are the various islands in Indonesia, which reside on the path of totality.

A much larger swath of the world gets to see varying degrees of a partial solar eclipse. Hawaii and Alaska see the partial eclipse at late afternoon on March 8, while south and eastern Asia, Korea, Japan, north and western Australia see it on the morning of March 9.

March 9, 2016 total eclipse times from land

Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Partial solar eclipse begins: 6:20 a.m. local Western Indonesian Time
Total solar eclipse begins: 7:20 a.m. local time
Maximum eclipse: 7:21 a.m. local time
Total solar eclipse ends: 7:22 a.m. local time
Partial solar eclipse ends: 8:31 a.m. local time

Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Partial solar eclipse begins: 7:25 a.m. local Central Indonesian Time
Total solar eclipse begins: 8:33 a.m. local time
Maximum eclipse: 8:34 local time
Total solar eclipse ends: 8:34 a.m. local time
Partial solar eclipse ends: 9:53 a.m. local time

Sofifi, North Maluhu, Indonesia
Partial solar eclipse begins: 8:36 a.m. local Eastern Indonesian Time
Total solar eclipse begins: 9:51 a.m. local time
Maximum eclipse: 9:53 local time
Total solar eclipse ends: 9:54 a.m. local time
Partial solar eclipse ends: 11:21 a.m. local time

Source: TimeandDate.com

March 8, 2016 partial eclipse times

Honolulu, Hawaii
Solar eclipse begins: 4:33 p.m. local Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
Greatest eclipse: 5:36 p.m. local time
Solar eclipse ends: 6:33 p.m. local time
Maximum obscuration of solar disk: 63.4%

Anchorage, Alaska
Solar eclipse begins: 5:38 p.m. local Alaska Standard Time
Greatest eclipse: 6:12 p.m. local time
Solar eclipse ends: 6:45 p.m. local time
Maximum obscuration of solar disk: 9.5%

March 9, 2016 partial eclipse times

Hong Kong, China
Solar eclipse begins: 8:05 a.m. local Hong Kong Time
Greatest eclipse: 8:58 a.m. local time
Solar eclipse ends: 9:56 a.m. local time
Maximum obscuration of solar disk: 22%

Darwin, Australia
Solar eclipse begins: 9:07 a.m. local Japan Standard Time
Greatest eclipse: 10:17 a.m. local time
Solar eclipse ends: 11:34 a.m. local time
Maximum obscuration of solar disk: 50.3%

Tokyo, Japan
Solar eclipse begins: 10:12 a.m. local Japan Standard Time
Greatest eclipse: 11:08 a.m. local time
Solar eclipse ends: 12:05 p.m. local time
Maximum obscuration of solar disk: 15.4%

What causes a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse happens whenever the new moon passes in front of the sun, and the moon’s shadow falls on our planet. A solar eclipse is only possible at new moon because that’s the only time whereby the moon can go in front of the sun, as seen from Earth. Most of the time, however, the new moon either swings north or south of the solar disk, so no eclipse of the sun takes place.

The plane of the moon’s orbit around Earth is inclined at 5o to the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the sun. For half the month, the moon orbits Earth to the north of the ecliptic (Earth’s orbital plane); and for the other half of the month, the moon orbits Earth to the south of the ecliptic (Earth’s orbital plane). Twice a month, the moon crosses the Earth’s orbital plane at points called nodes. If the moon is traveling from north to south, it’s called a descending node, and when it’s going from south to north, it’s called an ascending node.

When a new moon happens while the moon is appreciably close to one of its nodes, a solar eclipse is not only possible – but inevitable. This time around, the moon reaches its descending node only about 5 hours after the moon turns new. The close coincidence of new moon with its descending node means the moon’s dark umbral shadow will cross the Earth’s surface for about 3 and one-third hours, the long umbra track covering about 14,200 kilometers (8,820 miles) on the Earth’s surface, though with a width of only 156 kilometers (97 miles) at its widest point.

Bottom line: On March 8-9, 2016 the larger-than-average new supermoon swings right in front of the sun to totally block out the solar disk. Although you have to be at the just right spot on Earth to witness this total eclipse of the sun (Indonesia), a much larger swath of the world gets to see varying degrees of a partial solar eclipse (south and east Asia, Japan, Korea, Australia, Hawaii and Alaska). Remember to use proper eye protection!


Bruce McClure

Your Weekly Influences for March 7th

Your Weekly Influences for March 7th


Six of Pentacles Reversed
Gloating of wealth and jealousy. Possessions may be in jeopardy.











Now is the time for you to explore your inner self and those of others. Your intelligence and creativity are very well honed at the moment. Cooperation from and with others should be very easy to attain.




