By Jenness

We hope you will find this interesting and though provoking reading while you
are doing your Christmas shopping.

DID YOU KNOW THAT: “Christmas Trees” and “Hanukkah Bushes” are Pagan and forbidden by the Bible: “Thus saith the Lord: Learn not the way of the
heathen…for the customs of these people are vain. For one cutteth a tree out of
the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They deck it with
silver and with gold; they fasten it with hails and with hammers, that it move
not.” Jeremiah 10:2-6

DID YOU KNOW THAT: The celebrations of birthdays was forbidden by Jewish law? Josephus, the first century Jewish historian, states: “Nay, indeed the law does not permit us to make festivals at the births of our children.” The only
birthdays recorded in the Bible were those of two evil men, a Pharaoh (Genesis
40) and Herod Matthew 14:6-10.

DID YOU KNOW THAT: according to the evidence presented in the New Testament, Jesus could not have been born in winter, but probably in early autumn? Shepherds in Palestine do not “abide with their flocks in the flocks by night” in winter – its too cold. They bring them in to caves or stables by the end of October.

DID YOU KNOW THAT: December 25th was celebrated as the festival of the birthday of the Sun-God Mithra, as well as a host of other Incarnated Gods (Avatars) including Bacchus of Egypt, Bacvchus of Greece, Adonis of Greece, Krishna of India, Sakia of India, Shan-ti of China, Chris of Chaldea, and Jao Walpaul of ancient Britain: All were said to have been born of a virgin, perhaps because the astrological sign of Virgo, the Virgin, is newly risen above the horizon at this time.

DID YOU KNOW THAT: most of our customs in celebration of the Winter Solstice were taken from the ancient Pagan festival of Yule? Today the Solstice falls on December 21, but in ancient times, before the recent calendar changes, it was on December 25.

DID YOU KNOW THAT: the carol “Here we come-a-Caroling” was originally “Here we come a-Wassailing”? Wassailing was an ancient Pagan custom of singing and talking to the fruit and nut trees at Yule to insure an abundant harvest in the season to come.

We hope you found this interesting. No offense is intended, for this is a season
for happiness and joy. The joy that the Sun, which reaches its farthest distance
from Mother Earth at Yuletide, is now on its journey back to warm us. You are
welcome to celebrate our holiday, and may the Goddess bless your for it.




The ability to think seems to set us apart from

other creatures. And although we are concerned with

living in the physical world, we are mental beings. The

fact is we are thinking all the time. We plan, we brood,

we get depressed or elated — all of it is thought. But

the universe is mental too, and if we could control our

thinking we would see magnificent results in the everyday


Many systems have been developed over the ages to

help us control our thoughts. A great amound of dogma too

has been kicked around in an attempt to make us into better

people. Magick (the occult kind, spelled with a ‘k’) is one

of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magick is

the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental

training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program

the mind. The purpose of magick is to alter the self and the

environment according to the will.

Most of the magick we see today comes to us from

ancient Egypt and Chaldea. The Chinese, Hindus, and Tibetans

developed their own unique types of magick. Western magick

was locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years

and then supressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not

until medieval Europe that magical knowledge was rediscovered

by the alchemists and Cabalists. Only during the past hundred

years or so has western culture been open minded enough to

permit widespread investigation of the subject. Only since

the start of the twentieth century has science shown much

interest in it al all.


Through parapsychology, we are at last beginning to

gain insights into the hidden nature of man. Parapsychology

is a branch of psychology which studies psychic phenomena.

