Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, August 25, 2017

Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, August 25, 2017




You have your priorities straight today, dear Aries, and you’re not going overboard with either work or play, which is excellent for you right now. You take more pride in your work, management ability, and performance. Also today, Saturn turns direct. This yearly event occurs in your solar ninth house again this year, but for the final time for many years to come. Career, reputation, publishing, travel, legal matters, and education are all affected by Saturn in your solar chart right now, and these are areas of your life that may need some extra attention to rules and structure. Fortunately, Saturn’s direct movement makes it easier to accept responsibility, and you’re less inclined to question or evade it. It’s an empowering influence although the initial time of the shift can bring on stronger awareness of realities in these areas of life, which can feel heavy at first.



You might thoroughly enjoy learning something new or developing your specialized skills or knowledge today, dear Taurus, as this makes you feel strong. You’re absorbing information well right now. Also today, Saturn turns direct after several months in retrograde motion, and you’ll see some forward progress with taxes, intimate or financial relationships, education, or travel now and in the coming weeks. This is a time for more clarity about a responsibility to someone or a commitment. There could be sobering news about a financial matter, or you might recognize that money matters are out of order and need to be organized. This places you in a more empowered position, even if there is a reality to face now. You’re less likely to dilly dally with your responsibilities.



You can quickly gain more insight into a special project or person today, dear Gemini. You’re in exactly the frame of mind for honing in on the most relevant details. Also today, Saturn turns direct after retrograde motion since April. Again this year, this event occurs in your sector of partnership. You are reminded of your responsibilities. While this may hang heavy in the air now, as you move forward, you are likely to have more clarity, particularly regarding a partnership or your feelings about relationships, in general. Partnerships may have been put through the wringer recently, or you may be seeing the less flattering side of others or yourself through a relationship, but you are in a better position to see where you’re headed along these lines as you go forward. This is the last stretch of Saturn’s transit of your partnership sector before it moves on in December. Realistic expectations of projects and people lead to happier moods all around!



You might find satisfying ways to bring more balance to a friendship or partnership today, dear Cancer. Also today, Saturn turns direct after retrograde motion since April. This is the last stretch of Saturn’s transit through your work and health sector, and this yearly direct turn brings a more natural and straightforward approach to meeting and facing your responsibilities. More clarity comes to a work project, your job itself, your health, or a partnership. Learning where you stand on a matter can come as a relief. The weeks ahead become more and more active for organizing your personal space, work, and health programs. You’ll see much value in firming up your routines. Mercury remains retrograde until September 5th, so decision-making should probably wait a while longer, but you’re getting there.



Today, you may be feeling empowered by getting a better handle on your daily routines, work, or health, dear Leo. You’re likely to feel particularly motivated to improve your habits, and this agenda works well with Saturn’s direct turn today. Saturn has been retrograde since April, and in the coming weeks, as it regains speed, you’ll find certain areas of your life far more straightforward. Saturn’s direct station is a yearly occurrence and affects your work, health, and daily routines every year. This year, like last, it also influences your romance, creative projects, and hobbies. Adding more structure to these areas of life going forward can be excellent for you. You’ll be tidying things up directly and actively until Saturn moves on in December. Stalling in any of these areas is behind you now.



A hobby or a romance can have a powerful effect on you now, dear Virgo, and dedication to something (or someone) you love makes you feel quite wonderful today. Also today, Saturn turns direct after retrograde motion since April. This yearly direct turn always affects your creative life, romantic world, and self-expression. Delays, ambiguities, or worries in these areas tend to lift. Last year and this year, Saturn turning direct also brings forward movement to your family and home life. Efforts to improve family life, particularly on the level of structure and order, resume full force going forward. Now and until December is a powerful time for organizing your personal life. Facing your responsibilities realistically puts you in a strong position to manage them. Take things gradually and enjoy the process of bringing more order and security to your inner world.



