Chinese Wash & Recipe

Chinese Wash

Chinese Wash is a mainstay in Hoodoo practice and is used for removing negative energy, bad luck and evil, and bringing positive energy back in. The product originated sometime around the 1930s (possibly a bit earlier) and was marketed as Young’s Chinese Wash. It was used for spiritual house cleaning, to purify the home and open up blockages allowing new beginnings, bringing good luck and peace to the home. The original recipe was a blend of oriental grasses with a citrus scent to it, similar to the ingredients used in Van Van Oil (see section on oils). Once purchased, Hoodoo practitioners then added a few pieces of straw from their household broom into the bottle. Chinese Wash can be purchased from retailers still. Some mixtures even have the broom straws already included, but you can also make it yourself.

The wash will need to be added to a bucket of water. Add a couple of teaspoons of the Chinese Wash mixture to make a floor wash.


  Chinese Wash Recipe






A Few straws from a besom

A simplified version can be made by adding Van Van Oil to a liquid soap base..