Remarkable evidence has been gathered on numerous cases of

psychic phenomena. Knowledge gained from parapsychology

studies can be applied, so far as it goes, to the much

broader based, much more theoretical study and practice of


Thus, the human mind and body appears to broadcast

psychic energy or force, much like a radio station. Kirlian

photography and cloud chamber tests tend to support this

theory. Although the exact nature of this psychic force is

subtle and unknown, it is undoubtedly the energy behind all

psychic phenomena and magick. However, it is *not* a radio

wave, since it behaves somewhat differently. The psychic

force is too weak to be measured directly (at least so far as

we know). Everyone has some psychic ability. There are

numerous types of psychic phenomena. Parapsychology separates

them into two groups: ESP and PK…



ESP, the abreviation for extra sensory perception,

means the reception of information through paranormal means

(ie. not regular physical senses of sight, sound, touch,

smell, or taste). In theory, this is accomplished by

receiving psychic force from outside the body. Here are some

examples of ESP:

1) Clairvoyance, or Remote Viewing — the ability to

sense or ‘see’ (non-physically) distant objects, places, and

people. Individuals who see ghosts and spirits are probably


2) Astral Projection (OOBE) or Traveling Clairvoyance

— Full experience at a remote location while the physical

body sleeps.

3) Psychometry — the reading of information by the

touch of physical objects.

4) Telepathic receiver — the ability to directly

receive thought (communication) at a distance, with no

physical connection to the sender. There are many everyday

examples of this, in which we think something just as another

person is about to say it. This is an easy one to test for

through experiment. Very dramatic cases of telepathy have

been recorded; there is often an emotional element in such


5) A medium, as in a seance.

6) Experience with a Ouija board, pendulum, or

automatic writing.

7) Precognition — to forsee the future. Again,

highly emotional events are the ones most likely to be ‘tuned



PK, the abreviation for psychokinesis, is the active

or sending side of psychic phenomena. The theory here is that

psychic force is sent out from the individual. Examples of PK


1) Telepathic sender — the transmitter in the

telepathy just discussed.

2) Psychokinesis (or telekinesis) proper — the

ability to move objects by means of psychic force.

3) Somewhat along the same lines are poltergeist

(noisy ghost) phenomena in which objects move of their own

accord or noises are heard. There is always a human agent

involved — frequently a teenage girl — who appears to be

the source of psychic energy.

4) Psychic healing — the ability to heal various

illnesses and infirmities. There are many documented cases of

this. Usually it involves a healer and a subject, although

there are recent cases invloving cancer patients learning to

heal themselves.

5) Teleportation, apportation, and levitation.

Some occultists feel a magician producing PK effects

is simply a channel for universal energy. Others think the

force originates some way directly within the magician.






Postulated by Freud and others, the concept of the


subconscious mind is an important one. Basicly, this is the


idea that part of the mind normally operates below or outside


of ordinary consciousness and awareness. Dreams and hypnosis


are examples of this. Also subconscious are the many


automatic functions of the physical body such as respiration


and digestion.




Magick encompasses many things — science and art,


philosophy and metaphysics, psychology and comparative


religion. Magick is an adventure at the borderlands of the


unknown. It can fit the pieces of the puzzel of life into a


meaningful whole.


_Magick is fun_ and interesting. Use magick to help


raise consciousness without drugs. Gain new experiences.


Fantacy can come alive through magick. Psychic phenomena can


be controlled and be fun and helpful.


_Magick is beneficial_. It can help you to have


excellent health, and bring you good luck. With magick life


runs smoothly; life is good. Also use magick for personality


improvement, to control bad habits and to develop new




_Magick is powerful_. Never underestimate the


tremendous power of magick. Use magick to alter events and to


achieve your goals. Exert an influence over people and


phenomena. But power for its own sake is self defeating. The


power which magick can give you should not be your primary


reason for studying it.




A number of other occult disciplines are prevalent


today besides magick. There are many cults and sects which


profess their own views, but there are really few differences


between them. One popular area in the occult today is


witchcraft. This is far removed from the cliche of devil


worship. Real witchcraft is a nature religion (pagan).


Witchcraft has much in common with magick.


Alchemy also has much in common with magick. It’s


heritage comes from the middle ages. Alchemy fathered


chemistry and the physical sciences. But the avowed purpose


of alchemy, turning lead into gold, is too limiting to be


called magick. Sometimes the goal of alchemy is interpreted


in another way, as the transformation of man into a spiritual




Then there are the numerous modern day seers or


‘pychics’, as they like to be called, who operate within


their own somewhat unique systems. Although many of these


people are deluded frauds, some are very powerful occultists




Of course, everything I have said here is a


generalization. Magick, witchcraft, alchemy, or any occult


field are complex subjects. Suffice it to say that magick




includes them all (it is eclectic). For magick is undoubtedly


a philosophy which has, as the late Aleister Crowley wrote,


“The method of science — the aim of religion.”




