Celebrating 365 Days of Legends, Folklore & Spirituality for December 18th – Festival of Epona, Mesa de Gallo

owls in winter

December 18th

Festival of Epona, Mesa de Gallo

This was another of the festivals dedicated to the Celtic horse Goddess, Epona. Her worship was most popular in eastern ern Gaul and on the German frontier. So popular was Epona that she was honored with festivals in Rome, which was unique for a Gaulish deity. Epona was sometimes associated with the Celtic Mother Goddesses, and in Germany she was portrayed as a triple Mother Goddess.

An annual festival in the Philippines, Mesa de Gallo begins gins at sunrise when the people take to the streets with every imaginable noisemaker in existence. The parades of people clanking, banging, and hooting are believed to frighten away the evil spirits that may linger and thus affect future crops and harvest.