We hate to run but life calls…..

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

Before we do run off though, I would like to leave you with some more Full Moon magick goodies. We didn’t get to everything we had planned, so  I figured I would just put it here in one little spot. Of course, if I had got up on time this morning, we might have got all this done and made the meeting on time. Yikes! got to get going, the meeting is calling!


Hope you enjoy the Full Moon tonight,

Have a very enchanted evening,

Love ya,

Lady A



Full Moon Balm
(For pulse points)
6 drops sandalwood essential oil
3 drops lemon essential oil
2 drops palma rose essential
1/4 cup grated beeswax
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Melt oil and wax together, cool slightly then stir in essential oils.
Store in an airtight container.

Moon Magic – Pagan Portals
Rachel Patterson

Full Moon Incense
(loose mix to burn on charcoal disc)
2 parts sandalwood
2 parts frankincense
1/4 part dried rose petals
1/2 part orris root
6 drops sandalwood oil

Moon Magic – Pagan Portals
Rachel Patterson

Moon Magic Bath Salts
1 cup sea salt
8 drops sandalwood essential oil
8 drops lotus essential oil
Mix together and store in an airtight container, sprinkle a couple of tablespoon of mixture in your bath.

Moon Magic – Pagan Portals
Rachel Patterson

Full Moon Wish Spell
Take a couple of pennies and go outside where you can clearly see the Full Moon. Hold the pennies in your hand and ask out loud that your wish be granted. Visualize what your goal is…and state it out loud. Throw the pennies up into the air towards the Moon. Then say out loud that you offer the pennies to the Moon and give thanks.

Moon Magic – Pagan Portals
Rachel Patterson

Full Moon Magic – Lemon Balm for Love
Lemon balm grows like a wild thing in my garden, so much so that I have had to contain it in pots! It is a plant that is ruled by the Moon.
For this spell soak a few lemon balm leaves in apple juice (also a fruit of love), leave the mixture in a place where it can capture the light of the Full Moon then share the drink with your partner using the same cup, this should ensure a strong and true love.

Moon Magic – Pagan Portals
Rachel Patterson

The Perfect Spell for the Full Moon on Wednesday – Insight and Gaining New Perspective Spell

This spell work with the runes as one of its props. If you have a set of runes, this is definitely the time to break them out. If not, no worries. The runes are a nice link back to the god Odin, but in a pinch you could also draw a few rune sigils on a piece of paper and set that on your work area. Improvise and be creative. What do you think you could also add to this full moon spell?
• 1 purple candle (purple for spirituality and to align with the energies of Mercury)
• A coordinating candle holder
• A nail or pin to engrave the candle with Wednesday’s planetary symbol of Mercury
• A black feather or a picture of a raven (this bird was sacred to Odin, and the raven represents mystery and magick)
• The Hanged Man tarot card
• Your tarot deck, set off to the side
• Runes scattered across the work surface or a drawing of a few runes
• A lighter or matches
• A safe, flat surface on which to set up the spell
Carefully engrave the Mercury symbol on the candle. Place the candle in its holder and then arrange the rest of the spell components to your liking. You may certainly embellish this spell by adding a statue or image of Odin, if you choose. This full moon spell is designed to help you look at things from a new perspective and to receive some inspiration, so put on your thinking cap and be imaginative. Take a few moments to ground and center yourself. Then light the purple candle and speak the following verse:
Odin, hear my call on this full moon night
Grant me wisdom and improve my insight
May I gain a new perspective at this time
Bless me with peace and inspiration divine
I now release that which no longer serves
This change begins with the sounds of my words.
If you choose, this would be an excellent time to meditate and see what Odin has to tell you. Lay your hands on the card, feather, and runes. Take a deep breath and relax. Now let your mind open and see what you learn.
When you are finished, close the spell with these words:
By the power of Wednesday’s witchery
This spell is sealed;
I set the magick free!
Allow the candle to burn out in a safe place. Clean up your other spell supplies. Save the feather or raven picture for future magick. Return the card to the tarot deck, and gather up all your runes. If you like, now is the perfect time to do a simple reading with your runes or your tarot cards. Ask for clarity and for insight, then draw three cards or stones and see what Odin has to say.


Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan



The Moon Blessing
My Lady of the Moon
Maiden, Mother, Crone
Bless this house
Bring fortune, joy and peace

Spell Chants: Over 25 Chants for Ritual Spells and Magickal Works
Kat Sanders

Your Daily Influences for July 1, 2015

Your Daily Influences
July 1, 2015


Six of Swords Reversed
Life is at a standstill. Difficulties will probably remain as they are.