1) Define magick.


2) Define ESP and PK. Give examples.


3) What is the subconsicous?




Hal N. Banks, An Introduction to Psychic Studies.


Annie Besant, Thought Power.


Michael H. Brown, PK, A Report on the Power of Psychokinesis.


Richard Cavendish, The Black Arts.


Alexandira David-Neel, Magic and Mystery in Tibet.


Raynor C. Johnson, The Imprisoned Splendour.


Ostrander and Shroeder, Psychic Discoveries Behind the


Iron Curtan.




Your awareness of the physical world and of your


place within it is mostly based upon the physical senses


(hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste). These five senses


continually send information to the mind, and it is up to


the mind to select and interpret them. If you could not do


so, your senses would overwhelm you and be meaningless.


Selection and interpretation of your sensory inputs is


essentially an automatic, mostly subconscious function of


the mind. The program or map which the subconscious follows


as its reference point is called a _model_. The model is a


subconscious mental photograph of how you believe the world


looks (ie. worldview, mindset, egregore, or belief system).


It was built up from an early age by your religious and


cultural background through interaction with family and


others. It contains your experiences, attitudes, and


habits. And whether you realize it or not, most of your


behavior, thoughts, feelings, and habits are based upon and


conditioned by that model; even personality. The model is


one of the mind’s master programs. Change in behavior


generally requires a change in the model. These limitations


built into our way of thinking cause our perceptions to be


subjective. That is why Hindu philosophy looks upon the


world as illusory (maya); the world itself (object) is not


an illusion, however from our viewpoint through perception


(subject) it is.


Thus we are all conditioned by experience. Except


that our perceptions, hence our experiences, are first


conditioned and limited by the model. Our perceptions and


experiences tend to conform to what we expect. We tend to


misinterpret or ignore things which do not match our


preconcieved notions about them. This is automatic.






The forgoing demonstrates how it is that there are


so many different versions of ‘truth’. One’s particular


view is almost arbitrary. Although numerous religions,


philosophies, and occult systems abound, they do not


contradict one and other as much as it might appear.


Rather, they describe the same (universal) reality taken


from different perspectives. For there can be no ultimate


truth in the physical world. We can only base our actions


upon assumptions and agreements. All experience is




Yet, there is a separate reality within each of us


which is often ignored unless we seek it. This inner self


is in magick called the ‘true will’. The true will is the


center of consciousness and identity. It is the ‘real you’.


Everything else is an interface or link to it from the


outer (illusory) world. Since that interface is based upon


our model, it is conditoned and may sometimes produce false


information. ‘Do what thou wilt’ (Crowley) is an axiom of


magick; for the true will expresses our exact desires. And


what we truly want (‘down deep’) we tend to automatically


get. This isn’t always in our best interests, since the


true will can be conditioned (tricked) by the illusion; and


then we might desire and obtain that which is not


ultimately good for us. (Karma strikes again!) The task of


the magician therefor is to awaken his awareneess of the


true will, to be free of conditioning, and thereby to


transcend maya. (‘My will unconditioned is magical’ —






There is no great secret to changing behavior or


habits. It is largely a matter of determination. It


requires that you ignore the ‘pull’ of the model when you


strive for changes within yourself. The model is, after


all, a collection of ‘habits’, some of which must be


unlearned for permananent change to occur. There are two


ways to do this: direct, through will power and awareness


alone — observing and acting out in an unattached or


indifferent manner; and indirect — through conditioning


such as affirmation (explained later), self-hypnosis, and


magick. Meditation may help too, by relaxing tension and




Emotions follow physical expression: smile and act


happy and you will tend to feel and be happy. The same is


also true for other emotions. Also, emotions can be


purposely used (or programed) to replace other emotions.