Scorpio the Scorpion
This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is jealous, resentful, compulsive, obsessive, secretive and obstinate. This person is a relative.








Your Weekly Influences represent events and challenges this current week will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your week and nothing more.

Your Weekly MahJong Reading for March 7th

Your Weekly MahJong Reading for March 7th


That Which is Behind You

Circles 3
Symbol: Phoenix

The Phoenix tile indicates great happiness and joy. The Phoenix is said to be reborn out its ashes. Accordingly the Phoenix tile also denotes sure recovery from any setbacks encountered.



Your Current Place

Circles 2
Symbol: Pine Tree

The Pine Tree tile represents strength and resolve. It often refers to a powerful, determined man. While powerful, this person is not violent, but very skilled in attaining his goals through diplomacy.



That Which is Before You

Bamboo 2
Symbol: Duck

The Duck tile symbolizes a long lasting relationship with the strength to overcome all obstacles. It suggests fidelity and trustworthiness as well. Regardless of the type of partnership in question, the 2 Bamboo tile indicates a strong, healthy relationship.

Your Animal Spirit Reading for the Week of March 7th

Your Animal Spirit Reading for the Week of March 7th



That Which is Behind You

You’ve heard the expression “playing possum”? It means to play dead and is derived from Opossum’s ability to act in whatever way the situation demands. If it’s practical to play dead, so be it; if it’s to Opossum’s advantage to be aggressive, watch out! Take your cue from this master actor this week—and play the role that will serve you best.








Your Current Place

Beaver may be one of the hardest working animals on the planet. Beaver is attuned to both earth and water medicine, and is strongly attached to home and family. Beaver appears in your reading to remind you that sometimes there’s no substitute for hard work. Make a plan, create a solid foundation, then take the next indicated step.






That Which is before You

Hoard, hoard, hoard! Squirrel has been a busy fellow, gathering food for the long winter ahead—and he advises you to do the same. Have you set enough money aside to get you through lean times, or do you squander what you earn? We all love a shopping spree, but if Squirrel scurries into your reading, he’s cautioning you to spend a little, but also save a little.

Your Ancient Symbol Cards for the Week of March 7th

Your Ancient Symbol Cards for the Week of March 7th

Past Influence whose impact on your life this week is waning.


Death is definitely not a card to shy away from. It does not foretell your impending doom. However it does suggest a period of change and the turbulence that often comes with it are on the horizon. We may not always welcome change, but invariably we must change to grow. Sometimes we have to shed some of the comfortability of who we are today to embrace the adventure of who we will be tomorrow. Death is the prophecy of such times.





Present Influence whose impact on your life this week is very strong.


Sadly sometimes our desires lead us down paths which have no end and offer us no chance of achieving the results we want. If we persist we end up like Sisyphus: forever rolling a boulder uphill only to have it roll back downhill before we ever get to the top. Futility suggest the existence of just such a situation–we are chasing a prize that will never be ours. Futility indicates a need to rethink our ambitions and direct our energies towards a goal or goals that can be attained.




Future influence whose impact on your life this week is growing and will be very strong in the future

The Lotus

The Lotus represents the spiritual self in its purest form. It reminds us that for most achieving a well developed spirituality is a journey which can be long and arduous. The spirit of the Lotus is not of our secular world, and the presence of The Lotus suggests that what is needed can be found by exploring your relationship with the Universe not as a physical entity pursuing material gain, but as a divine soul in need of celestial sustenance.

Your Weekly Witches Rune Reading for March 7th

Your Weekly Witches Rune Reading for March 7th



The Blank Rune

Meaning: This is a rune of difficulty and negative influences will rule your life for a time, but as all difficulties are a learning experience it will lead to improved personal perspective and progress on your life’s path. Always consult the surrounding runes with this stone. If it lies with a positive stone, it indicates that the pain of this experience will lead to a beneficial change in circumstances



The Crossed Spears

Meaning: The presence of the spear signifies arguments, negative events, and all manner of strife of an upsetting nature. However similar to the ‘Tower’ tarot card if next to a positive rune it could mean the end of an argument or quarrel. If with the rings it means the healing or renewal of a relationship. If there are military connections it could mean promotion. If illness is within the equation it means a speedy and successful recovery.



The Rings

Meanings: The Rings is the rune of love and when it is the leading stone, it is a positive answer to your question. It is very much a rune of relationship and can indicate engagement, marriage or a new/renewed relationship. It can also indicate the need for a fresh approach to an existing relationship.

Your Weekly Minchiate Tarot Reading for March 7th

Your Weekly Minchiate Tarot Reading for March 7th


Tarot Influence:

Time Reversed

Time reversed denotes the waste of time, a lack of learning or gaining wisdom from experience. You may find yourself alone and without allies.