Mysteries will become known to you. You should be able to see your life’s path clearly at this time. Pethro is often thought of as “Gambler’s Rune.” You are in a lucky period right now. Chance is your ally. Take advantage of it.




Scorpio the Scorpion
This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic. This person is probably an acquaintance you made at work





Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.



Your Charm for July 1st is Scorpio the Scorpion

Your Charm for Today

Today’s Meaning:
This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic. This person is probably an acquaintance you made at work.

General Description:
Eighth sign of the Zodiac, Oct. 24th to Nov. 23rd. Ruling by the planet Mars; correct metal, Iron. Those born under Scorpio were believed to be energetic, strongly determined, persistent, and thorough in their undertakings, with inflexible will-power, of magnetic personality, affable, just, affectionate, and powerful convicting speakers. The Scorpio gems are the Aquamarine and Beryl. The Aquamarine has always been reverenced in the East as all emblem of purity, and was given at marriage for increasing mutual love. In Rome worn for cheerfulness, curing distempers and internal complaints; by mariners to protect them from sickness and danger at sea.

Your Animal Spirit for July 1st is The Badger

Your Animal Spirit for Today
July 1st, 2015


Badger is a ferocious opponent, unwilling to back down over any issue. Unfortunately, this unwavering stance leads some Badgers to their demise. If Badger has dug into your reading, he is asking whether you are fighting the right fight. Is this issue the hill you’re willing to die on, or are you fighting for no other reason than pure stubbornness? Think about it.

Shuffling the Cards, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for July 1st

Shuffling the Cards, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


Past Influence whose impact on your life is waning.

The Unicorn

The Unicorn indicates uniqueness and reminds us of the ability for magic we possess. Although gentle, the unicorn nonetheless is able to defend itself, not only through horn-to-horn face-off but also through swift flight or even by disappearing into a mystical mist. The unicorn also represents purity, strength, and for a mentor or a nurturing family member. When the Unicorn appears, extraordinary events are possible in the near future.


Present Influence whose impact on your life is very strong.

The Open Door

The Open Door signifies the presence of new opportunities. However, to reap the benefits of these prospects you will have to move beyond where you are now–forsake the comforts and safety of your current life and head out in new directions. Moves like those symbolized by The Open Door require courage, because fresh opportunities signify the chance of gain, but do not guarantee they will be realized. Regardless of the benefits that may be reaped, with the transitions like those required to explore these new found opportunities, something is always lost. Before launching on a voyage down new paths it is a good idea to objectively assess your current state of being and decide whether what you have now is worth jeopardizing.


Future influence whose impact on your life is growing and will be very strong in the future.

The Owl

The powerful Owl easily makes its way through the darkest night on muted wings. Often it is only their haunting call echoing across the land that lets us know The Owl is near. Because of its amazing night vision, many cultures have attributed wisdom and the ability to uncover even the deepest secrets to the enigmatic, noble Owl. The Owl’s nocturnal prowess has lead many to see them as a messenger between the material and spirit worlds. Cultures as distinct as the African Zulus and ancient Celtics have ascribed magical powers to The Owl made them a revered companion to shaman and wizards.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for July 1 is The Ancestors

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


Ancestors represents the ongoing influence and remarkable contributions those who came before us have made to our state of being. Ancestors also reminds us that sometimes old wisdom is the best wisdom–especially when events are moving in ways we do not understand. Ancestors can bring comfort to a shaken spirit. It is a card of warmth in the sense that it reminds us that the spirit of past generations remains with us and can be called upon for guidance at any time.

As a daily card, Ancestors suggests that you may be well served to by exploring your family tree to find solutions to current dilemmas. When searching for solutions to conflicts in your life, you might do well by asking yourself what a grandparent or great grandparent would do in your current situation.

Your Daily Witches Rune for July 1 is The Star


Today’s Witches Rune

The Star

Meaning: In many cultures, the Star is a symbol of hope, dreams and destiny, and in the Witches Runes this symbol has a similar connotation. When the Star rune appears, it’s green light for you to go after what you want.

Note that the Star does not say you’ll get everything you want without any work. No. This symbol is a not about easy success, but about having faith in what you are doing – and doing it. In fact, the goals suggested by the Star are usually the highest and most significant ones – the ones that are hardest to get. It does not matter what the dream is, but its significance in your life. This symbol also represents ideals, and they can be both individual and collective ones.

In a more down-to-earth way, the Star is related to revolutions, changes, risks, speculation and all things motivated by faith and ideals. It can represent a sudden spark on inspiration, a windfall, a sudden rise to fame or a promotion. Though the sudden changes brought by the Star are usually positive, they are also fast: you can get back to point zero as quickly as you rose. So don’t be afraid to jump forward when the opportunity arises.