Using this technique, a magician is somewhat like an actor


in that he learns how to turn his emotions on and off at


will. Note that this is not ‘fakeing it’; the magician is


probably more in touch with his true feelings than most


people. And for these reasons we say that happiness is


being happy.




Magick always involves self-hypnosis. However, it


is more than that too. For one thing, there are objective


forces involved (or so it would seem). Deities, spirits,


and cosmic force can have an independent existence. And the


repetitive physical movement sometimes involved in ritual


can itself generate PK force. On the other hand, it could


be argued that all of this is subjective to the magician.


Perhaps all magical effects could be produced through


hypnosis alone. But the effects are certainly real.


Great complexity is not necessary in magick.


Although basicly magick is a medieval system of symbolism


(in a modern context), any cosmological system will work


from Cabala to Star Wars. We usually use the medieval one


in magick because it is convenient and traditional, and


because it seems to fit our thought processes well. What


really matters is that the model of the magician be


understood and programmed, and thus that the model and the


cosmological system do correspond.




1) Contrast subjective with objective.


2) What is a ‘model’?


3) Explain the task of the magician.




Eric Berne, Games People Play.


Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics.


Carlos Castaneda, The Fire From Within.


Arthur Koestler, The Roots of Coincidence.


John C. Lilly, Simulations of God.


Alan Watts, The Book (on the taboo against knowing who you are).




The ancients described man as mind, body, and soul.


Psychologists of the twentieth century added the


subconscious to that deffinition. This produces a four-fold


classification. The universe is also divided into four


corresponding parts (‘worlds’), as shown below:




===== ==== =======


spiritual world spiritual body (soul or kia) intuition


mental world mental body (conscious mind) rational




astral world astral body (subconscious) emotions


physical world physical body physical senses


The astral body (subconscious) is the intermediary


for intuition, magical and psychic phenomena, and is the


‘psychic link’ to the physical world. Most occult and


magical phenomena originate in the invisible, non-sensate,


non-physical realm (ie. without physical senses). Each of


the four worlds interacts with the other worlds. Psychic


energy flows from the spiritual to mental to astral to


physical. The physical world is a projection (manifestation,


reflection, or shadow) of the higher worlds. Our center of


consciousness is generally within these higher worlds.


“We are”, to quote the rock music group the Police, “spirits


in the material world”.


There are many similar terms used by other occult


groups. For example, ‘astral light’ is another name for


astral world, although it may sometimes also refer to the


entire non-physical realm, as may ‘inner planes’ or ‘the


invisible world’. Planes are essentially the same as worlds.


Vehicles or sheaths are the same as bodies. Some groups


include an etheric or vital body between physical and


astral: it is mostly ‘physical’ with a little of the


lower ‘astral’ besides. And sometimes astral and mental


are each divided into two parts (upper and lower). The


‘causal body’ is the upper ‘mental’.




We have been describing ‘traditonal’ occult


philosophy here, and certainly an important part of the


tradition is the idea (and terms) microcosm and macrocosm.


The greater universe, known as the *macrocosm*, includes


everything that exists. It corresponds with the *microcosm*,


or tiny universe, ie. man — who is thought of as a


miniature replica of the macrocosm (whole universe).


This basic magical relationship is demonstrated in the


Bible (Genesis 1.27), where God is the macrocosm; and in


the writing of Trismegistus (“As above so below”). Since


man is in the image of God (universe) it follows that God


is in the image of man (in other words, man and the


God/universe match each other). The magician, as a microcosm


is thus connected with the macrocosm. There is an intimate


relationship of energies between you and everything else.


The universe is reflected within us and we are projected


into the universe. This is an important theory behind magick


and astrology.




‘Personal magick’ is that magick used to affect the


self; often involving affirmation, self-suggestion, and


self-hypnosis. ‘Active magick’ is outer directed magick (as


in PK) used to affect someone or thing, or to bring about


an event. ‘Passive magick’ is to be affected (as in ESP)


by an outside non-physical cause. Everyone possesses some


magical (and psychic) potential. Some are especially


gifted. Usually people are better at one kind of magick


(ie. active or passive) than they are at the other kind;


only rarely does an individual excell at both. Traning


and practice will, of course, improve ability somewhat.


