Quick Question Before I continue……

After that last article I posted about Ouija Boards being a tool of the Devil. I got to wondering. It doesn’t matter where I have been or who I have talked too. No one wants to use or even touch a Ouija Board. I have always been curious about this. I occasionally use one myself. But most Witches tend to steer clear of them. I have been told, “I wouldn’t touch one with a ten-foot pool,” or “It’s evil.”

The Ouija Board, I personally think, has got a bad rap. It has been associated with the Devil, being Evil and even summoning for Evil Spirits. I can testify it depends on the operator. They must know how to properly operate it.

My question: We do not believe in the Devil or Evil (well some of us do and some of us don’t, that is Evil). So why do we associate this Divination tool with the Devil and Evil? How do you feel about the Boards? Ever use one?

I want to see what you have to say about this. Come on now, let me hear you!