Ring of Fire Spell

Ring of Fire Spell

This spell is based on a little-known solar ritual from the Aegean islands. Long ago on the night before the Summer Solstice, hoops were set ablaze, and the villagers woudl guide the Sun’s return by jumping though rings of fire. You can create your own ring of fire with this spell. At dusk, outdoors if possible, light four candles of appropriate color, one for each season, in a circle. In the center place a gold or yellow candle for the Sun. Light the seasonal candles and say:

“Seasons must turn,
Let the Sun return.”

Light the Sun candle and say:

“Shining One,
Charge me with passion,
Turn my words into action.
It must be!”

Jump over your lit candles if you dare. Meditate on each Season and Thank the Sun for it’s return as you put out the candles.