Although the forces of magick are neutral, various


systems may take on the qualities of good and evil. There


is so-called white magick or good magick, black magick or


evil magick, and gray magick between them. When many people


refer to white magick they mean magick for unselfish


purposes, also healing and mental influence with specific


permission. By black magick they refer to magick for


self-interest and healing *without* specific permission.


Using magick to forcefully control another’s will is, in a


sense, black magick too. There are also some people on the


occult fringe who claim to be, possibly even think they are,


‘Satanists’, devil worshipers, or black magicians. These


people are most likely charlatans, hoaxters, dablers, or


merely misinformed. They may be attracted by the ‘art’ of


black magick, or even by the ‘glamor’ of doing something


against the ‘rules’. But a real black magician is very


dangerous. Because he has dedicated his life to evil. We


usually think of ‘white magick’ as having *unselfish


intent*, and (in the extreme case) of ‘black magick’ as


being actual Satan worship, human or animal sacrifice,


dangerous unconventional magical practices, and other


bizarre stuff as makes a nightmare. It is all a matter of


degree. Most mild self-interest magick (one of the most


common kinds) would be called ‘gray’. Better terms may be


*constructive magick* as being beneficial; and *aversive


magick* as magick intended to work against the natural


order, and to tear down. There is also the *high magick* of


spiritual alchemy (ie. spiritual growth), also known as ‘the


Great Work’; and conversely there is ‘low magick’ which is


concerned with materiality.


Any magick act is likely to produce side effects


regardless of whether or not the desired result is achieved.


Such side effects are no problem for constructive magick,


since they are benificial as well. However, aversive magick


can produce aversive side effects which may even harm the


magician — aversive magick is dangerous!




What we have been calling ‘magick’ is actually a


continuous process. Since your subconscious never rests,


your environment is continually being shifted into line with


your model. This is true whether you study magick or not.


For most people, these effects are usually very subtle, and


they are probably not aware of them. However, as you work


with the occult, the flow of psychic energy and your


awareness of it increases. Your true will is more likely


to be strongly expressed. Your luck may be affected (either


in a positive or a negative way). Remember, our lives tend


to follow what we want down deep. That is why a positive


outlook is so very beneficial to us.




Sometimes it is helpful to keep a diary of your


magical experiments and research. Such a diary should include


the date, perhaps even some astrological data (or anything


else you think may have a relationship to what you are doing).


This is also a good time to begin recording your dreams —


at least the important ones — in a dream diary. Your dreams


can tell you a great deal about yourself, and may sometimes


reveal premonitions. Dreams are personal. Don’t fall for the


commercial ‘dream book’ gimmick.




The mind is always open to suggestion — especially the


subconscious. Most of the time we censor any suggestions


according to the model; but one way to break through the censor


is with repetition. An affirmation does this exactly. By


suggestion, we mean any statement which is capable of affecting


your model. Usually suggestion is in the form of a positive


statement (such as the hypnotist’s patter — ” You are


becomming sleepy”). An affirmation is the same kind of thing —


a positive suggestion, which you repeat (affirm) to yourself


aloud or silently (for example, “I remember my dreams”). If


there is some quality you wish to change or develope within


yourself, an affirmation is ideal. Repeat it several times


every day at several different times throughout the day,


expecially when you go to bed. Affirmations are subtle and may


require a few months to work. Use them for changes, not






Visualization is another important method we use to


influence the subconscious. A good example of this is the


simple banishing technique which follows. Banishing is used in


magick to ‘clear the air’ of negative ‘vibes’ and




Visualize a strong white light flowing out the top of


your head, flowing down around you and covering you. At the


same time imagine you are throwing away any ‘problem’ vibes.


Maintain the visualization for a half a minute or longer.


Good way to help you handle your emotions, and to control


worry or anger.




1) What is a microcosm?


2) List the four worlds. Explain.


