Spirits of Air


Spirits of Air
The Elemental spirits associated with Air are called sylphs, and their ruler is named Peralda. The word sylph comes from the Greek word sylpha, which means “butterfly.” When you see butterflies fluttering on the wind, sylphs are inevitably nearby. Sylphs may be the easiest entities to invite to a ritual because air exists as easily in a tenth-floor apartment as it does in an outdoor circle. Sylphs especially tend to gravitate to creative endeavors, so they are most easily called by artists, writers, poets, and musicians. They inspire the creative spirit, much like muses, and aid in shaping clear communications. It isn’t unusual to feel a sylph touch your hand or toss your hair while you’re busy creating. Don’t be alarmed; they are just giving you some creative encouragement.

Sylphs stimulate mental balance, freedom, and curiosity. They assist us in coordinating our perceptions and in verbalizing them. They enhance the power of speech, music and the written word, especially poetry. They teach us about the relationships between all things, which allow us to see and know the great web that connects all of life. This, in turn, brings about a desire for greater harmony. Sylphs stimulate creativity, intuitiveness, and inventiveness, and they awaken the intellect. They can open us to the realm of ideas and help us with mystical experiences and world views.
Like the wind they dance on, sylphs are changeable, volatile and occasionally flighty. If you’ve ever experienced writer’s block, you know what it means to have the sylphs disappear and take their creative energy with them. But it’s easy to call them back.