Make the Most of the Waxing Moon Phase – Spell for Circuit of Protection Blessing

Wiccan Priestess
Make the Most of the Waxing Moon Phase – Spell for Circuit of Protection Blessing

Hold your hand over the computer or peripheral and visualize it working flawlessly. Wait until you :
I build an aura feel the energy begin to flow between your hands and the object, then say something like:
A circuit, cables, drives
And every unit of protection, true
By part that’s capsulized
Within your body g Moon it grows and thrives
Protecting and comprise
The mechanism that you are;
A strong protection that now bars
All mishaps that might come your way
I seal you from this very day
By circuit of my energy
As I will, so mote it be



Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living (Everyday Series)
Dorothy Morrison