Astrological Influence:


The Ram is energetic, courageous, optimistic and obstinate. The Ram is not a quitter! He will get his way!










Element Influence:

Water Reversed

Water reversed denotes secrets to which you are not privy. Approach all ventures with caution.

Your Weekly Rune Reading for March 7th

Your Weekly Rune Reading for March 7th


The Past

Kenaz foretells the coming of clarity and knowledge. It is time for you to grow by exchanging knowledge with others. Opportunities are upon you.



The Present

Uruz is the Rune of harmony, order and inner strength. Often it marks endings and beginnings of periods in our lives. Uruz also symbolizes your ability to tackle new challenges by confronting them with the powers that lie within you. Opportunities probably abound for you right now.



The Future

Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.

Your Tarot Card Reading for the Week of March 7th





Weekly Tarot Card Reading

A one-card reading gives you a glimpse at what’s coming

By Brigit EsselmontVideos, Tarot Reader, Tarot Cards, Tarot


For the week of March 7, I chose the Ace of Wands, reversed.

This week a seed of inspiration has been planted within you. You’re not quite ready to share it with the world just yet, but you know there is something new and exciting growing within you. It might be a new business idea, a creative spark, or a new way of living. It represents pure potentiality and personal growth for you.

Be open to your inspiration and explore where it might lead. You don’t have to bring it fully into manifestation just yet, but make sure you nurture that “seed.” Give it water, earth and the sun so it can grow and unfold just as it is meant to.





Tarot.com is a Daily Insight Group site

Get A Jump on Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Wednesday, March 9th





Get A Jump on Tomorrow…

Your Horoscopes for Wednesday, March 9th

by Rick Levine


General Horoscope

Although we may get off to a slow start as we recover from yesterday’s eventful Solar Eclipse, excitement fills the atmosphere as the day unfolds. We can feel the waves of enthusiasm build, along with our need for independence when the Moon surfs into pioneering Aries at 2:39 pm EST. Some of us enthusiastically anticipate what’s next, while others worry about entering unexplored territory. We are moving into a new cycle whether we like it or not.

Aries Horoscope MAR 21 – APR 19

Your life already seems to be in high gear and the cosmic intensity ratchets up another notch today. The moody Moon’s return to your sign adds an emotional charge to the next couple of days, prompting you to react without restraint. Remember, everyone else isn’t as boisterous as you are now, so be gentle and patient while continuing to express your feelings with passion. Taking a few moments to consider how your enthusiasm might come across to others could make all the difference in your relationship world.

Taurus Horoscope APR 20 – MAY 20

A hidden feeling is the critical ingredient to an emotional stew you are cooking out of sight as the evocative Moon slips into your 12th House of Secrets. It’s crucial to pay attention to the littlest details or they could have a negative impact on your interactions with others. Remember, it’s best to catch any potential problems before they manifest and not after. As Gandhi said, “The future depends on what you do today.”

Gemini Horoscope MAY 21 – JUN 20

You crave more social activity now, but you must be careful that you’re not too aggressive in the pursuit of fulfillment. You can quickly exhaust others since they might not be wired to communicate at the same frenetic speed as you. Rather than blindly charging ahead, visualize blinking yellow warning lights at every interaction. Proceed with caution without coming to a full stop. You possess the power to upset the apple cart today, so ease up before you have a big mess to clean up.

Cancer Horoscope JUN 21 – JUL 22

An all-too-familiar dilemma requires you to choose between pushing ahead and retreating to safety. Unfortunately, today’s contradictory cosmic signals won’t help you pick the best strategy. On one hand, the assertive Aries Moon encourages you to take your idea to the next level. On the other hand, you don’t want to be left high and dry as several planets in watery Pisces stimulate your fear of the changing tides. You want to decide now and be done with it, but it’s more advantageous to consider your options carefully before selecting your path.

Leo Horoscope JUL 23 – AUG 22

You may try to ignore an inner voice telling you to take life more seriously these days. Perhaps you already decided it isn’t worth fighting the inevitable. Additionally, you might believe that everything will run its course and you won’t have to work so hard if only you could let go. But you can’t change a somber disposition overnight if there are valid reasons for your feelings. Be patient with your emotional journey. The sooner you acknowledge that life isn’t all sunshine and roses the sooner you will find yourself back on the road to joy.

Virgo Horoscope AUG 23 – SEP 22

Circumstances require you to muster up your courage today and be emotionally expressive in a way that might be uncomfortable for you. You’re usually capable of logically analyzing the task at hand to arrive at the most efficient way to reach your goal. However, staying in your head won’t get you where you want to go now. Thankfully, exploring your feelings allows you to enter a magical space where time slows down, enabling you to run circles around everyone else. Don’t wait for a better moment; it’s your day to go for the gold.

