A veering wind, fair weather; A backing wind, foul weather. If the wind back against the sun, trust it not, for back it will run.
Cats have the reputation of being weather wise, an old notion which has given rise to the most extensive folklore.
It is almost universally believed that good weather may be expected when the cat washes herself, but bad weather may be expected when she licks her coat against the grain or washes her face over her ears, or sits with her tail to the fire.
If the rooster goes crowing to bed, he’ll certainly rise with a watery head.
If on Feb. 2, it is bright and clear, the groundhog will stay in his den, indicating that more snow and winter are to come; if it is dark or rainy the winter is over.
If groundhog day is clear, corn and fruits will then be dear.
If it thunders in February, it will frost in April.
If the November goose bone be thick, so will the winter weather be; If the non-goose bone be thin, so will the winter weather be.
When the moon lies on her back, she sucks the wet into her lap. — Ellesmere
The shepherd would rather see the wolf enter his fold on Candlemas Day then the sun.
March in January, January in March., I FEAR.
Who doffs his coat on a winter’s day will gladly put it on in May.
A red morn, that ever yet betokened wreck to the seaman, tempest to the field, sorrow to shepherds, woe unto the birds, gust and four flaws the herdsmen and herds.-Shakespeare
Cranes soaring aloft and quietly in the air fores how fair weather, but if they make much noise, as if consulting which way to go, it foreshadows a storm that’s near at hand.-Thomas Willsford
Mackerel scales and mare’s tails make lofty ships carry low sails.
Hogs crying and running unquietly up and down with hay or utter in their mouths foreshadow a storm to be near at hand.-Thomas Willsford
Evening red and morning gray will set the traveler on his way; but evening gray and morning red will bring down rain upon his head.
The sun reveals the secrets of the sky, and who dares give the source of light the lie. –Virgil
Do business with men when the wind is from the westerly, for then the barometer is high.
Fishes in general, both in salt and fresh waters, are observed to sport most and bite more eagerly before rain than any other time.
Go plant the bean when the moon is light,
and you will find that this is right;
plant the potatoes when the moon is dark,
and to this line you always hark,
but if you vary form this rule,
you will find you are a fool,
if you always follow this rule to the end,
you will always have money to spend.