Chill Out Binding Spell

Chill Out Binding Spell


  • Small jar with cap
  • twine or string – preferably red
  • one fava bean to represent the Lord (or draw a phallus on paper)
  • rose petals to represent the Lady
  • frankincense and myrrh (powdered), rosemary, and any other herb that “feels right” to you. (i.e. rue, wormwood, etc. for bindings or exorcisms)
  • olive oil or salad oil
  • banishing scented oil
  • a  couple of colored markers or pens
  • paper
  • enough water to fill the jar three-fourths full.


Erect your circle of protection.

Take your  bottle and place it on the altar.  Take the piece of paper and draw a “gingerbread type” doll and write the name of the person  or situation you are binding on it.  Talk to the paper doll and tell it all of the things that it has done to disappoint and hurt you.  Anoint it with the banishing oil, drawing a Pentagram on it with the oil.  Now, place a fava bean, drawing of a phallus, or amber in the jar along with the rose petals and other herbs. As you place each item in the jar state, state with feeling:

I bind you from harming me or anyone else   with this (person’s name here).

Take the doll or dolls in hand and the string.  Fold the doll/dolls into a square, and begin wrapping the doll in the string.  With each wrapping, state:

Once around, securely bound,   now’s the time for cooling down.

When you are through, securely knot the string a minimum of 3 times. While you are chanting this, see the person securely tied with sturdy ropes, and gagged.  You might even draw a gag around the figures.)  Now place the doll in the jar and pour about a teaspoon of oil over the doll.  As you are dribbling it over the doll, state:

I place sacred oil all around you,   about you and below you,   to make your path slippery   while you violate the Rede   and Law of Three.

Now fill the jar 3/4 ‘s full of water, place it in the freezer of your refrigerator, and repeat:

Time to chill out, chill out, chill out.   Bound around and about.   I place around you (person’s name)   the crystal sphere of the Mother’s Orb,   mirrored on the inside so that you   will have to see yourself as you are   at every moment until you surrender and   change your behavior towards yourself and   those around you into a more positive   behavior pattern.

I ask the Lady to empower this spell and   insure it’s working, only if it is in the   highest and best good of all concerned.   As I will it, so mote it be!

Close the freezer and leave that puppy there until you are satisfied that the person will not hurt anyone else. This person is contained from hurting you and anyone else, and is “chilling out”.  Do not worry about them any longer. Write out how you felt about this person/situation before now, including what they did to you, and how you feel right now.  This will allow you to get the worst of the anger, disillusion, disappointment out of your system so that you won’t become ill from the feelings.   Smudge your house afterwards, and draw a Pentagram on each window and door in your house, including your computer monitor (if you have one) and all mirrors, stating:

I ward thee to keep harm at bay.

As I will it, so mote it be.