Libra Horoscope SEP 23 – OCT 22

You can’t get in the final word on nearly any conversation today, and the more you try to make yourself heard, the less likely anyone will listen. External logistics demand that you initiate action, but nothing you do now seems to alter the overall tone of the day. Nevertheless, you can modify your attitude which creates the potential to change everything. Take the events in stride and enjoy yourself in spite of the work you still need to do. Turning lemons into lemonade inspires others to do the same.

Scorpio Horoscope OCT 23 – NOV 21

You might find yourself in trouble today because you start one thing after another after another, finishing the day without much to show for all your running around. You must perform a tricky dance now, but fortunately, you can turn this chaotic energy to your advantage. Visualize yourself wearing blinders as a reminder to narrow your field of perception. And don’t begin a new project until you’ve completed your current tasks and are truly ready to move on.

Sagittarius Horoscope NOV 22 – DEC 21

Although you’re restless to spread your wings today, you still may feel like the eternal optimist who believes you can deliver on every promise you make. But it’s hard to turn your brain off from all its random wanderings, even if you have a wonderful play day for you and friends on your schedule. Thankfully, you possess an overabundance of creativity that can help you get whatever you want. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.

Capricorn Horoscope DEC 22 – JAN 19

You’re right in the thick of things trying to discover a solution to a complicated problem. What makes this challenge even more difficult today is that you’re clearly missing an intrinsic part of the puzzle and are hesitant to take sides until you have a clear picture constructed from the facts. Acknowledging that it’s hard to come up with useful answers now lessens the pressure. However, continuing your research will lead to success as long as you don’t give up on your search for the truth.

Aquarius Horoscope JAN 20 – FEB 18

The notion of breaking out of a restraining situation is an exhilarating thought these days, but it may be wiser to wait a while longer. If you decide to turn your life inside out now, it could take a while for everything to settle back down. But even if you are committed to finding an effective way to operate within the current limitations of your schedule, you’re still free to apply your rational skills and spiritual training to your work. However, the most brilliant plan is of no value until you put it into practice.

Pisces Horoscope FEB 19 – MAR 20

Taking a long hard look at your finances is top priority now, but unfortunately, this isn’t just about balancing your checkbook. You are being pushed to decide how you will optimize your current gains and move into the future with an attitude of prosperity. However, it’s time to be practical about your life. Don’t make a problem more important than it is today; just put your energy toward getting your fiscal world in order. It’s not a matter of if you should plan for your future, it’s when.


Tarot.com is a Daily Insight Group Site

If You Were Born Today, March 8



If You Were Born Today, March 8

You are hard working, responsible, and ambitious, and perhaps a perfectionist in the work you do, but also very personable. Your friends are especially important to you. Although you love companionship and make an amazing friend and partner, you do need time to recharge your emotional batteries, as you easily soak up the moods of those around you, which can be draining at times. Famous people born today: Freddie Prinze Jr., Aidan Quinn, Lynn Redgrave, Kathy Ireland, Micky Dolenz, Boris Kodjoe.


Courtesy of Cafe Astrology

Your Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, March 8th







Your Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, March 8th



Aries Horoscope

A total Solar Eclipse occurs today, dear Aries, and is designed to shake up an area of your life that needs awakening! In your case, this is about attention to rest, replenishment, as well as spiritual, mental, and emotional health. This is one of a series of eclipses falling along your work and service axis that began approximately a year ago, and that will continue until February 2017. The coming weeks are strong for doing some soul-searching. Much is going on under the hood, and if you’ve been overdoing your attention to work and duties, you’ll get a strong reminder that your emotional life needs some managing. As much as you’d love to shine and excel on the work and physical health fronts, pushing yourself too hard is not the answer. This is an important time for reassessing your priorities and considering ways to get to a better work-rest balance.



A total Solar Eclipse occurs in your social sector today, dear Taurus, bringing your attention to friendships, your social life, and your sense of belonging in your community or in group settings. This first happened approximately a year ago, prompting a review of your friendships, networking efforts, and connections. Now, you are getting another push towards establishing your life in these areas. In the coming weeks, there can be stronger focus on making contacts and reaching out to others, as well as new beginnings and goals that involve networking, making connections with others, joining or strengthening ties in a group project/activity, and nurturing goodwill. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to difficult people or situations, circumstances could force the matter so that you can move forward. For some, some level of loneliness could prompt new plans to reach out. If your attention to personal projects or romantic affairs at the expense of friendships, then you’ll feel the need to strike a balance now.



