Today’s Feng Shui for Jan. 31st – ‘Inspire Your Heart With Art Day’

As we sit on the cusp of February, how apropos that today is called ‘Inspire Your Heart With Art Day.’ Feng Shui says that if you’re looking for love you should display a painting of a woman playing the lute in the love space of your bedroom. According to Eastern traditions, the sound of the lute is believed to express the bliss of marriage as well as the deep and abiding friendship between man and wife. Purity and moderation are both invoked by this instrument’s sweet sounds and so it came to be associated as a symbol for harmony and happiness in family life. In more modern times, the flute has come to be regarded as equally auspicious when attracting the perfect partner, so displaying any artwork with a woman playing that woodwind will work. If you’ve been waiting for a mate, this tip should be music to your ears.

By Ellen Whitehurst for