The Star urges you to take the risk, to have hope and to trust. After the staleness of Crossroads, the Universe finally begins to move again. If you believe in Higher Powers, this symbol shows that They are guiding you in this moment. The Star is a very positive rune, but in a more negative context it can represent revolution for revolution’s sake and the constant idealization of people and situations. It can also stand for excessive individualism when going after a dream.

In relationship readings, this rune represents hope and an idealistic kind of love. Usually the people involved in the relationship have high expectations about the other. They easily put their partner on a pedestal, only to feel frustrated when reality strikes. The Star can also represent unrequited love, or the love for someone who is unattainable. On the other hand, this rune tells you to not give up love entirely – keep looking, because someone is coming.


Additional Information About Today’s Witches Rune courtesy of Your Spiritual Journey Australia

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for July 1 is The Universe

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today

The Universe

Like The Sun, The Universe brings good blessings. The Universe appears where all is in balance. It allows you to act effectively not only as an individual but as a member of a group too. The Universe promises contentment, fulfillment and completeness to those under its influence. It doesn’t guarantee there will not be moments of strife or discord in your life, but it does indicate that your trials and tribulations will be overcome; that ultimately you will know inner-peace and contentment. The Universe suggests you have found or will find your place in the scheme of things—that place where all is as it should be.

Your Daily I Ching Hexagram for July 1st is 27: Jaws

Your Daily Hexagram

July 1st, 2015

27: Jaws



Speak plainly and sincerely. Feed your hopes and dreams. Nurture others. Do good deeds.
Line One of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Avoid envy and jealousy. Be proud of your achievements.
Line Two of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Make opportunities for those with talent. Seek roots that empower you.
Line Three of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not choose partners based on their financial status.
Line Four of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not do unjustified favors or let others influence your decisions.
Line Five of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Embrace your ideals. Move slowly toward new endeavors.
Line Six of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Put your ideas into action. It is time to realize your goals.

Your Rune for July 1 is Raidho


bw-raidhoYour Rune For Today

Raidho may mark the coming of a physical or spiritual journey. Whichever the case, changes in your life are soon to come. Spiritual or material goals may be attained.

Additional information about Today’s Rune, Raidho


raiðo : journey

Phonetic equivalent: r

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: journey, pilgrimage, change, destiny, quest, progress, life lessons

MAGICAL USES: protection for travellers, to ease or bring about change, to reconnect

ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES: the Norns, Sigurd’s journey

ANALYSIS: Raiðo represents the path of a person’s life and how it intersects and interacts with other paths. In Norse mythology, these paths are seen as threads of fate, and are regulated by the Norns. The Norns are three sisters who live near the first root of Yggdrasil, which they tend with the water from the well of Wyrd. They also spin the fates of Gods and men, which is important when understanding the mechanism of runic divination and magic.

The complex network of relationships formed by these threads of fate can be thought of as a web. Every chance encounter forms another connection in the web, and by tugging on one thread you affect everything else in the system. Most people do this completely unconsciously, but by becoming aware of the pattern of the threads surrounding you, it becomes possible to recognize and follow up on the kind of catalytic events that seemed to happen to us randomly back at fehu. In this way, we can find our way more easily along the path of our own journey, thus deriving the greatest benefit from its lessons. Otherwise we tend to get distracted and end up on detours and dead ends.

Raiðo reminds us that, although it may seem that we have accomplished our goals at ansuz, life and change continue and we must always go on. We will eventually end up where we began, but on a higher level and with a better perspective. The journey never really ends.


The Runic Journey

By Jennifer Smith

Your Daily Tarot Card for July 1 is The World

Your Personal Daily Tarot Card

The World

Like The Sun, The World brings good blessings. The World appears where all is in balance. It allows you to act effectively not only as an individual but as a member of a group too. The World promises contentment, fulfillment and completeness to those under its influence. It doesn’t guarantee there will not be moments of strife or discord in your life, but it does indicate that your trials and tribulations will be overcome; that ultimately you will know inner-peace and contentment. The World suggests you have found or will find your place in our Universe—that place where all is as it should be.

Get A Jump On Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Thursday, July 2nd





Get a Jump on Tomorrow…..

Your Horoscopes for Thursday, July 2nd



Aries Horoscope

You can be especially sharp in a debate today, dear Aries, and winning an argument, if you are so inclined, is likely now. You are more fluent than usual when it comes to expressing your ideas, and this can take the form of writing and speaking, so be sure to either surround yourself with people or work on emails and other communications that need your attention. Not only you, but also people you are communicating with now, tend to be more open-minded and willing to hear progressive ideas. This can also be a good time to renew or update a work in progress or personal hobby/interest.



