Power Objects

Power Objects

Do you ever pick up special rocks, feathers, or shells? Do you have a special necklace or ring that you wear just for ritual? Can an array of crystals be found around your home, office or in your pockets? If so, you already have some personal power objects.
Power objects are items that hold strong energy for you. A power object may evoke a connection with spirit allies, bring healing, act as a focal point, or heighten your own magickal abilities. These may be object whose energy is apparent to all that come in contact with them–perhaps soil from Stonehenge or water blessed by the Dalai Lama. On the other hand, they may be items that resonate with you alone. Your grandmother’s wedding ring may hold power for you, or a lock of your child’s hair.
Power objects are often believed to be gifts from the gods or spirit allies. While walking in the woods, you may come across a feather or unusually shaped stone that seems to call to you. Your attention is drawn to it again and again or your might know instantly when you see it that it is there just for you. You may find yourself in a store, just wandering on a lunch hour or shopping for a friend. Before you know it, a crystal speaks to you in some way and you just know that you can’t leave the store without taking it home.
For whatever reason, these objects have a reason for being in your life. The reason is likely to be incredibly personal, something specific to you and you alone. For some people, the meaning is rather general. A bear fetish or turkey feather reminds you of all that these spirit animals have been to you and provides as instant connection to their energy. For others, a power object is very specific. A horse hair represents freedom from an abusive relationship, or a blue topaz holds the ability to voice one’s needs and opinions. Attuning to your power object will not only help you understand the power and meaning it has for you, but will also assist you in accessing that power.
Kristin Madden
Llewellyn’s 2007 Magical Almanac