3) What is an affirmation? Give an example.




Geoffry Hodson, Theosophy Answers Some Problems of Life.


Marc Edmund Jones, Key Truths of Occult Philosophy.


Marion Weinstein, Positive Magic.


Nelson & Ann White, The Wizard’s Apprentice.


Beatrice Bruteau, The Psychic Grid.




The Ancients divided the world into four basic


principles or *elements* — earth, water, fire, and air.


That viewpoint has mostly changed with advances of science,


but the four elements are still accepted in magick, for they


are more closely linked with the emotions than modern


explanations of the world. Many occultists think of the magical


elements as forces, or as *qualities* of energy; especially


within the astral world. Each element has a symbol and color.


(Common symbols are — fire: a triangle pointing up; air:


a triangle pointing up and with a horizontal line through the


middle of it; water: a triangle pointing down; earth: a


triangle pointing down and with a horizontal line through the


middle of it.) Colors of the elements are — earth: brown and


green; water: blue; fire: red; air: yellow…The Eastern


tattvic system uses different symbols and colors. The elements


are often used in magick ritual.


Magick sees relationships between things. These


relationships are called ‘correspondences’. Although magical


correspondences are not literally equal to one another, you can


think of them that way (such as gold equals sun). Tables of


these relationships, called ‘Correspondence Tables’, are


available (an important one is Crowley’s ‘777’). Thus one thing


or symbol can be used to suggest another. This is important in


magick, for the magician may surround himself with as many


appropriate correspondences as he can to vividly affect the


senses; thus making his magical contact with the inner planes


more lucid.


The magical elements have correspondences with the


tarrot cards as the four suits. The four quarters (directions


of the universe as used in magick ritual) and the Archangels


also correspond with these same elements —


Element Suit Quarter Archangel


======= ==== ======= =========


earth pentacles north Uriel


water cups west Gabriel


fire wands south Michael


air swords east Raphael




The magical elements are said to be peopled by spirits


and mythological entities called elementals or nature spirits.


These are grouped into four main categories —


Gnome (earth) Undine (water) Salamander (fire) Sylph (air)

============= ============== ================= ===========

dwarfs nymphs jin (genies) fairies

elves tritons storm angels

brownies mermaids

hobgoblins mermen

lepricauns sirens


Elementals are usually only visible to those with

clairvoyant sight and are more likely to be seen at night in

the mountains or country away from cities — especially if you

are tired or sleepy. Although elementals exist naturally, it is

also possible to create one which will exist for a limited time

— no elemental has immortality. A created elemental is called

an ‘artificial elemental’.

To the Ancients, elementals were the physical

explanation of the universe. However, some contemporary

occultists see them only as symbols for forces and otherwise

not ‘real’ at all. Another word sometimes used for elemental is

‘familiar’ (usually in medieval witchcraft); the term is

ambiguous, as it might merely be an ordinary household pet such

as a dog or cat.


Chinese philosophy and acupuncture talk of yin yang.

This is the idea of polarity, or opposite pairs, as shown —


=== ====

water fire

contraction expansion

cold hot

feminine masculine

moon sun

negative positive

passive active

ebb flow

wane wax

The list could go on. In Chinese literature it is quite long.

Some occultists suggest everything can be similarly arranged

into related opposite pairs.


Here is a simple magical technique you may wish to

try. It is a variation of affirmation, which was discussed

in an earlier lesson…To help to you achieve your goal

(magical or otherwise), find a word or short phase which sums

up what it is that you want to accomplish. Write the word (or

phrase) down 10 times each day until you achieve success.


1) List the four elements.

2) What is an elemental?

3) What are correspondences?


William Britten, Art Magic (long out of print, but in some


Pete Carrol, Liber Null.

Wing-Tsit Chan, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy.

Manly Hall, Unseen Forces.


According to East Indian philosophy, man possesses seven

major *chakras* or psychic centers on his body. Each of these

forms a bridge, link, or energy transformer; changing pure

(higher) energy into various forms, and connecting the four

bodies (ie. spiritual, mental, astral, and physical) together.