This is a good day for ease and flow when it comes to communicating, dear Taurus. You are less attached to what you’re expressing, and this helps you to talk about things, even difficult matters, with facility, making this a good time to release some stress or share a problem with someone. You might delight in a sudden or private attraction now. There could be new insight into a previously complicated issue. The Moon is in your adventure sector all day, encouraging broad, positive thinking.



This can be a fine time for getting your point across, dear Gemini, as well as for networking activities or socializing. You can be especially witty or insightful, and others appreciate you for your ideas and gestures. You might see a friend in an entirely different light, which can be exciting. This can be a time for unusual or unexpected experiences with current and past friends. There can also be a good time for meetings, group activities, and teamwork.



Your thinking is more creative than usual today, dear Cancer. Thoughts of the past or of private, complicated matters, tend to dominate. Even so, you’re putting a new spin on old matters, or seeing old problems in a new light. You could be drawing upon paste experience to advance a project or to improve business affairs. There can be a sudden impulse to contact someone, or you can be the recipient of surprising news or contact. Be sure to break the routine even just a little in order to make the most of the day.



The day is likely to be pleasantly lively for you, dear Leo. It’s a good time for learning new skills, particularly of a technical or scientific nature, but also for what seem to be simple conversations that can lead to something more helpful. New ideas and alternative methods can be inspiring now. It’s a good time to make an announcement, if you need to, particularly about matters that require an open mind. There can also be deeper thinking on health or work matters.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

Today is strong for self-expression and pleasant surprises, dear Virgo. Support seems to be there when you need it most, and while you sometimes feel you need to prepare for the worst, it can be a nice surprise that you didn’t really need to do so. Others come through in a pinch, and this can lift your spirits. You are inclined to surprise others today as well, in a pleasant way, and you feel exceptionally open and generous. There is very good energy for updating or renewing a project, particularly related to career or business, and a great love of research.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

Conversations can be very fruitful and even inspiring today, dear Libra. Sharing a similar view point, or simply an entirely new one, can help strengthen a bond. You are more expressive than usual, and certainly in the mood to learn or teach. There can be good news today, or you might hear something that awakens your inner spirit. You thoroughly enjoy the theme of cooperation and progressiveness around you today. Even so, there is a strong and important need to replenish yourself through familiar activities that make you feel secure and safe today.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

This is likely to be a rather upbeat, fast-paced day, dear Scorpio. Your mind certainly deserves a break from the daily drudge, and this promises to be a day that can involve some intellectual adventure. New insights into old problems can occur now. You can have powerful intuition regarding work methods, as well as health matters. An unusual meeting or friendship can occur today, particularly through daily routines, work, or the pursuit of health goals.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

People may be attracted to your progressive thinking today, dear Sagittarius, or you may be attracting others who are expressing interesting or inventive ideas. Romantic excitement is very possible today. Plans seem to change at the very last minute, allowing for experiences that are more spontaneous, freeform, and inspirational. There is good energy for conversations revolving around children, creative projects, and romance, and all conversations can be at the very least interesting and quite possibly very helpful. There can be intriguing news today.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

This can be a great day for solving problems, dear Capricorn, but also for communicating ideas, particularly work- or health-related ones. You are more likely to voice concerns, ask for help, or express your ideas. You are entertaining alternatives, and feeling intellectually stimulated. The Moon is in your sign all day (until tomorrow morning), encouraging you to feel and enjoy your emotions and tend to your emotional needs and wants. You could be desiring an overhaul of sorts.



You can take special pleasure in expressing your more unorthodox ideas, and fortunately, others are listening today, dear Aquarius. It’s a very strong day for expressing your ideas, telling stories, and letting someone special know how you feel. Your “audience” is likely to be especially receptive. Take a break from your usual routine now. Sharing ideas and opinions can strengthen a relationship today. Even so, you are likely to need some private time today, and you should honor this need, as emotional replenishment and renewal is important now.



You can make interesting discoveries today, dear Pisces, particularly about home or domestic matters. You might come up with fresh solutions to old problems, or seek out alternative methods to the usual way of doing things, and can be quite satisfied as a result. Being flexible and open-minded is your best bet now, as spontaneity, particularly on a mental level, tends to be rewarded today. A partner might bring a pleasant surprise to your day.

If You Were Born Today, July 1


If You Were Born Today, July 1

You are an intriguing person who attracts attention whether you want to or not because of this quality. You’re a very determined person, sometimes quite stubborn, who is also hard-working. At the same time, you have a soft, giving, and perceptive side to you. Love relationships can be up and down because of a tendency to swing between being too soft and too hard. Famous people born today: Princess Diana, Pamela Anderson, Liv Tyler, Twyla Tharp, Dan Aykroyd, Debbie Harry, Estee Lauder.

