Today’s Witches Rune for August 14th is The Birds

Today’s Witches Rune

The Birds

Keywords: Unexpected news, change.

Meanings: The Birds Rune means some unexpected news that may alter your life completely, especially if this is the leading rune. Generally, the news will lead to a positive change but pay close attention to the nearest runes to determine its nature. It can also mean news of friends or family that you haven’t had contact with in quite a while. Letters and documents should be watched for as they may well bring happiness.

Your Daily Witches Rune for June 16th is The Birds

Daily Witches Rune for the Day

The Birds

Keywords: Unexpected news, change.

Meanings: The Birds Rune means some unexpected news that may alter your life completely, especially if this is the leading rune. Generally, the news will lead to a positive change but pay close attention to the nearest runes to determine its nature. It can also mean news of friends or family that you haven’t had contact with in quite a while. Letters and documents should be watched for as they may well bring happiness.

Your Daily Witches Rune for May 29th is The Birds

Daily Witches Rune for the Day

The Birds

Keywords: Unexpected news, change.

Meanings: The Birds Rune means some unexpected news that may alter your life completely, especially if this is the leading rune. Generally, the news will lead to a positive change but pay close attention to the nearest runes to determine its nature. It can also mean news of friends or family that you haven’t had contact with in quite a while. Letters and documents should be watched for as they may well bring happiness.

The Witches Rune – The Birds

The Birds

Keywords: Unexpected news, change.

Meanings: The Birds Rune means some unexpected news that may alter your life completely, especially if this is the leading rune. Generally, the news will lead to a positive change but pay close attention to the nearest runes to determine its nature. It can also mean news of friends or family that you haven’t had contact with in quite a while. Letters and documents should be watched for as they may well bring happiness.

Daily Feng Shui News for May 19th – ‘It’s All About Birds’

Flights of fancy could conceivably preoccupy you today as great blessings take wing. According to Feng Shui, birds bring sometimes surprising but always excellent news. The unexpected appearance of birds can feather your nest with opportunities as well. And they bring joy! If you want to engineer some aviary attention, then simply scatter some birdseed on your front walkway to bring opportunities that will let your luck soar right to your own front door.

By Ellen Whitehurst for

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – February 21

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – February 21

“Every thing or living being that exists in this world, be it trees, flowers, birds, grasses, rocks, soil of the earth, or human beings, has its unique manner of existence –its essence, its spirit that makes it what it is. That is what is meant by connectedness.”

–Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA

Scientists are finally realizing what the Elders have taught for thousands of years-every- thing is connected. Because everything is interconnected, whatever you do to any one thing, you do to everything. If you poison any part of the earth, the poison eventually affects everything else. If you poison the plants, the birds will eat the plants, which poisons the birds. The birds are eaten by humans which poisons the humans. The humans will have babies who could be deformed because the plants were poisoned. We must learn to live in harmony with the earth. We must learn to think good things. Every good thought is felt by everything, which causes everything to be happy.

Creator, let my thoughts only be good thoughts.

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Quiz for Saturday – Which Bird Are You?

Which Bird Are You? Quiz

Let your imagination take flight with this fun quiz that can tell you  something significant about your true nature. After all, if you’re a sparrow  you’ll need to beware of hawks, and if you’re a heron, you need periodic times  of stillness in order to thrive. Birds can give us useful information about what  we need and who we most deeply are.

Learn more so you can really soar, here:

Answer the following questions TRUE or FALSE (and be truthful with  yourself!).

1. I do my best work alone.

2. People have told me I am a visionary, capable of seeing the big  picture.

3. I am quick and incisive when it comes to making decisions.

4. I am in a leadership position at work or in my life; people tell me I have  a lot of personal power.

5. I come alive after dark; early rising is not for me.

6. I sometimes need to come to a complete standstill before I make a  move.

7. My nature is extremely quick: my metabolism, thoughts, and actions tend to  be on the fast side.

8. I love to talk and/or sing.

9. Although I am imaginative, I prefer to stay close to home.

10. I thrive under adverse conditions and often find unusual ways of seeing  things.

11. I enjoy interacting with many people at work.

12. If I had to choose one word to sum up the meaning of life for me, it  would be “joy.”

13. I am drawn to watery landscapes and find great serenity beside ponds,  lakes, and inlets.

14. I love a sense of spaciousness; heights don’t scare me.

15. I prefer to see all sides of something before I make a decision. People  tell me I have a well-rounded sense of things.

Take note of the clusters that are mostly true for you: they can tell you  which bird is your guide.

If you answered TRUE to 1, 3, 7, and 12 you are a HUMMINGBIRD.

If you answered TRUE to 1, 2, 4, and 14 you are an EAGLE.

If you answered TRUE to 1, 5, 10, and 15 you are an OWL.

If you answered TRUE to 1, 3, 6, and 13 you are a HERON.

If you answered TRUE to 7, 8, 9, and 11 you are a SONGBIRD.