You can take a particular interest in your inner world today, dear Libra, and you’re likely to derive quite a bit of satisfaction from efforts to improve family and home life. You’re in a good position to take charge. Also today, Saturn turns direct in your communications sector after several months of retrograde motion, making it a great time to add more structure to your daily affairs, communications, and studies. You’re more inclined to meet your responsibilities rather than put them off now and in the months ahead. You may feel some pressure this week as the shift occurs since your obligations or limitations send to be magnified. However, improvements can be made to learning, security, and home matters and these areas of life become easier going forward. You’re also in a great position to evaluate which of your interests, studies, and projects are truly worth your efforts.



You can feel particularly good about specialized learning or skills development now and in the coming weeks, dear Scorpio, with Saturn, ruler of your communications sector, turning direct and with Juno in this sector as well. You feel stronger as you do! You want to contribute something of value, and you’re willing to put in the extra effort to do so. Saturn’s direct turn today also affects your finances, resources, and sense of self-worth, as it did last year. In fact, from now until December is an excellent period for firming up your budget, evaluating business projects, and paring down excess so that you can make yourself more secure and pay particular attention to your practical affairs. Knowing where you stand and meeting your responsibilities — or facing reality — is empowering now. While Mercury remains retrograde until September 5th and you may want to hold off on major decision-making yet, Saturn’s direct turn is helpful for clarity. Saturn asks you to be responsible and mature about the areas of life it’s affecting, and the rewards for doing so can be great.



There is more than one astrological reason for you to feel more empowered and in charge when it comes to your money, resources, talents, and business matters, dear Sagittarius from today forward. A sense that you’re on top of your practical affairs will have you feeling more balanced and confident. Saturn rules this sector of your solar chart and is turning direct today, fueling your confidence to face reality and make better decisions as a result. Saturn is in your sign, so this has an even more personal impact on you. Keep in mind that this will be the last stretch of Saturn’s transit of your sign (from now until mid-December) for almost three decades. The shift this week can feel a little weighty as you have a stronger sense of your duties, but as you adjust to the change of direction, you’ll find you’re in excellent shape for getting organized.



You have Juno in your sign harmonizing with the Sun today, dear Capricorn, and you feel more capable, in charge, and strong. As well, Saturn, your ruler, turns direct today, and this brings more clarity, direction, and purpose to your life, although this is a gradual process over the coming weeks. A desire to reinvent yourself in some way can be strong now and in the weeks ahead. Like last year, this year’s station occurs in your solar twelfth house, and from now until December, you’re sure to feel far more equipped to put negative habits and attitudes behind you. An important period is ahead of you as you prepare for Saturn’s move into your sign in mid-December. Clearing out the deadwood is useful now, and you get some superior help from Jupiter as the planet of abundance forms a supportive trine to Saturn, helping you see all the benefits of a more moderate lifestyle without sacrificing optimism.



Today is good for pulling into yourself in order to gather more strength, dear Aquarius, although the Moon does encourage you to get out and about as well. Ideally, you make time for both. As well today, Saturn ends its yearly retrograde, and for the second and final year, this is happening in your sector of friends, ideals, happiness goals, and group associations. Ultimately, truths coming to light now and this week will help you get a better grip on the reality of friendships or projects, a long-term plan, aspiration, or goal. You can make better plans knowing what is viable and what isn’t. You’d be wise to look for ways to simplify or cut back, even if this is not the easiest choice. You more readily accept rather than question your responsibilities as Saturn regains speed in the coming weeks, and you’re in better shape for organizing, moving forward, and meeting responsibilities.



Today is a good time for gathering up strength through your connections to others or long-term plans, dear Pisces. You thoroughly enjoy mapping out a plan now. Also today, Saturn ends its yearly retrograde cycle and moves direct. This event occurs in your career and reputation sector as it did last year, and now and in the coming weeks, you’ll find it more natural and easy to formulate goals and fill your responsibilities, which are clearer. Responsibilities to the outside world are magnified this week as you adjust to Saturn’s change of direction, and there could be some form of a reality check to deal with. However, this puts you in a stronger position for clarity and decision-making. Mercury remains retrograde until September 5th, so take this slowly! Friendship, career, and public or reputation matters move forward slowly but steadily, and that’s the speed you should be moving as well.