The total Solar Eclipse occurring today calls your attention to career and life-plan goals, dear Gemini. You are especially sensitive to your “place” in the world, and circumstances now can push you to set goals, make plans, and take charge. Getting the balance right between worldly and personal goals has been a big theme since last March, and will continue to be in strong focus until February, 2017. This is about defining who you are, what you do, and how you contribute. If your reputation or professional image needs some work, this is a powerful time for making some important changes and edits. In the coming weeks, you are likely to be working towards new goals for self-mastery and self-discipline. For some, there can be some initial drama or a bit of chaos to deal with that pushes the matter. You may be feeling a little overwhelmed, particularly if close relationships are challenging or if you’ve been hiding yourself away a little too much recently, but all in all, this is about finding the motivation to get your life back on track.



The total Solar Eclipse that occurs today stimulates your desire for greater, more enriching life experience beyond your normal bounds, dear Cancer. This is a time for initiating a change of pace in your life, whether it’s through travel, learning, publishing, sharing, or other forms of adventure. Opportunities to broaden your horizons can present themselves in the coming weeks. Transportation issues can also be in focus, with new avenues for getting out and about opening up. For some of you, a partner can be part of these pursuits. This eclipse might also bring some of you into contact with lawyers, professors, or publicists. Since last year, you have been making important changes in how you make connections, learn, promote yourself, and get around. It’s helpful to keep the bigger picture in mind as you pursue your dreams and visions, and to aim for more balance in your life. As much as you’d like to do, experience, and grow, there are the limits of time and energy to consider.



A total Solar Eclipse occurs in your intimacy sector today, dear Leo, and serves as a cosmic push towards taking better care of your resources, relationships, and intimate life. The first eclipse in this set that continues until February 2017 occurred approximately a year ago. This period is strong for getting your financial affairs in order and for dealing with dependencies. Leading a more empowered life does not necessarily mean less dependencies, but it does mean eliminating unhealthy support systems. Focus now should be on making empowering choices, dealing with bad habits, and managing money, particularly debts and shared resources. Matters of trust can also be in strong focus now, especially if you are spending too much time and energy on these issues. If you have been holding on too tightly to a relationship or a financial arrangement, then this is a time for coming to terms with the dependency. This can be a good time for working through problem areas, and for some, partnering up to solve a problem or to further a work or health goal.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

A total Solar Eclipse that occurred one year ago launched an eclipse set that falls along the Virgo-Pisces axis, dear Virgo, and this will continue until February, 2017. Today, a total Solar Eclipse occurs in your partnership sector, and this gives you a push towards developing, enhancing, and improving a close relationship. This can be about ending or starting a partnership, redefining an existing one, or defining what you do and don’t want/need from others. The weeks ahead are strong for making contacts, making something public, or starting a new partnership. If you have been holding on too tightly to a difficult relationship, then circumstances now might push the matter. You may be struggling with your own very large needs for personal freedom as well as the responsibilities of home and family, and, ideally, heading towards a better balance. Remind yourself that although you want to do all of these things well, you are only human and cannot possibly please everyone all of the time.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

Last year, a total Solar Eclipse occurred in your work and health sector, dear Libra, and this kicked off an important cycle that turns your attention to taking charge of your physical and mental health. Today, a total Solar Eclipse occurs in the same sector of your chart, giving you another boost or cosmic push towards improving health routines and setting new goals and plans for your work and/or health. This is about starting fresh, and it may involve letting go of certain services, goals, and habits that no longer work for you. Critical thinking peaks and you’re focusing on the important details that drive your bigger goals and projects. This period is marked by a desire to sort things out and to be useful. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to a difficult work situation or job, then the matter may be forced now. As well, if you have been spending a little too much time avoiding responsibilities or neglecting personal health and daily duties, then you’ll feel the push to take charge and get yourself back on track. Family can be particularly helpful.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

New beginnings are in the works, dear Scorpio, particularly related to your creative and romantic worlds, with a total Solar Eclipse occurring today. It’s a strong time for setting goals related to celebratory, playful, creative, loving, and expressive activities and endeavors. Romantic power is strong, and so is your ability to make something new of your talents and hobbies. You are especially aware of, and sensitive to, feedback from others, as well as the ways that you and your creativity impact others. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to people or projects that have been keeping you from expressing your true self, this is a time for making important changes. Attention to your personal and social lives is strong, but it’s also important to keep the bigger picture in mind on these fronts – overdoing either will lead to stretching yourself thin and a feeling of being overwhelmed, so aim for a better balance. If you haven’t been paying your finances their due attention, you’ll feel the pinch in the coming weeks. Even so, find free ways to express and enjoy yourself, and you’ll be in great shape now.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

