Stop A Trouble Maker Jar Spell

Stop A Trouble Maker Jar Spell

 Write the name of the person on a piece of parchment/paper, fold it twice.Take a lime and cut it twice, once diagonally and once horizontally, but don’t cut it all the way into four pieces. place the paper or parchment inside the lime and hold it together with two long steel nails. place the lime into a clean glass jar and put into it some ash, salt and vinegar and screw the lid on tight. the ash and salt are supposed to thwart their efforts to cause you trouble of any kind, and the vinegar and lime should sour their own affairs at the same time.

12 thoughts on “Stop A Trouble Maker Jar Spell

    1. I haven’t looked at the spell but I will tell you what I know from experience. It is best to bury the jar on the furthest part of your property. It would be better if you could bury it on the person’s property but you run the chance of getting caught. Keep it safe and bury it way back on your property.


      1. sounds effective and I like that Idea and wish I could do that only problem is I live in a flat lol and share a very small garden with too many neighbours 😮 would probably get complaints. I got complaints when seen carrying m new cauldron into my house this surprised me very much lol as you mightt imagine


      2. I have nosy neighbors too but they never complain. I think they know better. If you can’t go outside, you can always put your salt and vinegar in your window on the night of the Full Moon. By doing that it will draw the Moon’s energy. Where I live, the weather is totally unpredictable.I have used the windowsill on several occasions, everything from jewelry to salt. Try putting the materials in your windowsill and your neighbors shouldn’t complain, unless they are peeping toms.
        Have a great day, my dear,
        Lady A


  1. Hi. Thanks for your generous reply! I am just a little bit confused. Where do i write, is it on the upper or lower or just anywhere? If i fold the paper the name will be covered. U said fold it AGAIN, do i have to fold half way one more time? Please excuse my confusion. But thank you so much for your effort! More Power!


    1. If it is easier for you, take your paper and fold it first. Lay it flat on the table or altar. Fold it in half. Now take that half and fold it again (in half). Then you open it up and pick a corner to write the person’s name. On the opposite side, you will have a fold line right down the middle, tear there.


  2. I can use this, because not only do I have one of two troublemakers, I now have 5 or 6 of them to deal with, so many enemies, so little time to finish writing, jealousy elludes them.


    1. Same here, but I’ am just going to buy a few jars lol and do a few, I like the ice cube spell too tho, and from experience it really does work to keep enemies away. hope this helps a little xx


  3. Hi. What kind of ashes or where can i get some ashes? Can i use dirt or soil instead? Hoping your kind reply. Thanks!


    1. Sorry it took me so long to respond, just a little hectic around here. Write the name of the person you wish to stop on a small section of your paper. Next, fold the paper in half. Now that you have done that, fold the paper again. If you have done it right, the name of the person will appear in one of those quarters of the paper. Take the lower part or part opposite from the name, tear the paper down that line. Now you have a half of sheet of paper, one with the person’s name on it and the other blank. Take the blank paper and burn it in your cauldron or fire-proof container. When the paper is finished burning you have your ashes. Using the ashes from that paper is best because you have already added your intentions to the paper when writing the person’s name. Those ashes just give a little extra boost to your spell.

      I hope I have answered your question. Again I apologize for taking so long to respond.
      Blessings, Peace & Comfort,
      Lady A


      1. HI what type of salt and vinegar do I use hope that’s not a silly question, just need to know and do I need to say anything or burn any type of incense or candle? thanks


      2. There are no silly questions, Autum. I am glad to answer any you might have. I prefer to use sea salt but if you don’t have that available regular table salt will work. I always go outside at night and let it gather the energy of the Moon. I also ask the Lady to bless the salt for my purpose. As far as the vinegar goes, I would use Apple Cider vinegar, it is rather bitter and harsh. It will work well with this spell. You can also take it with you outside and do the same for it as you do for the salt. As far as incense, it is not required but if you want to, it won’t hurt anything.

        I hope I have answered your question. Please don’t everything there is a silly questions. As long as I have been practicing, I still occasionally run into something I have to research. The Craft is a continuous learning process, you don’t ask questions, you don’t learn.
        Have a very blessed Imbolc,
        Lady A


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