The Witches Magick for Jan. 1st – To Conjure A Vision With Fire

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The Witches Magick for January 1st

To Conjure A Vision With Fire

To work this spell, gather some apple peel, dried leaves of chrysanthemum, and rosemary. You’ll also need one white feather. Cast the peel, chrysanthemum leaves, and rosemary into the flames and say:

“Life and death,

Fire’s breath,

Flames crackle and flare,

Let me see

A face, a name, or sign upon the air.

Smoke gray, smoke white,

Let me see my future this night.”

With the feather, fan the smoke gently, letting it curl about you. Gaze at the fire and smoke for as long as you wish, looking for signs. Leave the fire to burn for the rest of the evening. As a sign of gratitude, leave the feather before the hearth or on the fireplace mantel.