A total Solar Eclipse occurs today, dear Sagittarius, and helps clear the way for new beginnings, particularly on emotional levels and with regards to your domestic life, living situation, and family. The coming weeks can involve shuffling your priorities and reorganizing schedules. This is about your support system, as well as the ways in which you nurture and support others and yourself. It’s a good time for setting goals and intentions for long-range plans towards more security, as well as for making improvements to your home and home environment. There can be some drama on the domestic front, but this ideally leads to a fresh perspective or new beginning. Keep in mind the larger picture of what this particular eclipse set that began last year and will continue until February, 2017, means for you. You are striving for a better balance between your personal and professional responsibilities, so avoid overdoing either one or the other, or you will feel overwhelmed.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

The eclipse occurring this evening is a total Solar Eclipse, dear Capricorn, and it’s a time for setting goals and intentions, particularly related to communications, learning, and connecting. It activates an axis of your chart that rules the ways you make connections, learn about the world around you, get out and about, and reach out to others. A learning path or project, a style of communication, or even a method of transportation, can end in order to make way for a new beginning. You have energy to make improvements to your methods of communicating and commuting. A shake-up or some level of drama can occur now that motivates you to let go of outdated conditions, things, and situations so that you can move to the next level of growth. While there can be wonderful new opportunities to advance and shine, be careful that you don’t take on so much that you spread yourself thin.



The Solar Eclipse that occurs today is part of a set of eclipses that have you reworking how you are managing your money and talents, your intimate life, and your dependencies and support systems, dear Aquarius. In the coming weeks, there can be a strong focus on what you own, materially speaking, but also on the level of your natural talents or what you have to offer others. This is a time for exploring your sense of value and worthiness and how this affects your life. This is a good time for setting realistic financial goals and discovering ways to increase your income or your earning potential. If you have been holding on too tightly to a lifestyle or financial habits that haven’t been serving you well, this is a time when circumstances could force the matter. While this can be a time to shine and grow, it’s also important that you rein in extravagance and excess.



A Solar Eclipse occurs this evening in your sign, dear Pisces, and it can serve to push you to start anew in some significant manner, particularly as it relates to your personality, image, and confidence. This is a time to reinvent yourself in some personal way, such as with a new look or manner of expressing and presenting yourself. You are getting noticed and making a strong personal impression on others. While the energy of the eclipse can be a little disorienting at first, going forward you can be more adventurous, seeking out new experiences, and even if you aren’t consciously trying to find them, experiences will find you! Get in touch with what you truly want, envision it, and go for it. However, keep in mind that while your personal plans and initiatives are in strong focus and necessarily so, maintaining some balance in your life when it comes to paying relationships their due attention will go a long way towards success.

Solar Eclipse in Pisces Horoscopes






Solar Eclipse in Pisces Horoscopes

Step beyond your boundaries at March’s New Moon Solar Eclipse

The Pisces New Moon on March 8, 2016, is a Total Solar Eclipse that sends us on a magical mystery tour. Every New Moon is like a cosmic reset button that kicks off a new monthly cycle. But when the New Moon eclipses the Sun, the reboot is more sudden and more powerful. There is often an unexpected shift in the energy when a Solar Eclipse stirs the cosmic soup.

During this New Moon and Solar Eclipse, we are riding an emotional rollercoaster with fantasy-prone Neptune also activating our dreams, taskmaster Saturn pulling in the reins, and boisterous Jupiter making everything seem bigger and better than it actually is. It’s nearly impossible for us to find stability with so many planets battling for center stage during this eclipse.

Nevertheless, there is a blessing hidden within the depths of this surreal Pisces Solar Eclipse’s relationship to Jupiter. The real gifts of Pisces are sensitivity and compassion. Our willingness to step outside of our narrow perspective empowers us to grow emotionally and spiritually. But we don’t have to fall victim to the consequences of ignoring boundaries as our dreams overflow into the real world. We can call on karmic Saturn to help us make responsible decisions. Anything is possible once we acknowledge our limits.

Learn more about the impact of this Solar Eclipse now with your sign’s horoscope below…

Aries Horoscope (March 21 – April 19)

You might feel like you’re floating in an imaginative bubble and time is standing still. However, your inflated balloon could pop when the Pisces Solar Eclipse rattles your 12th House of Escapism. You already realize big changes are looming on the horizon, but their arrival is accelerated by the eclipse. You must meet your current obligations while you still have the chance. Once you tie up loose ends, you will be free to move into the next phase of your life. The clock is ticking and the future waits for no one.

Taurus Horoscope (April 20 – May 20)

You can be so overwhelmed by your imagination that your associates may think you’ve lost touch with reality. But the Pisces New Moon Eclipse energizes your 11th House of Networking, stimulating your need to be with like-minded people. Your friends and coworkers will take you more seriously if you don’t ramble on endlessly about your visions. Share your hopes, but stop talking once you’ve said what’s on your mind. Daydreaming is a luxury but living in the real world is required.

Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – June 20)

Managing all the uncertainty at work might be a challenge, but don’t just throw your hands up in frustration and walk away. Although the Pisces Solar Eclipse confuses your 10th House of Career, you can rely on your intuition to find an opportunity in the fog. Paradoxically, the facts will only lead you astray because the rules of the game are likely to change. Shift gears as necessary or take an entirely new approach if your current methods no longer do the trick. Straight lines are not always the shortest distance to your destination.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – July 22)

You could be obsessing about the idea of an exotic vacation, and it would be a shame to waste the current opportunity without attempting to realize your fantasy. At this point it doesn’t matter whether you can afford to take time off from work or if the costs are beyond your budget. The Pisces New Moon Eclipse electrifies your 9th House of Vision; it is essential for your heart’s happiness to try to make your dreams come true. A preliminary exploration won’t require additional resources, and you can always wrangle with the logistics later if you decide to actually embark on your escapade.

Leo Horoscope (July 23 – Aug. 22)

You appear so self-sufficient most of the time that it’s difficult to get help when you need it. Your coworkers might be hesitant to offer assistance while constraining Saturn squares the Pisces Solar Eclipse occurring in your 8th House of Shared Resources. Although you would appreciate some support, you don’t like the idea of anyone thinking that you’re desperate. Thankfully, it’s not too late; ask for what you want, even if you must reveal your vulnerability. You don’t have to be a model of perfection because people will rally to your defense if you’re willing to meet them halfway.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Everyone seems a lot less reliable while the Pisces Solar Eclipse fogs your 7th House of Partners. You expect one thing to occur, but something else appears out of left field. You could become anxious if you’re too rigid in your approach to the day. Being less self-critical also enables you to relax your judgment of others. Developing a flexible attitude is a smart strategy to get you through these uncertain times. As George Bernard Shaw wrote, “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

A healthier diet and a more disciplined exercise plan usually sounds like a sensible idea, but you might lack the commitment necessary to make it work. Nevertheless, the imaginative Pisces New Moon Eclipse activates your 6th House of Habits, motivating you to begin a new regimen to improve your well-being. Fortunately, your sincere intentions empower you to start a new routine that has a lasting positive impact. Making an enduring little change is better than a big one that doesn’t last.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

A romantic fantasy may be exactly what the doctor orders, even if you don’t actually say a word about it for the sake of propriety. The magical Pisces Solar Eclipse flows through your 5th House of Love and Creativity, potentially inspiring a wonderful experience. Don’t be concerned if the pleasure takes place only within your imagination since it still can have real implications if you choose to act on your feelings now or later on. Whether or not you tell anyone your secrets, acknowledge your current attractions without worrying about where they could lead.

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

You are wise to keep your feelings to yourself as the disorienting Pisces New Moon Eclipse electrifies your 4th House of Roots. Even if you must head out into the world, your emotions are best left at home. Sharing your private life at work might not be your smartest move if you want to be taken seriously. But don’t slip into denial by shutting yourself off from your heart. Writing in a journal or talking about your personal issues with a trusted confidant is the safest bet. Discretion is your friend.

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

A close friend or associate might do something that is totally out of character, but don’t let someone else’s behavior become the main focus of your day. Although the Pisces Solar Eclipse unsettles your 3rd House of Communication, you have your own agenda to follow and can’t waste time untangling other people’s motives. If you’re compulsively curious, be direct and ask them what’s going on. However, if satisfactory answers aren’t readily forthcoming, let it go for a while; you can always return to the conundrum when time is not an issue.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Your visionary ideas tempt you with many ways to increase your income as the dreamy Pisces Solar Eclipse enlightens your 2nd House of Personal Resources. But financial planning won’t necessarily lead to fiscal rewards because you might be misled by your own idealism. Be smart and consider every inspiration that comes to mind, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Your current key to success is keeping each dream alive until a reality check requires you to leave it in the past.

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 19 – March 20)

There is no limit to what you can imagine, but there’s also nothing to be gained by rushing into anything monumental just yet. The New Moon Eclipse polarizes your creative sign, offering you a new lease on life. You’re at the edge of a spiritual journey, but your diaphanous thoughts will eventually solidify into reality. Don’t fall victim to a false sense of urgency; move cautiously and consider all your options prior to focusing on any one path. Henry David Thoreau wrote, “The world is but a canvas to the imagination.”


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Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of March 7th




  • General Horoscope

    This week is all about sentiment and inspiration. A Solar Eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday, Mercury conjunct Neptune on Friday and then love-planet Venus entering Pisces on Saturday. The Neptune/Pisces theme of unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion is clear. Read all about how it’ll affect your romantic landscape!

