Magickal Activity for June 7th, The Festival of Vesta – Invocation for Vesta

Silently a flower Blooms
Invocation for Vesta

You will need:
A small table covered with white cloth
A statue or picture of Vesta
One large white pillar candle
Fresh violets
A dish of salt
A dish of flour

Place the statue or picture of Vesta near the center-back of the altar. The candle should go directly in front of the statue, and the violets are sprinkled around the candle. The two small dishes of salt and flour are placed center-front.

To begin, take several relaxing breaths and focus on the image of Vesta. Imagine how it might have been to one of her priestesses. When you feel the time is right, light the candle and speak her invocation:

Goddess of the hearth and home
Let your brilliance now be known
The flair of potential does abound
Well within your temple round.
Vestal Virgins dressed in white
Keep your fire burning bright.
As elements of salt and flour
Are offered in this ritual hour.
Let your powers bright and bold
Grace me now from times of old.
Your flame of love I did light
To bring me honor from this night.
I now give all honor to thee
For your blessings.
So Mote It Be

When you have completed the invocation, take some time to reflect on the Goddess. If you have prayers or petitions of your own, make them at this time. Leave the candle to burn for one hour. Daily lighting of the candle will bring Vesta’s blessings to your home and family.