Let’s Talk Witch – How About Reversing A Spell With Water

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Let’s Talk Witch

How About Reversing A Spell With Water

The water method of reversing a spell is particularly effective for spells which were originally cast with water, or spells geared to affect the emotions. This method is an excellent way to rid yourself of love spells in any of their many forms. You should perform the spell yourself if you have been the victim. If you want to help others to reverse a spell, remember that the spell should be reversed by the actual victim.

Fill a small bottle with water. You can use a baby food jar, or ajar of similar size. Place at least a dozen straight pins in the bottle. Cap the bottle tightly and place it over a fire. The bottle may be placed on the kitchen stove. The bottle is heated until it explodes, which casts the pins all over the room. The pins and the broken glass should be cleaned up and placed in the garbage. Remove the garbage from the house immediately. The clean-up must be done as soon as possible after the bottle explodes.

The purpose of this spell is to disturb the negative influences of the water element that are present in the home of the victim. This spell reverses any negative work, and attempts to restore balance to the “water element” presence in the victim’s home. This is a very effective spell, and has been taught by practitioners of three different practices.

The bottle used may be of any size, although a baby food jar or a small jam jar is probably best suited for the spell because this type of jar only holds a few ounces of liquid. Ordinary tap water is used in the spell, and the steel pins used by dressmakers are fine. They should be placed loose in the bottle, after the water has been added to the bottle. You can use as many pins as you like, but you should use at least a dozen.

Heat the bottle when no one is in the room. It’s very important that no one should be in the room when the bottle explodes, for one may be hurt by the flying glass or pins. The smaller the bottle, the faster it will heat, another reason for using a small jar. When the bottle is hot enough it will explode, strewing the pins and broken glass, as well as water, all over the room. The purpose of immediately cleaning up the mess is to remove the influence of the spell immediately. Once the influence is out of the house it is very difficult for the person who did the work to re-establish the connection to the home.

This process of reversing a spell might seem extreme. But remember desperate times sometimes require desperate actions