Home Harmony Floor Wash

Items you will need:

  • A bucket or similar container
  • Essential oil of tangerine
  • Essential oil of grapefruit
  • Bach Rescue Remedy
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • A mop
  • A mister (if you have carpet)

Fill the bucket with water and add 4 drops of tangerine, 4 drops of grapefruit, 4 crops of Rescue Remedy, and 1 teaspoon sea salt. Stir in a clockwise direction. Put your hands in prayer position, close your eyes, and say:

“Goddess of Hearth and Home, please infuse

this wash with harmonious vibrations and

powerfully establish the qualities of peace, joy,

and happiness within these walls. Thank you!”

Visualize very bright, sparkly, golden-white light filling the mixture. If you have carpet, put some of the mixture in the mister. Mop all the hard floors, including the front porch and doorstep if applicable and possible, and lightly mist the carpets. You can also mist the doorstep/front porch if you were not able to mop that area.