Birthday Horoscope for 8/7

August 7 Zodiac Sign Is Leo

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On August 7

AUGUST 7 birthday horoscope predicts that you are spiritually aware, imaginative and friendly. You have a tendency to want to balance things out but you can be impulsive as the zodiac sign for today is Leo. You have a clear vision of what you want out of life.

The August 7th horoscope predicts that you are very reliable individuals, more so than others. You are likely to follow your feelings when you have to make a snap decision.

Otherwise, you love an elegant lifestyle. All the finest things are because of your kind nature. When it comes to love, you are not always a logical person, but you never lose your ability to communicate quite effectively, I may add.

What your birthday says about you is that when you walk into a room, all heads turn. You’re creative when it comes to making dramatic entrances. The August 7 birthday personalityshows that you are fun, outgoing and confident!

You’re a Leo who is likely to roar and with a blazing attitude that is almost impossible to resist. If you were born on this day, you are insatiable. People flock to you making other people green with envy. In other words, you got it going on, Leo.

The August 7th horoscope meanings suggest that you are very generous and loyal to your friends. You will go out of your way to accommodate them such as rearranging your schedule to fit their needs.

You have this way of making people feel special. It’s nothing for you to put a party together. You make such a gracious host. Typically, your friends are there for a reason but mainly to keep you grounded, committed and involved.

The August 7 astrology also predicts that you are so passionate that people get attached to your affectionate and playful ways. This particular Lion is a leader, a provider and is independent.

You can expect this one to lurk every once in a while. Leos are adventurous, especially in the bedroom. The perfect lover for his Leo birthday is someone who is loving, fun and equal to Lion’s intelligence.

Those born on this birthday August 7, are characteristically the people who get it done. They are not the analytical thinkers like the others, but this Lion has a lot of gets up and go. You must be busy doing this creative project or exploring that new territory.

No matter what you have going on, you will still maintain an active but productive life. And the Lion doesn’t do anything that’s not quality work; it’s your best or nothing at all. You will not do anything half-hearted.

This is a great August 7 zodiac personality trait to have as a friend, loved one or business associate. Additionally, you are going places, Leo. You’re ambitious enough to venture out on your own. It could be the key to your financial and personal success.

An August 7 birthday personality is funny, creative and generous. You can be stubborn, self-absorbed but very powerful. You like bright colors and short road trips.

If today is your birthday, you do not like to be ignored nor do you like what reality has to offer. This Lion is best suited in an environment that is inspiring. You own the spotlight as you make your best arrival.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On August 7

This Day That Year –August 7 In History

1575 – Columbus travels to the Caribbean waters
1789 – The Dept of War & Lighthouse Service was established by Congress
1909 – First ever penny with Lincoln head on it in the US
1946 – Negro pictured coin authorized

August 7 Simha Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
August 7 Chinese Zodiac MONKEY

August 7 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Sun that symbolizes our purpose for this birth, our identity, and self-ego.

August 7 Birthday Symbols

The Lion Is The Symbol For The Leo Zodiac Sign

August 7 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Chariot. This card symbolizes the hard work and focus that is needed to achieve success, fame, and happiness. The Minor Arcana cards are Six of Wands and Knight of Wands

August 7 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Gemini: This is a love match which is full of joy and laughter.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign ScorpioThis love relationship will result in a clash of egos.

See Also:

August 7 Lucky Numbers

Number 6 – This number signifies harmony, peace, love, nurturing and family.
Number 7 – This number signifies an inner journey to finding your right path and analysis of every decision that you make.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For August 7 Birthday

Gold: This is the color of success, accomplishments, courage, pride, and wisdom.
Sea Blue: This is a color that symbolizes calmness, peace, stability, and loyalty.

Lucky Day For August 7 Birthday

Monday: This day ruled by the Moon symbolizes how you react to the different situations that life throws at you.
Sunday: This day ruled by the Sun is a day of happiness, joy, vigor, planning, and contemplation.

August 7 Birthstone Ruby

Your gemstone is Ruby that helps improve our physical and mental health and be surer of what we want to accomplish in life.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On August 7th

A sexy bright-colored neck scarf for the flamboyant Leo man and a box of gourmet dark bitter chocolates for the woman. The August 7 birthday horoscope predicts that you like gifts that go along with your look.


N. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Phase 8/7

Current Moon Phase


The Moon today is in a First Quarter phase. This phase occurs roughly 7 days after the New Moon when the moon is one quarter of the way through its orbit around the earth. Exactly half the moon will be illuminated and half dark. On the day of the First Quarter phase the moon is high overhead at sunset and is visible until mid-night when it sets in the west. The First Quarter phase is a one day event and in the following days enters a Waxing Gibbous phase becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon.

Current Planetary Positions

August 07, 2019
01:01 pm GMT (8:01 AM CDT)
Tropical Zodiac

Sun:14 Leo 45
Moon:12 Scorpio 23
Mercury:26 Cancer 07
Venus:12 Leo 54
Mars:23 Leo 13
Jupiter:14 Sagittarius 32 Rx
Saturn:15 Capricorn 14 Rx
Uranus:06 Taurus 36
Neptune:18 Pisces 10 Rx
Pluto:21 Capricorn 20 Rx

S. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions for 8/2

Current Moon Phase


Tommorow the Moon will be in a Waxing Crescent Phase. A Waxing Crescent is the first Phase after the New Moon and is a great time to see the features of the moon’s surface. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the wester sky after the sun dips below the horizon at sunset. The moon is close to the sun in the sky and mostly dark except for the right edge of the moon which becomes brighter as the days get closer to the next phase which is a First Quarter with a 50% illumination.

Current Planetary Positions

August 02, 2019
08:00 pm GMT (6:00 AM AEST)
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:09 Leo 17
Moon:19 Leo 07
Mercury:23 Cancer 58
Venus:05 Leo 51
Mars:19 Leo 36
Jupiter:14 Sagittarius 39 Rx
Saturn:15 Capricorn 35 Rx
Uranus:06 Taurus 34
Neptune:18 Pisces 18 Rx
Pluto:21 Capricorn 28 Rx

True Lunar Node:17 Cancer 34 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:16 Cancer 18 Rx

Chiron:05 Aries 42 Rx
Ceres:01 Sagittarius 11
Pallas:21 Libra 43
Juno:19 Leo 51
Vesta:19 Taurus 04

Eris:24 Aries 19 Rx


N. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions for 8/1

Current Moon Phase


The Moon today is in a Waxing Crescent Phase. A Waxing Crescent is the first Phase after the New Moon and is a great time to see the features of the moon’s surface. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the wester sky after the sun dips below the horizon at sunset. The moon is close to the sun in the sky and mostly dark except for the right edge of the moon which becomes brighter as the days get closer to the next phase which is a First Quarter with a 50% illumination.

Current Planetary Positions

August 01, 2019
02:35 pm GMT
Tropical Zodiac

Sun:09 Leo 04
Moon:15 Leo 44
Mercury:23 Cancer 57
Venus:05 Leo 35
Mars:19 Leo 27
Jupiter:14 Sagittarius 40 Rx
Saturn:15 Capricorn 36 Rx
Uranus:06 Taurus 34
Neptune:18 Pisces 18 Rx
Pluto:21 Capricorn 28 Rx

Goddess Knowledge – Bast

Bast (or Bastet, or Pasht) was the Egyptian goddess who appeared in cat form, The Egyptians highly revered cats; the word for cat, mau, also denotes light and was cognate with the word for mother. The cat is a lunar animal and also a solar animal representing the power of the sun as reflected in nature. Since the cat is an earth animal, BAst is also an earth mother goddess, a giver of life and abundance. In touch with her wild, instinctual nature, she is also a protector of women during childbirth. Like a cat, she is fiercely independent and belongs to no one but herself. Bast is one of the more joyful goddesses; her elaborate festivals in the town of Babustis were renowned for their joyful dancing. Embodying a cat’s gentler aspects, Bast is a personification of life and fruitfulness. The quintessential life-affirming mother, she reminds us to be playful and relaxed like a cat and to find occasions to celebrate life.

S. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions


On this day the Moon will be in a Waning Crescent phase. In this phase the Moon’s illumination is growing smaller each day until the New Moon. During this phase the Moon is getting closer to the Sun as viewed from Earth and the night side of the Moon is facing the Earth with only a small edge of the Moon being illuminated. This phase is best viewed an hour or 2 before the sunrise and can be quite beautiful if you’re willing to get up early. It can also be a great time to see the features of the Moon’s surface. Along the edge where the illuminated portion meets the dark side, the craters and mountains cast long shadows making them easier to observe with a telescope or binoculars.

