Today is Wednesday, May 3rd

Ancient civilizations Gods--Ancient Egypt Gods Weigh Heart after Death

Today is Wednesday, May 3rd

Wednesday is the day of the Teutonic deity known as Wodin or Odin, an aspect of the Allfather, god of knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment and combat, the parallel of Hermes, the planet Mercury.

Deity: Woden

Zodiac Sign: Gemini & Virgo

Planet: Mercury

Tree: Ash

Herb: Cinquefoil

Stone: Emerald & Sardonyx

Animal: Raven & Cat

Element: Air

Color: Red & Blue

Number: 6

Rune: Odal(O)



Celtic Tree Month of Huath (Hawthorne) (April 14 – May 12 )

The Runic Half Month of Lgy (flowing water) (April 29 – May 13)

Goddess of the Month of Maia(April 17 – May 15)



The Pagan Book of Days
Nigel Pennick

