Shuffling the Cards, Your Past, Present & Future Reading For November 9th

Shuffling the Cards, Your Past, Present & Future Reading For Today



Past Influence whose impact on your life is waning.

The Protector

The Protector represents the presence of a strong ally ready to assist you when your path is full of difficult challenges. The Protector is represented by the Archangel Michael: God’s warrior angel. Archangel Michael is in the writings of many religions including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. While Michael is male, in the context of this Oracle, The Protector is not gender specific. Regardless of whether Your Protector is male or female they can have a powerful positive influence when you find yourself facing trying times.





Present Influence whose impact on your life is very strong.


A much revered swami said “Simplicity is the nature of great souls.” There is a natural sense of art and genius in Simplicity. Keeping things simple produces solutions that are not only efficient but work well and are easy to maintain and build upon. Whether it takes a physical form or is an idea simple constructs please our aesthetic self. Simplicity is soothing, because you don’t have to fight your way through layers of complexity to see and understand the end result.




Future influence whose impact on your life is growing and will be very strong in the future.

The Priestess

The Priestess is the Gatekeeper of the subconscious, the unknown. She travels in worlds which most of us only glimpse in our dreams. Her realm is that of unseen truths, untapped potentials, and hidden dangers. Purely Yin in nature, The Calling of The Priestess is to go beyond the obvious and visible to tap those powers which are veiled from normal vision. While she is passive by nature, she has the power to uncover unknown potential and is very aware of the infinite potential all humans harbor within them. She is also very patient. She can wait for events to blossom in their own time.

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for November 9th

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today

This is a three Rune cast intended to shed light on what is, what was, and what will be.



bw-geboThe Past

Gebo represents the coming of gifts and favors. While each are usually positive events, they often carry obligations with them. Gebo often represents strong bonds such as deep friendships and marriage.


bw-ansuzThe Present

Ansuz represents mankind’s spiritual connection to God and the universe. It is often referred to as the “God Rune.” This Rune embodies reason, truth and justice. It denotes the coming of knowledge and true counsel from a higher authority.


bw-fehuThe Future

Fehu is the Rune of prosperity, good luck and unbridled creative energies. Being associated with Frey, this Rune is also a powerful omen of fertility. Fehu is one of the three Mother Stones and should never be taken lightly.

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for November 8th

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


bw-naudhizThe Past

Naudhiz may foretell needs unmet and friction in relationships. You may be in a time where you should be very careful in whatever endeavor you take on. Also it may be that you are about to learn some of life’s hard lessons and come out the other side of this period a stronger being.


bw-ansuzThe Present

Ansuz represents mankind’s spiritual connection to God and the universe. It is often referred to as the “God Rune.” This Rune embodies reason, truth and justice. It denotes the coming of knowledge and true counsel from a higher authority.


The Future

This may be a time of confusion for you. That which you have built may be in jeopardy of crumbling. Do not allow yourself to give in to your weaknesses.


Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Nov. 6th

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


The Past

Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.


The Present

Ehwaz represents movement. You may be closing in on reaching your current goals. Your life may be changing for the better. Harmony with others should come easy for you at this time.


The Future

Fehu is the Rune of prosperity, good luck and unbridled creative energies. Being associated with Frey, this Rune is also a powerful omen of fertility. Fehu is one of the three Mother Stones and should never be taken lightly.

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Sept. 24th

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


bw-naudhizThe Past

Naudhiz may foretell needs unmet and friction in relationships. You may be in a time where you should be very careful in whatever endeavor you take on. Also it may be that you are about to learn some of life’s hard lessons and come out the other side of this period a stronger being.


bw-wunjoThe Present

Wunjo denotes joy and shared bliss. It may also represent a job well done and the satisfaction one feels from completing such a task. Wunjo brings good fortune and harmony.


The Future

Othala reversed represents chaos and homelessness—a general lack of roots. Now is a time for you to take care of that which you have, so as not to lose it.

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Sept. 6th

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


bw-perthroThe Past

Mysteries will become known to you. You should be able to see your life’s path clearly at this time. Pethro is often thought of as “Gambler’s Rune.” You are in a lucky period right now. Chance is your ally. Take advantage of it.


bw-fehuThe Present

Fehu is the Rune of prosperity, good luck and unbridled creative energies. Being associated with Frey, this Rune is also a powerful omen of fertility. Fehu is one of the three Mother Stones and should never be taken lightly.


bw-naudhizThe Future

Naudhiz reversed may tell of needs met and harmonious relationships. Your passions for someone or something may be at their pinnacle.