Courtesy of Cafe Astrology

Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, July 1




Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, July 1



Aries Horoscope

With the Full Moon occurring in the most public sector of your solar chart today, dear Aries, circumstances may be such that you are in the position to show your more mature and responsible side, you are called upon to perform a duty, or you have the opportunity to strut your stuff! It’s time to show off what you can do. There can be recognition or an award, or a job opportunity, for some of you. The Sun is encouraging you to tend to your hearth these days, and today you might be finding ways to manage both home and career quite creatively. Even so, there is likely to be a bit of a scurry of activity to deal with before you reach the right balance. Ideas can come together quite nicely, particularly regarding home and family matters. Do what you can to connect with the part of you that has faith that things will work out. Support might come from family, and there can be strongly sentimental feelings experienced today.



Your need for more from your life than simple routine comes to the fore now with a Full Moon shining a light on your needs for learning, experience, and adventure, dear Taurus. The desire to expand your mind is powerful now. If you need a push or some extra courage to do something new, this Full Moon will help. For some, this can be a time of a culmination of a learning project, publishing of work, or some form of expanded reach. Your intuitive, compassionate side is emphasized and drawn up to the surface today, and with a new and perhaps more forgiving and kinder look at situations and people in your life, you could arrive at a nice feeling of peace and freedom. This is a time of year for you when group ideas and values contribute to your own personal development. You might long to feel valued by a group or friend, and this can be within your reach now.



The Full Moon today can lead to a revelation about an intimate relationship or financial matter, dear Gemini. There can be a significant financial move for some of you. The need to, or for, support can be emphasized at this time of your life. This is a good time to let go of some of the need to control things, and discover more personal power in the process. There can be some wonderful inspiration and imagination today, particularly surrounding business and finances. You might find that ideas and insights come together quite beautifully right now. There can be a good feeling of confidence now, and there can be wonderfully creative and compassionate energy in your professional or public dealings. This is a time for building your inner strength. The intangible or spiritual realms are a real part of your daily life right now, and this helps to make you feel more secure and filled.



This can be a day of important revelations or epiphanies, dear Cancer, with a Full Moon in your opposite sign illuminating areas of your life that need more balance. This can be a very creative time, and possibly a period of emotional declarations or realizations about your feelings and relationships. You may very well receive some form of positive boost or lifting of spirits today. Your imagination is strong, and you are able to see well beyond the ordinary. You may be drawing up some admiration from others. You are in touch with your more spiritual qualities today, and you have a stronger ability to empathize with others. Problems that were perplexing in recent days tend to seem less daunting, perhaps because your faith that things will work out for the best is strengthening.



The Full Moon illuminates your service sector today, dear Leo, bringing to light your responsibilities and possibly recent frustrations about work or health matters. This can provide you with extra motivation to make important changes in your daily routines that help you feel far better about yourself and your life. Your services may be in high demand now, and while there can be a rush of responsibilities for the time being, all will fall into place once you sort out your priorities. Avoid looking for outside appreciation for your efforts and instead do exactly what makes you feel good from the inside out. Your beliefs tend to find support today, but more importantly, you have increased faith in yourself. Behind-the-scenes matters tend to go very well for you right now, and you may begin to see a grand design behind recent events in your life. Your intuition is running high right now. Tap into it! Pay attention to coincidences and make note of subtle signs and patterns. Letting go of overthinking is important now.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

The energy of the Full Moon is rich today, dear Virgo, and can shed light on a friendship, romance, or relationships with children. A creative project might culminate, bear fruit, or come strongly to your attention for some of you. Releasing pent-up feelings is important today, and you might experience strong feelings that you’ve overlooked or brushed off in the past. Inspiration may be found in your relationships. You may be putting more faith in a person, or more faith in the dream of a person, and you should discern between the two, as the former is a lot healthier than the latter. You are quite able to put aside some of your worries today, and a significant other may be instrumental in helping to set your mind at ease. Let compassion flow, do what you can on your side to help others build their faith in you, and follow your impulses to support and help people you care about.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

Tonight’s Full Moon brings special attention to matters of home, family, and the heart, dear Libra. If you have been pouring too much energy into your responsibilities to “the outside world”, which is highly likely these days, then circumstances now remind you to find a balance. If you’ve been over-extending yourself, you need to find ways to get more rest. You may need to do some catch-up work with family or tend to a personal matter now. Even so, a career move or idea can come together in your mind today, and it’s a strong time for dreaming up new and very creative ways to further your career. Putting a unique and imaginative spin on practical matters comes naturally right now. Your imagination is vivid today. You’re more tuned in to altruistic purposes of your life.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

