Spell for Today – An Evaluation/Promotion Tarot Spell

Got an evaluation coming up at work? There is nothing worse than having to go over a review form. You know you deserve a good raise, but how much will your manager or the company be willing to dole out? Or are you trying for a promotion? Sounds like it’s time to hedge your bets, so to speak. Try your hand at this tarot spell.

Gather the following:

• A carnelian tumbled stone for success and to boost your career or a quartz crystal point for extra power
• 1 yellow or gold candle (white will do in a pinch-it’s an all-purpose color)
• Three tarot cards: the Ace of Wands, the Sun, and the Chariot
• An item in sympathy with the spell that you are casting

You can also add the health, wealth, and success philter to this spell if you wish. Just anoint the spell candle with the solar-powered oil you have created.

What exactly is an item of sympathy? It is any item that is sympathetic to what you are working for. Since this is a job-related spell, an item in sympathy could be your recent paycheck stub, ID badge, or your business card. So, with that thought in mind, adding this sympathetic item to your other correspondences only helps to unify the magick. It does this by uniting the energies and giving you something very specific to focus on.

Arrange your items in front of the candle. If you wish, anoint the spell candle with the philter. Now, light the spell candle and focus on the cards and your item of sympathy, pathy, and then repeat the spell below three times. Check out the last line of the spell and adjust this as necessary.

Just like the golden child who rides under the sun
I call for recognition of a job well done
This spell candle illuminates my way
Bring success and wealth to all my days
Goddess, bless my ambitions, they are fair and true
While this higher career goal/promotion I do now pursue.

Close the spell by saying:

For the good of all, with harm to none
By the sun and stars, this spell is done.

Let the candle burn until it goes out on its own. Keep the carnelian in your pocket or purse, and the cards and your item of sympathy together and on your person for one week, until the following Sunday.


Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan