18 April 2022 Southern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions

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Southeastern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America

18 April 2022
03:00 pm GMT 12:00 PM BRT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:28 Aries 34
Moon:23 Scorpio 11
Mercury:14 Taurus 34
Venus:14 Pisces 11
Mars:02 Pisces 39
Jupiter:25 Pisces 20
Saturn:23 Aquarius 29
Uranus:13 Taurus 50
Neptune:24 Pisces 11
Pluto:28 Capricorn 34

True Lunar Node:22 Taurus 35
Mean Lunar Node:23 Taurus 50 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):00 Cancer 25

Chiron:13 Aries 19
Ceres:19 Gemini 32
Pallas:24 Aries 57
Juno:29 Aquarius 16
Vesta:17 Aquarius 26

Eris:24 Aries 23



Southern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Cape Town, South Africa

18 April 2022
10:00 am GMT 12:00 PM SAST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:28 Aries 21
Moon:20 Scorpio 10
Mercury:14 Taurus 12
Venus:13 Pisces 57
Mars:02 Pisces 29
Jupiter:25 Pisces 17
Saturn:23 Aquarius 28
Uranus:13 Taurus 50
Neptune:24 Pisces 10
Pluto:28 Capricorn 34

True Lunar Node:22 Taurus 35 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:23 Taurus 51 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):00 Cancer 23

Chiron:13 Aries 18
Ceres:19 Gemini 28
Pallas:24 Aries 51
Juno:29 Aquarius 12
Vesta:17 Aquarius 21

Eris:24 Aries 23


Southwestern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 

18 April 2022
02:00 am GMT 12:00 PM AEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:28 Aries 02
Moon:15 Scorpio 20
Mercury:13 Taurus 36
Venus:13 Pisces 35
Mars:02 Pisces 14
Jupiter:25 Pisces 12
Saturn:23 Aquarius 27
Uranus:13 Taurus 49
Neptune:24 Pisces 10
Pluto:28 Capricorn 34

True Lunar Node:22 Taurus 35 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:23 Taurus 52 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):00 Cancer 21

Chiron:13 Aries 17
Ceres:19 Gemini 20
Pallas:24 Aries 43
Juno:29 Aquarius 05
Vesta:17 Aquarius 12

Eris:24 Aries 23


Weekly Horoscope Sunday, April 17 to Saturday, April 23, 2022

Click here for Georgia Nicols’ Daily Horoscopes 

All Signs

An exuberant, electrifying energy ushers in this week because Mercury is lined up with unpredictable Uranus. Since both these planets are in a solid Earth sign, this will also trigger brilliant, practical solutions for us. Nevertheless, what the large print giveth, the small print taketh away. At the same time, the Sun will be at odds with Pluto indicating power struggles. (Patience is the key.) By the end of the week, a dreamy influence arrives making our imaginations soar! Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” I say, “All is theatre. If you put out fresh flowers, you don’t have to dust.”

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Be aware that unusual changes will impact your finances this week, especially at the beginning of the week. Stay on top of banking details. Know what’s happening because something unexpected could impact your assets, including your earnings. This might also apply to your belongings. For example, something you own might be lost, damaged or stolen. Therefore, keep your eyes open! Meanwhile, you are becoming increasingly in touch with a softer part of you – your inner world. Your spiritual values. In turn, this will prompt a greater appreciation of your world. It will also prompt a greater appreciation of the suffering of others.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a powerful time for you because the Sun, Mercury and Uranus are all in your sign, and they are all lined up. This is why you feel super independent! You might even feel rebellious. You do not want to be dictated to by others. Furthermore, you might feel compelled to suddenly act or do unexpected things. Life has taken on an unpredictable quality for you, which can be exciting but also disconcerting. Be aware of this wild energy swirling around you and think before you act. Do not be rash. Fortunately, friends and members of groups are supportive and loving to you now, which is such a blessing.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is an unsettling time for you and you might not know why. The reason for this is the Sun, Mercury and Uranus are closely lined up in your chart; however, they are “hiding.” This means all this electric, impulsive energy is fomenting beneath the surface of things. This could make you feel vaguely restless. You have that feeling that you should “do something.” In fact, you might say or do something that surprises others. Fortunately, a lovely, supportive influence is taking place at the top of your chart right now, which is helpful to you. This means people in power will be supportive — bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and the police. Therefore, if you need help – ask for it.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a popular time for you! You are more involved with young people as well making connections with organizations or clubs. Your involvement with others is lively and stimulating! It might make you feel younger. It might also trigger new ideas that make you change your future goals? Without doubt, some of you will meet someone interesting, perhaps a real character – someone unusual in some way or different from you. In addition, travel and opportunities to broaden your horizons will be thrilling! You might develop a crush on someone from another culture? You are excited and uplifted to explore opportunities in other countries, other cultures as well as publishing, the media, medicine and the law. A very rewarding time!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Sudden and unexpected news might catch you off guard at the beginning of the week. It could relate to a parent. More likely, it will relate to a boss or someone in a position of authority, perhaps even the government or the police. (“Busted!”) Do be aware of this. However, this astrological combo also indicates that you feel rebellious, especially against authority. You want to do something on your own terms. Furthermore, you’re prepared to speak up about it. You want to fight for what is right, not only for yourself but for others. (Very much your style.) Meanwhile, financial matters are looking sweet! Gifts, goodies and favours from others will come your way. You might receive an inheritance. This same, beneficial influence can promote your love life and make things passionate and wonderfully affectionate. Oh my.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Travel opportunities might drop in your lap this week. Conversely, planned travel might suddenly be changed or cancelled? Meanwhile, others will hear unexpected news about medical matters or something to do with a legal situation. Or something unexpected might even impact your work in publishing or the media? New ideas and new opportunities to get further training and education will also be exciting. Do be aware that whatever opportunities present themselves to you will have a brief window, which means you will have to act quickly. Fortunately, your closest relationships are warm and cozy! This applies to dear friendships as well as your interactions with a spouse or partner. Bonus!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

At the beginning of this week, stay on top of banking details and anything to do with taxes, debt, insurance issues or matters related to shared property. I say this because this is where you might have a surprise. When it comes to financial matters, unless it’s a boon or a windfall, nobody likes a surprise. Therefore, stay on top of your scene. Know what’s happening, in case you have to head something off at the pass. (Especially if the posse is after you.) Fortunately, something quite wonderful is impacting your health as well as your job or your work. This is where you will truly benefit! Relations with coworkers are positive. You might see ways to make your workspace more attractive. You might get a promotion or even a better job. We like!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Something unusual will take place between you and a close friend or a partner at the beginning of the week. Someone might make an unusual demand upon a relationship? They might want more freedom? Or perhaps, you will meet someone new? Or someone close to you might introduce you to someone who is different and unusual? Something interesting will definitely take place. Meanwhile, this is a lovely time for your social life because social plans with others will be interesting! You will enjoy the theatre, movies or some kind of interaction where you are entertained. Playful activities with kids will be upbeat. Romance will be thrilling, heartwarming and affectionate. Smoochie boochies!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This week you can expect interruptions and sudden changes that impact your job and your work. These changes might be positive – or not. For example, they could indicate the introduction of new technology; or you might have computer problems. Aagghhh. A change to your work might happen. You might start a new job or a new project? You will be full of original, clever ideas related to your work. Likewise, something unexpected might occur that relates to your health. Avoid accidents and be careful. Similarly, keep an eye on your pet to avoid mishaps. On the upside, you will adore entertaining at home or redecorating where you live or buying wonderful things for your home because everything related to home and family is blessed! (You feel so fortunate.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Parents should be extra vigilant this week because this is an accident-prone time for your kids. However, everyone will experience a change to social plans. This change will also apply to vacations or any kind of entertaining diversion, including the arts as well as sports. This could include an unexpected award or a win or some wonderful acknowledgement? Admittedly, it might indicate a sudden disappointment. Could go either way. Most likely it is positive news because this week your everyday relations with others are unusually warm, friendly and mutually beneficial. You are the charter member of your own mutual admiration society. Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This week, interruptions and unexpected events will impact home and family for you – no question. Very likely, this will take place at the beginning of the week. For example, small appliances might break down or a minor breakage could occur. Unexpected company might be knocking at your door. (Do get dressed.) Technology might be a challenge. A Wi-Fi connection? Computer glitches? The good news is that money is coming your way! Many of you will suddenly boost your earnings or find a better paying job. You will work hard to earn your money as well. Since the money is flowing, many of you will also buy lovely, beautiful, special things for yourself. And why not? Money is only useful if you spend it.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Do be careful because this is an accident-prone time for you. Therefore, pay attention to everything you say and do because I’m referring to both physical and verbal accidents. (“Did I just say that?”) On the upside, you will have brilliant, original ideas! That’s because you can easily think outside of the box. New faces, new places and new plans will be exciting! All of this will definitely keep you on your toes. Meanwhile, a beautiful influence of Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune is taking place in your sign (an influence that is still lingering from last week). This can only bring you good fortune. Alphabetize your blessings!