Casting the Stones, What Does Your Past, Present & Future Have to Say!

Casting the Stones, What Does Your Past, Present & Future Have to Say!


bw-tiwazThe Past

Tiwaz is the Warrior Rune. It represents pure, masculine power and the ability to successfully fight to meet your goals. However, you must be careful that costs of attaining your goals overshadow their values.


bw-isaThe Present

The Ice Rune, represents stagnation and a passionless existence. Your life’s course may seem blurry at the moment, but if you persevere you will move onto better days.


bw-berkanoThe Future

Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.

Casting The Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for August 25th

Casting The Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


bw-wunjoThe Past

Wunjo denotes joy and shared bliss. It may also represent a job well done and the satisfaction one feels from completing such a task. Wunjo brings good fortune and harmony.


bw-isaThe Present

The Ice Rune, represents stagnation and a passionless existence. Your life’s course may seem blurry at the moment, but if you persevere you will move onto better days.


bw-ingwazThe Future

Ingwaz signifies completion, success and fertility. Your present ambitions are about to be met. You are fecund in both mind and body.

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for August 23

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


bw-naudhizThe Past

Naudhiz may foretell needs unmet and friction in relationships. You may be in a time where you should be very careful in whatever endeavor you take on. Also it may be that you are about to learn some of life’s hard lessons and come out the other side of this period a stronger being.


bw-ansuzThe Present

Ansuz represents mankind’s spiritual connection to God and the universe. It is often referred to as the “God Rune.” This Rune embodies reason, truth and justice. It denotes the coming of knowledge and true counsel from a higher authority.


The Future

This may be a time of confusion for you. That which you have built may be in jeopardy of crumbling. Do not allow yourself to give in to your weaknesses.


Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Friday, Aug. 21

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


The Past

Naudhiz may foretell needs unmet and friction in relationships. You may be in a time where you should be very careful in whatever endeavor you take on. Also it may be that you are about to learn some of life’s hard lessons and come out the other side of this period a stronger being.


The Present

Eihwaz represents the Yew tree and its everlasting nature. The Yew may bend, but it does not break. You are on the right course and have the strength and ability to meet your goals. Congratulations!


The Future

Hagalaz is the hail Rune. It denotes chaos, destruction and disruption on a primal level. You may experience delays in moving toward your goals.


Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for August 20th

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


The Past

Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.


The Present

Ehwaz represents movement. You may be closing in on reaching your current goals. Your life may be changing for the better. Harmony with others should come easy for you at this time.


The Future

Fehu is the Rune of prosperity, good luck and unbridled creative energies. Being associated with Frey, this Rune is also a powerful omen of fertility. Fehu is one of the three Mother Stones and should never be taken lightly.

Casting The Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for August 5th

Casting The Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


bw-wunjoThe Past

Wunjo denotes joy and shared bliss. It may also represent a job well done and the satisfaction one feels from completing such a task. Wunjo brings good fortune and harmony.


bw-isaThe Present

The Ice Rune, represents stagnation and a passionless existence. Your life’s course may seem blurry at the moment, but if you persevere you will move onto better days.


bw-ingwazThe Future

Ingwaz signifies completion, success and fertility. Your present ambitions are about to be met. You are fecund in both mind and body.

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for August 4th

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


bw-perthroThe Past

Mysteries will become known to you. You should be able to see your life’s path clearly at this time. Pethro is often thought of as “Gambler’s Rune.” You are in a lucky period right now. Chance is your ally. Take advantage of it.


bw-fehuThe Present

Fehu is the Rune of prosperity, good luck and unbridled creative energies. Being associated with Frey, this Rune is also a powerful omen of fertility. Fehu is one of the three Mother Stones and should never be taken lightly.


bw-naudhizThe Future

Naudhiz reversed may tell of needs met and harmonious relationships. Your passions for someone or something may be at their pinnacle.


Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for July 24th

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


The Past

Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.


The Present

Ehwaz represents movement. You may be closing in on reaching your current goals. Your life may be changing for the better. Harmony with others should come easy for you at this time.


The Future

Fehu is the Rune of prosperity, good luck and unbridled creative energies. Being associated with Frey, this Rune is also a powerful omen of fertility. Fehu is one of the three Mother Stones and should never be taken lightly.

Shuffling the Cards, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for July 22nd

Shuffling the Cards, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


Past Influence whose impact on your life is waning.

The Hourglass

The Hourglass is a gentle reminder that time passes and with it goes opportunity. Every moment is a moment we cannot retrieve or relive, and there are no guarantees that what we put off today really can be done tomorrow. The Hourglass urges us to make every second of our lives as rich and fulfilling as we possibly can.