June 26, 2019
05:00 pm GMT (3:00 AM AEST)
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:04 Cancer 49
Moon:19 Aries 23
Mercury:29 Cancer 46
Venus:21 Gemini 31
Mars:26 Cancer 39
Jupiter:17 Sagittarius 29 Rx
Saturn:18 Capricorn 10 Rx
Uranus:05 Taurus 46
Neptune:18 Pisces 43 Rx
Pluto:22 Capricorn 19 Rx

True Lunar Node:17 Cancer 43 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:18 Cancer 13 Rx

Chiron:05 Aries 52
Ceres:01 Sagittarius 53 Rx
Pallas:12 Libra 47
Juno:02 Leo 42
Vesta:06 Taurus 51

Eris:24 Aries 17


A Short History and Legends of Chinese Astrology


Aatrology is one of the most anicent of the Chinese philosophies. It is at least 2,000 years old. Originally, astrology was inseparable from astronomy. The two were considered to be one discipline. China has one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and from very early on practitioners of astronomy/astrology were always present as officials of the im[perial court.

In ancient China, astrology was used to reveal what was expected to happen to a nation. It was not until the beginning of the Christian ear that astrology began to be used to give individual readings. By the Tand dynasty (618-907 A. D.), a whole encyclopedia had been written about the art of giving personal astrological readings.


The origin of the 12 animals signs of the Chinese astrology is unclear. Chinese legend attributes the creation of the signs to the Yellow Emperor in 2637 B. C. The Yellow Emperor is a semimythical figure in Chinese history. Other legends credit Buddha (c. 563 – c. 48B.C.) with the creation of the 12 – animal cycle. Apparently, he invited all the animals to visit him, but, for some reason, only 12 showed up. To Thank them, Buddha gave each animal a year which would be dedicated to that animal alone throughout history. The years were allocated in the order which the animal had arrived.

From The Little Giant Encyclopedia of the Zodiac

This link takes you to where the book I am and will be quoting from is for sale. This book covers both Astrological Zodiac we usually use for astrology readings and also the Chinese Zodiac. There is a section where they explain how using the two signs together can give you an even better idea of your personal astrology readings. The book cover has changed from red with white lettering to a black and gold with red and white lettering. Both books are exactly the same the gold and black is just an updated cover.

N. H. Today’s Your Birthday Horoscope

June 26 Zodiac Sign Is Cancer

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On June 26

JUNE 26 Birthday Horoscope reports that you can be tenacious, shrewd and intuitive. You are likely to have a good memory and enjoy talking to people. You come across as a smart person.

Generally, you are compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others often and put someone else’s needs before your own. The helpful and domesticated nature of a Cancer individual is a natural quality for the nurturer.

The negative qualities endured by the Cancerian, according to the June 26th birthday personality traits and characteristics is that you can be that you are selfish, possessive and manipulative. At the same time, your feelings are easily hurt.

Let it go… it was just karma, okay. Without certain needs, you are likely to be grumpy or moody. Those born on this day try hard to cover weaknesses and letdown.

According to the June 26 horoscope, you usually are not the one to break the ice when it comes to romancing. The fear of being rejected is just too much. This behavior finds you isolated and feeling blue.

When you do make a love connection, you occasionally lose yourself in the other person, therefore; you may become attached to someone in an unhealthy way. Still, in the bedroom, you are the experienced driver. You believe in giving pleasure before receiving it. Your gratification is subject to an intimate and secure union.

The June 26 birthday astrology analysis predicts that you may confuse emotional longing and love. This conflict can harm the relationship because you will eventually feel that your lover is not giving you enough attention.

Placing demands on your partner will surely not make a great impression. When you feel that you are losing control, you dig deeper, and you end up drawing out the break up, as you do not deal with rejection well at all.

There is no doubt that Cancer birthday personalities born on June 26, make responsible bankers. You must be organized and disciplined to handle money effectively, and you own those qualities. Personally, you have the smarts to avoid spending frivolously and feel that you must save to meet the unexpected head-on.

If today June 26 is your birthday, you tend to want compensation based on your ability as opposed to your physical attributes. As a professional, your strong points are that you have a cool attitude, you enjoy a challenge and people can trust you.

Financial security is high on your list of priorities according to the June 26 zodiac meanings. You typically want the best. In a working environment, you want to have quality furnishings with touches of your family and home life.

