The Witches Spell for March 11th – Quit Smoking Spell

Gothic Comments=


(or drinking or using drugs)

On the night of a full moon (preferably) or during the Waning Moon, make a quit-smoking gemstone candle.

Empower three or more small pieces of amethyst and three or more large pieces of amethyst with the power to remove your addiction to cigarettes.

Now make a black candle (this can be done easily by melting those cute little black six-inch household candles over low heat, and then pouring the melted wax into a glass container (which you have prepared with metal tab and wick).

Now add the three or more small pieces of amethyst to the melted wax in the glass container. You may also wish to add appropriate oil, such as Patchouli, to the melted wax, to give it added power. Allow the candle to cool. You may wish to reserve a small amount of wax to “top off” the candle in case it caves in while cooling. Once the candle is ready, you may begin the spell.

Place the candle on your altar and ring it with the three large pieces of amethyst. Light the candle and gaze into its flame. Visualize yourself being free from the addiction to cigarettes. Visualize your cravings dissipating. Visualize the toxins in your body being removed. Hold this visualization for as long as possible. Now allow the candle to burn down completely. You may wish to repeat this spell for added strength. You may make more candles, or simply use a black candle, ringed with amethyst stones. When the Waxing Moon period begins,