A Full Moon occurs tonight with the Moon falling in your solar third house of communications, dear Scorpio. This can bring light to a communications project or matter, or it might stimulate some drama in your neighborhood or school, or bring in some interesting news that has you turning an important corner in your life. This may be a time for reaping the rewards of recent projects or learning efforts. If you often find that people misunderstand your intentions when you communicate, this can be a good time to see what might be changed in order to get your message across more effectively. You are more creative and your perceptions are especially refined today. Concentrating on the bigger picture can bring much joy today as you let go of a tendency to overthink. Forgiveness and compassion can be very healing, whether you’re giving or receiving. This is a time when dreams that shape future realities are born.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

Tonight’s Full Moon brings issues of personal resources, talents, money, and business to your strong attention, dear Sagittarius. If you’ve been spending a lot of time giving to, and supporting, other people in your life, you are likely to feel a strong need to bring more balance into your world right now. For some of you, money can come in, or news of increased resources is forthcoming this week. Think in terms of improving your finances, whether it’s about cutting back or pushing yourself to earn more, or ask for more. Even though you can be feeling quite spirited and motivated concerning practical affairs, now, there is also dreamy, imaginative energy to the day. You can feel quite inspired today, and family or domestic matters may be integral to this feeling. Showing compassion and understanding does wonders across the board.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

This is an important day for discovering your personal power, dear Capricorn, especially if you choose to respond to the subtle shifts around you in constructive ways. The Full Moon occurring tonight is in your sign, and feelings that you may have brushed aside can now emerge with force. Let the emotions flow, as there can be surprising epiphanies or a personal matter that suddenly demands air time. Whether you keep all of these to yourself or share with others is up to you, but it’s probably best to separate your personal and professional lives as best as possible. You have more impact than usual now! Relationship needs are emphasized. Nonverbal communication can speak louder than words, and it’s usually what we don’t say but nevertheless express that others take away from what we express. Today is strong for others picking up on the subtleties you are trying to convey, and for inspiring a certain level of trust. You are expressing yourself with creative flair.



The Full Moon tonight occurs in your privacy and soul sector, dear Aquarius, and new light shines on recent background or hidden themes in your life. Your need for emotional renewal is large right now, and circumstances occurring now will likely point you in this direction if you aren’t drawn to quiet, reflective, and regenerative activities naturally. You might suddenly see things that allow you to fill in the blanks for recent feelings or events. A secret or private matter may be revealed, a health matter could come to light, or a work project can reach culmination. If you’ve been working too hard or putting so much effort into helping others that you’ve ignored your own needs, now is the time for restoring some balance to your life. Even so, you are certainly not cutting others out, and some elements of work and service can lift your spirits today. Listen to your intuition regarding practical matters, which can come together almost magically now. A strong element of compassion and faith can do wonders for a partnership.



The Full Moon tonight occurs in your solar eleventh house, and you may experience the need to give back or help others, dear Pisces. Feelings for a person might suddenly flood your consciousness for some of you. Events are such that you are more strongly aware of the important role you play in others’ lives, for example as a friend, parent, offspring, sibling, etc. This is a time for giving back to the people of your world, and doing so can have great benefits. You could find now that things are naturally falling back into place. It’s a time for birthing ideas, especially creative ones. You might intuitively determine how to get an important plan off the ground, or this can be a time when things settle after a period of uncertainty. Somebody may be looking up to you for your wisdom. People seem more compassionate, interested, and sympathetic to your cause. You are in your element today. You express yourself comfortably and creatively. There can be a feeling of flowing with, rather than against, the people around you and what is going on around you.

Full Moon in Capricorn Horoscopes



Full Moon in Capricorn Horoscopes

Business and pleasure mix during the first of July’s Full Moons

The ambitious Capricorn Full Moon on July 1, 2015, reveals the battle between our inner feelings and the outer circumstances in our lives. Blind optimism masks the conflict between our need for personal security and our drive toward public success. However, pleasure-seeking Venus hooks up with excessive Jupiter, culminating several days of possible self-indulgence. This conjunction is particularly auspicious at the Full Moon and is a harbinger of good fortune, signifying potential gains, especially in the areas of money, creativity, and love.