April 17, 2022 Daily Horoscopes Digest

Click here for Georgia Nicols’ Daily Horoscopes

Moon Alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Scorpio.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Expect some financial surprises today. Everything is a bit up in the air with respect to cash flow, earnings as well as your possessions. For example, you might find money or you might lose money. Please be wise and protect what you own against loss, theft or damage.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is an exciting day for you with a fast tempo. All your communications with others will be stimulating and different. Thinking patterns are rapid and your intuition is active. Quite likely, you will have inventive, original ideas and suggestions. Why not write them down?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today your ruler Mercury is lined up with unpredictable Uranus, which will create a busy feeling within you. You might jump to conclusions. You might feel restless. Avoid rash behaviour. Be like the wise carpenter: Measure twice, cut once. Steady as she goes.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Parents should be extra vigilant about their kids today because this is an accident-prone day for their children. Meanwhile, an upset with a friend is likely. (This is also a rocky day for romance.) Social plans might change. Or possibly, a lovely invitation will come your way?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is not an ideal day to make your pitch to the boss or to ask for permission or approval for anything because your interactions with authority figures (parents, teachers or the police) are completely unpredictable. Things could go south in a New York minute. It’s a crapshoot.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today you will might encounter new faces and see new places. You’re full of new, innovative ideas. Travel plans might suddenly change. Unexpected news about higher education, publishing and the media is likely. A surprise that is related to medicine and the law might also occur.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Double check issues related to banking, shared property, inheritances or insurance disputes because something unpredictable could impact these areas in your life. Be smart and guard your money and your possessions because you might encounter financial surprises.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Today the Moon is in your sign at odds with unpredictable Uranus. This could bring about some surprises when dealing with those who are closest to you – friends, partners and spouses. People might be rebellious? You might want more freedom? It’s a tricky day.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a restless day for you. Furthermore, unexpected events might throw you a curveball. Expect detours related to your work. Something unexpected might relate to your pet or even your health today. Be vigilant and ready to respond in a number of areas. Stay flexible. “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!”

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You might encounter a new friend or someone who is unusual in some way today. Or possibly, a friend or a member of a group will do something that surprises you. You might learn new information about a group that you did not suspect. Keep your eyes open.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Relations with bosses, parents and the police are unpredictable today. For starters, something unexpected might take place at home. Small appliances might break down or a minor breakage could occur. Someone unexpected might appear at your door. Get dressed.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You might have to take a sudden trip today. Or possibly, a scheduled trip will be cancelled? Travel plans are unpredictable. Likewise legal and medical matters are up for grabs. Please note: Because this is a mildly accident-prone day for you, pay attention to everything you say and do.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Sean Bean (1959) shares your birthday today. You are high spirited with an excellent sense of humour. Your inner strength helps you overcome obstacles. You take your responsibilities seriously. This year is the last year of a nine-year cycle for you. It’s time to take inventory and let go of people, places and whatever is no longer relevant in your life. Clear the decks for a new year next year!

April 17 Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2022 April 17

Shuttle Over Earth

Image Credit: NASAExpedition 22 Crew

Explanation: What’s that approaching? Astronauts on board the International Space Station in 2010 first saw it far in the distance. Soon it enlarged to become a dark silhouette. As it came even closer, the silhouette appeared to be a spaceship. Finally, the object revealed itself to be the Space Shuttle Endeavour, and it soon docked as expected with the Earth-orbiting space station. Pictured here, Endeavour was imaged near Earth’s horizon as it approached, where several layers of the Earth’s atmosphere were visible. Directly behind the shuttle is the mesosphere, which appears blue. The atmospheric layer that appears white is the stratosphere, while the orange layer is Earth’s Troposphere. Together, these thin layers of air — collectively spanning less than 2 percent of Earth‘s radius — sustain us all in many ways, including providing oxygen to breath and a barrier to dangerous radiations from space.