Present Influence whose impact on your life is very strong.


A very very few of us are fortunate to be born wise. For most of us our Wisdom evolves, grows as we move through life gathering experience and knowledge. Wisdom denotes your thoughts and feelings derived from the melding of your life experiences with all that you have learned. Our Wisdom can get us through the difficult moments in our lives as well as provide the mental and spiritual tools we need to succeed




Future influence whose impact on your life is growing and will be very strong in the future.


Solitude is represented by a single person standing at the end of a boardwalk staring out at a vast, empty panorama. They are truly alone, but may not feel loneliness. They are at a place in their life where the need to withdraw from the our secular world is strong, because their focus should be on their inner self, their morality, and their dreams. The view before them is empty, but it is a canvas on which they may paint their future–a future restricted only by the size of their imagination and courage. For them Solitude is a choice. They chose to take the walkway that distances them from the rest of us. It is also a choice that can be undone. Just as they chose to take a path that leads them away from us, they may choose to turn around and come back at anytime.

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for July 12th

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


Tbw-sowilohe Past

The Sun Rune, denotes power and strength. That which you want may be attained. Sowilo also denotes mental clarity and added warmth to your relationships.


bw-jeraThe Present

Jera denotes positive, recurring cycles, fertility and a time to harvest rewards from your hard work.


The Future

Uruz reversed may represent a time of discord in your life and a disassociation from your inner strengths. You may be in a rut—absent of goals or challenges. The power to change this lies within you. While opportunities may seem to be nonexistent, they are there and waiting for you to find them.



Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading For July 8

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


The Past

Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.


The Present

Ehwaz represents movement. You may be closing in on reaching your current goals. Your life may be changing for the better. Harmony with others should come easy for you at this time.


The Future

Fehu is the Rune of prosperity, good luck and unbridled creative energies. Being associated with Frey, this Rune is also a powerful omen of fertility. Fehu is one of the three Mother Stones and should never be taken lightly.

Shuffling the Cards, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for July 6th

Shuffling the Cards, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


Past Influence whose impact on your life is waning.


Balance denotes the benefits of keeping the use of your energies justifiably proportioned between your pursuits. The symbol Yin and Yang is used to represent the balance. Yin and Yang is possibly the most elegant and sometimes elusive definition of Balance there is. While Balance is rarely if ever perfect, being far out of Balance means that while one part of you may be thriving tremendously, another part of your life may be wilting



Present Influence whose impact on your life is very strong.

The Hourglass

The Hourglass is a gentle reminder that time passes and with it goes opportunity. Every moment is a moment we cannot retrieve or relive, and there are no guarantees that what we put off today really can be done tomorrow. The Hourglass urges us to make every second of our lives as rich and fulfilling as we possibly can.




Future influence whose impact on your life is growing and will be very strong in the future.


Strength denotes an inner power, mastery of will, development of inner might, and the ability to lead effectively. Through mastering one’s emotions and learning from both success and failure the person Strength represents has reached a place where they are influential without applying physical force, able to weather the roughest of storms, and not likely to abandon the less fortunate. Strength also denotes a large capacity for forgiveness and compassion. Strength is not as much about winning as it is about overcoming hardship, and using well crafted persuasion to ease others to your side.

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for July 6th

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


The Past

Naudhiz may foretell needs unmet and friction in relationships. You may be in a time where you should be very careful in whatever endeavor you take on. Also it may be that you are about to learn some of life’s hard lessons and come out the other side of this period a stronger being.


The Present

Eihwaz represents the Yew tree and its everlasting nature. The Yew may bend, but it does not break. You are on the right course and have the strength and ability to meet your goals. Congratulations!


The Future

Hagalaz is the hail Rune. It denotes chaos, destruction and disruption on a primal level. You may experience delays in moving toward your goals.


Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for July 3rd

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


bw-perthroThe Past

Mysteries will become known to you. You should be able to see your life’s path clearly at this time. Pethro is often thought of as “Gambler’s Rune.” You are in a lucky period right now. Chance is your ally. Take advantage of it.


bw-fehuThe Present

Fehu is the Rune of prosperity, good luck and unbridled creative energies. Being associated with Frey, this Rune is also a powerful omen of fertility. Fehu is one of the three Mother Stones and should never be taken lightly.


bw-naudhizThe Future

Naudhiz reversed may tell of needs met and harmonious relationships. Your passions for someone or something may be at their pinnacle.