Aries Horoscope (March 21 – April 19)

Although your heart is drawn toward your family life, the Capricorn Full Moon highlights your 10th House of Career. You might feel as if everyone is depending on you at work and you don’t want to let anyone down. Meanwhile, those you love at home also require your undivided attention. Luckily, your new found spiritual approach to problems enables you to advance professionally while still attending to your emotional needs. It’s impossible to go wrong if you keep a firm grip on your integrity.
Taurus Horoscope (April 20 – May 20)

The hardworking Capricorn Full Moon brightens your 9th House of Big Ideas, complicating your goals for the future. Although you have thought long and hard about your goals, insecurities may kick in, causing you to doubt yourself all over again. Keep an open mind about your plans, even if you attempt to stick to your current agenda. Fortunately, you can dream your way right around any roadblocks, real or imagined. Extending your imagination into the vast realm of possibilities is a powerful way to expand your horizons.
Gemini Horoscope(May 21 – June 20)

Your thinking is out of whack while the ambitious Capricorn Full Moon illuminates your 8th House of Intimacy, yet your feelings are revealing something significant about a current relationship. It might seem prudent to exercise self-control, but narrowing your focus won’t prevent your emotions from influencing your decisions. You could waste endless energy trying to find the logic in an illogical situation. Follow your heart now; you may need to throw caution to the wind before you can sprout wings and fly.
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – July 22)

The earthy Capricorn Full Moon in your 7th House of Partners pulls directly opposite the watery Cancer Sun, stirring tidal forces from the depths of your subconscious. Your unacknowledged needs come precariously close to the shores of awareness, impacting your most important relationships. Luckily, you can create a safe harbor in your imagination that allows you to share your dreams and fears without worry. Rather than isolating yourself, consciously move closer to those who will support you through times of change.
Leo Horoscope (July 23 – Aug. 22)

The Capricorn Full Moon shines in your 6th House of Habits, encouraging you to stick to your daily routine in spite of your desire to while away the time daydreaming. Pressing responsibilities may stymie your attempts to dive into the luxurious and nurturing backwaters of your own fantasies. Ironically, you will feel more emotionally satisfied if you have something tangible to show for your efforts. Just don’t get so swept up in a whirlwind of productivity that you forget to honor your unexpressed dreams, too.
Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

The goal-oriented Capricorn Full Moon spotlights your 5th House of Self-Expression, urging you to exercise good judgment if you want to reach your desired destination. Fortunately, suppressing your feelings isn’t anything new to you since you understand the impracticality of emotions. But self-restraint isn’t always your most effective strategy. Push past your tendency to separate yourself from others by inquiring about their hopes and dreams. You may be pleasantly surprised by how easily a conversation unfolds once the words start flowing. Sharing your heart is the fastest way to true intimacy.
Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Although you want to take advantage of the opportunities right in front of you, the serious Capricorn Full Moon impacts your 4th House of Roots, anchoring your feelings to the past. Unfortunately, you could anticipate the future with such enthusiasm that you miss the most important piece of the puzzle. You can imagine the amazing potential but still have a tough time making room for new plans. The key to resolving your current conflict is not about doing anything in the real world; it’s about changing your frame of reference. Sometimes living in the present moment is enough.
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Taking an extreme all-or-nothing approach to fulfilling your needs can turn love into a complicated jumble of feelings at this Full Moon. It’s not easy to stay comfortable in the middle of the emotional spectrum, especially when your fantasies are so vivid. Nevertheless, the calculating Capricorn Full Moon casts its light in your 3rd House of Communication, prompting you to consider the consequences of your message before telling anyone what’s on your mind. Establishing a healthy balance between expression and restraint may be enough to put you on the path to relationship success.
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

You might be concerned if you don’t see an easy way to balance your income with your expenditures. Separating your financial worries from deeper issues about self-worth isn’t only a matter of numbers, especially while the responsible Capricorn Moon accentuates your 2nd House of Personal Resources. Instead of misdirecting your attention to what’s lacking in your life, concentrate on all the positive growth. Counting your blessings is a simple yet magical way to raise your self-esteem and, surprisingly, also your bottom line.
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Your strength is being tested as you ride the powerful emotional waves of the Capricorn Full Moon. Your life is even more complicated with surreal Neptune’s presence making it nearly impossible to separate reality from fantasy. Balancing your feelings with the demands of the outer world is both challenging and invigorating. However, committing to a path of resistance will eventually exhaust you. Instead, dig deep and find the courage to push away from the safety of familiar territory. There’s so much to gain if you let go of your need for certainty and embrace the unknown.
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Sneaking away for some personal time could become your obsession while the Capricorn Full Moon lights up your 12th House of Escape. Unfortunately, current obligations may still require you to adhere to your regular routine. But don’t work yourself into a state of anxiety trying to complete everything. Just do whatever is feasible while allowing time for short breaks on a regular basis. Ultimately, the most strategic practice is to continue seeking the right balance between responsibility and recreation.
Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Your commitments seem all-consuming but you also recognize your need to rest. The steady Capricorn Moon recharges your 11th House of Social Networking, offering you the opportunity to enjoy the camaraderie of friends and relatives. But you must stay vigilant and keep things in proper perspective while nebulous Neptune is also floating around in the picture. Swimming in your imagination can be tricky business when you don’t know which side of the truth you are on.