The chakras are located along the nadies (a network of psychic

nerves or channels) and follow the autonomic nervous system

along the spinal cord. Chakras correlate with major acupuncture

points along the ‘governing vessel meridian’ (acupuncture term).

The seven major chakras are connected together by three major

nadies which are parallel and near each other. The middle nadi

is called *sushumna* and it has neutral characteristics. The

nadi on the left (ie. nearest your left hand) is the *ida* nadi

which has yin characteristics. On the other side of sushumna

(nearest your right hand) is the *pingala* nadi, having yang


Chakras are visible to clairvoyant sight as varously

colored rotating circles or funnels. In the East they are

described as petaled flowers or lotuses. Sources disagree on the


The first chakra, located at the base of the spine at

the perineum is the *root chakra*, muladhara. It primarily

relates to the element of earth and to psychic smell.

The second chakra, known as the *sacral center*,

svadhisthana, is located above and behind the genitals. Its

dominant element is water, and it is related to psychic taste.

Third of the chakras is the *solar plexus*, manipura,

located at the navel and corresponding with the emotions and

with the element of fire; also with psychic sight


The *heart chakra*, anahata, is the fourth chakra,

located over the heart and corresponding with the element of

air, and also with psychic touch.

The fifth chakra is the *throat chakra*, vishuddha,

located at the base of the throat (thyroid) and corresponding

with psychic hearing (clairaudience).

The remaining two chakras are very important. They

relate mostly to elevated states of consciousness. The *frontal

chakra*, (or ‘third eye’) ajna, the sixth chakra, is located

between, and slightly above, the eyebrows. Ajna is the center of

psychic powers and can produce many psychic effects. Meditation

on ajna is said to cure nervousness.

Finally, the *crown chakra*, sahasrara, located atop the

head, (pineal gland) is the seventh chakra. It is referred to as

the thousand-petaled lotus and corresponds with astral

projection and enlightenment.

There are also many minor chakras throughout the body.

Each chakra has a sound (letter) and a pitch which is sometimes

used to invoke it.


Some occultists prefer to describe the magical elements

as tattvas according to the Eastern system. Notice that these

symbols and colors are generally different than the western

symbols and colors for the elements.

element tattva tattvic symbol

======= ====== ==============

earth prithivi yellow square

water apas silver crescent

fire tejas red triangle

air vayu blue circle

(spirit) akasa black oval


Yoga originated in India. It is a physical or mental

discipline designed to condition and invigorate the mind and

body. There are many kinds of yoga, but they may be generally

divided into three main types…

Hatha yoga — affect the mind through the body using

physical exercises; improve physical health and endurance.

Raja yoga — affect the mind through mental training;

improve concentration.

Mantra yoga — affect the mind through chanting and

affirmation; achieve relaxation.


This is a much touted area of the occult. There are many

meditation techniques, and many claims made for the benefits of

meditation. Basicly, meditation has two functions — relaxation,

and perhaps, improved concentration. There are two main types…

1) concentration meditation (focusing),





The ability to think seems to set us apart from

other creatures. And although we are concerned with

living in the physical world, we are mental beings. The

fact is we are thinking all the time. We plan, we brood,

we get depressed or elated — all of it is thought. But

the universe is mental too, and if we could control our

thinking we would see magnificent results in the everyday


Many systems have been developed over the ages to

help us control our thoughts. A great amound of dogma too

has been kicked around in an attempt to make us into better

people. Magick (the occult kind, spelled with a ‘k’) is one

of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magick is

the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental

training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program

the mind. The purpose of magick is to alter the self and the

environment according to the will.

Most of the magick we see today comes to us from

ancient Egypt and Chaldea. The Chinese, Hindus, and Tibetans

developed their own unique types of magick. Western magick

was locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years

and then supressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not

until medieval Europe that magical knowledge was rediscovered

by the alchemists and Cabalists. Only during the past hundred

years or so has western culture been open minded enough to

permit widespread investigation of the subject. Only since

the start of the twentieth century has science shown much

interest in it al all.