  • Aries Horoscope MAR 21 – APR 19

    You’re likely to feel extra romantic this week. In addition, there might be a deep yearning to connect with your lover in the most spiritual dimension possible. Sex is de-emphasized and true, soul level connections are your focus. It’s definitely more important for you to make love now — and not just physically. Consider asking your lover to participate in a spiritual couples retreat or just take some time way from life’s chaos to delve deeply into each other’s eyes.

  • Taurus Horoscope APR 20 – MAY 20

    You might have your sights set on romantic social fun with your lover this week. Consider attending a movie premiere, art show or concert together. You might also want to bond with your sweetheart over a painting or pottery class. Another possibility is that you and your love will explore your more spiritual side together. Attending a psychic fair or other metaphysical event will enhance your bond.

  • Gemini Horoscope MAY 21 – JUN 20

    What will make you swoon more than anything else this week is the level of support your lover offers as you pursue a major career goal. He or she will lift you up, inspire you and help you believe in yourself. As a result, you’ll feel more unconditional love for your partner than ever before. If you’re single, an authority figure you respect might offer to set you up with someone he or she believes is ideal for you. Say yes!

  • Cancer Horoscope JUN 21 – JUL 22

    Travel plans with your sweetheart will be a delight to make this week. The two of you might decide it’s time to take that dream vacation together — the one that allows you to explore a part of the world you’ve always wanted to visit. Another possibility is that the two of you will soak up knowledge as you sign up for an adult education class on a topic you both want to learn more about. Go for it!

  • Leo Horoscope JUL 23 – AUG 22

    How deep is your love? This week, it looks like you and your partner will spend some time considering just how soul satisfying your connection truly is. Happily, it appears that you’ll both feel optimistic about your link. In addition to this, you might also focus on shared finances and by Saturday, there is even the potential to receive extra positive news from your mate regarding money or investments.

  • Virgo Horoscope AUG 23 – SEP 22

    It’s all about relationships for you this week. First, a Solar Eclipse will fall in your partnership sector on Tuesday. This suggests a significant fresh start between you and your mate. Despite any domestic squabbles that might be happening in the background, you’ll be determined not to allow it to lessen or negate the joy you and your partner feel. By Saturday, you will surely be in a happy place together. Expect it to last through April 5.

  • Libra Horoscope SEP 23 – OCT 22

    An office romance might open up. If there is a colleague you share chemistry with, but also feel a strong spiritual link to, it’s possible that this is the start of something wonderful. Be sure to keep the lines of communication as clear as possible so that neither one of you send mixed signals. The mutual attraction is likely there but one or both of you might hesitate due to office politics or an uncertainty about the others intentions.

  • Scorpio Horoscope OCT 23 – NOV 21

    Love is everywhere you go this week! If single, be certain to accept any and all invitations to socialize more. The more creative and fun your recreation this week, the greater chance you’ll have at meeting someone you feel a deep connection with. If you’re already in a relationship you and your sweetie might share words of love and begin to discuss the potential for children in your future. Wonderful!

  • Sagittarius Horoscope NOV 22 – DEC 21

    If you’re thinking about bringing your new lover home to meet your family, this will be a perfect week to make those introductions. If possible, wait until after Saturday and you’re certain to notice that everyone in your clan falls in love with your sweetie! If you’re in a long-term relationship where you’re living with someone, it’s possible that you and your partner will decide it’s time to spruce up your living space. Be careful to temper that expensive taste!

  • Capricorn Horoscope DEC 22 – JAN 19

    Communication between you and your lover will improve dramatically this week. Even if it has already been strong, there will be an added layer that allows you to express sentimental feelings for your sweetheart with ease. You might decide to write him or her a love letter, poem or just have a face to face conversation that expresses how deep and genuine your feelings are. Another possibility is that you’ll make a decision together about your relationship. Expect to feel inspired!

  • Aquarius Horoscope JAN 20 – FEB 18

    Your central focus this week will be on finances and how to market your most creative talents in order to improve your bottom line. Fortunately, it looks like your lover will be there to cheer you on, offering nothing but support and unconditional love. Having your mate in your corner to boost your confidence and believe in you will be priceless. You’ll feel as if you can do anything. You can!

  • Pisces Horoscope FEB 19 – MAR 20

    This week you’ll feel infused with nothing but possibility. A Solar Eclipse in your sign on Tuesday signals a fresh start in your personal life. If you choose, you can also direct this in relationship. Then, on Saturday, Venus will enter Pisces helping you to feel more confident and beautiful than you have in quite some time. You’ll be impossible to resist so if you’re looking for love — stop. There’s every indication it’s about to find you.


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