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The Balance of the Elements and the Signs for July 1




The Balance of the Elements and the Signs for July 1


Nurturing, protective, tenacious, emotional sensitive, watery, strong roots. Can be overly protective, unwilling to let go, timid, reclusive.
Self-confident, generous, warm-hearted, powerful leader, dramatic. Can be overly proud, vain, extravagant, arrogant.
Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous.

We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.
We are more compassionate, emotional, and intuitive than usual, and we may react emotionally to situations, possibly at the expense of logic or practicality.

We are ready to take action and to take on challenges, and can become frustrated with stagnant conditions.

Moon 135 to 180 degrees ahead of the Sun.
We are looking to attach value and meaning to our goals. This is a time for analyzing, questioning, perfecting, and improving.

Astrology of Today – July 1, 2015




Astrology of Today – July 1, 2015


This Full Moon in Capricorn is rich with the Sun trine Neptune and Venus aligned with Jupiter today. We can be made aware of our responsibilities or our performance now.

The Moon is in Sagittarius until 5:10 AM.
The Moon is void until 5:10 AM (since 2:17 PM yesterday).
The Moon is in Capricorn from 5:10 AM forward (until Friday, July 3rd, at 8:20 AM).
The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 10:19 PM / the Moon is waning and in its Full Moon phase after 10:19 PM.
A Full Moon occurs in the sign of Capricorn at 10:19 PM.
Venus is direct and is in its pre-retrograde shadow.


July’s Love is Once in a Blue Moon

July’s Love is Once in a Blue Moon

a message from Kari Samuels
To read more of Kari’s insight, please visit her website, Kari Samuels

You might still be buzzing from the light of June’s Solstice. The Solstice is initiated as our Sun moves into 0 degrees Cancer – a time of pure potential and spiritual protection. The Solstice is a magical transitional time, when the veils between the heaven and earth are lifted, giving you a glimpse into the light of your soul, and the soul of nature.

No matter where you live in the world, this is a time to celebrate your LIGHT – above and below, within and around you. Your inner light will be shining more brightly now, connecting you more deeply to your FEELINGS, and illuminating your INTUITION. You’re going to be connecting deeper to your inner light all month, as it illuminates your path.

While the sun shines brightly, the moon’s energy is in full force

You’ll feel the moon’s influence more strongly this month. We’re in the Sun Sign of Cancer until July 22nd. The psychic, sensitive sign of Cancer is ruled by the moon, pulling you deeper into the depths of your emotions.
July begins with a celestial kiss

We start July with a big bodacious full moon, and a conjunction between Venus (our planet of love) and Jupiter (our planet of expansion). This means your power of love will be expanded! You’ll be more inclined for romance, joy and beauty. You’ll be basking in this loving energy all month.

Blessings of the blue moon

July is blessed with not only one, but TWO FULL MOONS. This event is not common, which is why this occurrence is called a BLUE MOON. Yup, the blue moon has nothing to do with the color – it’s what you call the second full moon in a calendar month. It’s pretty special

We’re having a beautiful full moon on July 1st and 31st – the first and last day of the month. This is the heaven’s blessing us all month with this powerful celestial force. With the moon strongly tugging at your emotions – you’ll be more in touch with your passions and purpose than ever!

Full moons heighten your emotions and intuition

Have you ever noticed you’re more emotional during a full moon? In astrology, the moon governs your emotions and inner life, including your intuition. The natural element associates with emotions is water. If you’ve ever seen how the moon affects our tides, you’ll understand you can’t ignore the moon’s powerful pull on your feelings.

Love is in the air all month with our number vibrations lighting up your heart chakra. In numerology, July 2015 is a 15/6 Universal Month (7 + 2+0+1+5 = 6). 6 is the number of love, beauty and harmony. Everything in your being will be energizing you toward having more love in your life. This will have a beautiful affect on your relationships, romance, career, and family.
Listen to your heart

Because your emotions will be amplified all month, it’s important that you pay attention to them. You’re feelings are your intuitive guide. If you feel drawn to a person or activity – take the steps you need to deepen your connection. If you’re feeling uncomfortable about a person or circumstance, have the courage to release any energy that doesn’t benefit your well-being. When you honor your feelings, that will be reflected by the world around you. Just like the moon reflects the sun’s glorious light.

Have a beautiful month, and remember to look up at the sky!