Other professions that may tickle your fancy could be in the food industry or domestic jobs. According to the June 26 Saturn rules this day analysis, you love the water, and you would consider having an office overlooking a boat pier as an additional benefit. You would do well to counsel maybe as a social worker or psychotherapist.

Cancer people born on June 26 can be egotistical, domineering and controlling. However, you become a timid individual in the face of rejection. You could place certain expectations on your loved ones that are just too high.

The Cancer horoscope analysis for June 26 birthday suggests that maybe you are confused about what love is. Those born on this day are crabs that want the very best out of life and all the extras that come with living the life of a successful banker or therapist.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On July 26

This Day That Year – June 26 In History

1498 – Designed a tool for cleaning your teeth and gums
1894 – Karl Benz owns the rights to a gas-operated vehicle
1900 – Research was done by Dr. Walter Reed to cure Yellow Fever
1952 – In South Africa, Nelson Mandela and 51 other people break curfew

June 26 Karka Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)

June 26 Chinese Zodiac GOAT

June 26 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Moon.

Moon stands for our immediate reactions, habits, feelings and nurturing.

June 26 Birthday Symbols

The Crab Is The Symbol For The Cancer Zodiac Sign

June 26 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is Strength. This card shows your inner courage, control, motivation, and confidence. The Minor Arcana cards are Two of Cups and Queen of Cups.

June 26 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Pisces: This relationship between the two water signs is excellent and has excellent compatibility.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Libra: A relationship between the Crab and the Balance zodiac signs is complicated.

See Also:

June 26 Lucky Numbers

Number 5 – This number stands for choices, freedom, experience, learning, and companionship.
Number 8 – This number symbolizes Karma, success, ambition, material freedom, judgment, and perfection.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For June 26 Birthday

White: This is a peaceful color that symbolizes simplicity, faith, purity and new beginnings.
Burgundy: This color stands for seriousness, elegance, power, wealth and motivation.

Lucky Days For June 26 Birthday

Monday – Planet Moon rules this weekday. It symbolizes a day of remembering your roots and understanding your moods.
Saturday – Saturn rules this day. It stands for a day of introspection of your achievements, future goals, failures and important decisions.

June 26 Birthstone Pearl

Pearl is an astral gemstone that symbolizes innocence, purity, fidelity, and loyalty.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On June 26th

Homemade picnic lunch for the Cancer man and a lacy white nightgown for the woman. The June 26 birthday horoscope predicts that you love gifts that are made by hand.

From Birthday Horoscope

N. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions


Today the Moon will be in a Waning Crescent phase. In this phase the Moon’s illumination is growing smaller each day until the New Moon. During this phase the Moon is getting closer to the Sun as viewed from Earth and the night side of the Moon is facing the Earth with only a small edge of the Moon being illuminated. This phase is best viewed an hour or 2 before the sunrise and can be quite beautiful if you’re willing to get up early. It can also be a great time to see the features of the Moon’s surface. Along the edge where the illuminated portion meets the dark side, the craters and mountains cast long shadows making them easier to observe with a telescope or binoculars.

Current Planetary Positions
June 26, 2019
08:00 am GMT (3:00 AM CDT)
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:04 Cancer 27
Moon:14 Aries 47
Mercury:29 Cancer 27
Venus:21 Gemini 04
Mars:26 Cancer 25
Jupiter:17 Sagittarius 32 Rx
Saturn:18 Capricorn 11 Rx
Uranus:05 Taurus 45
Neptune:18 Pisces 43 Rx
Pluto:22 Capricorn 20 Rx

True Lunar Node:17 Cancer 43 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:18 Cancer 14 Rx

Chiron:05 Aries 52
Ceres:01 Sagittarius 56 Rx
Pallas:12 Libra 43
Juno:02 Leo 32
Vesta:06 Taurus 43

Eris:24 Aries 16


N. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions 6/25

Current Moon Phase

TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2019
Today the Moon will be in a Third Quarter phase. Sometimes called a Last Quarter Moon, this phase occurs roughly 3 weeks after the New Moon when the earth is three quarter of the way through it’s orbit around the earth. If you live in the northern hemisphere the Moons left side will be illuminated and the right side dark. For thoughts of you in the southern hemisphere it will be the opposite with the right side illuminated. On the day of the Third Quarter phase the Moon will rise around midnight on the eastern horizon and set in the west around noon the next day. In the days following the Third Quarter Phase the Moon’s illumination will decrees each day until the New Moon.

From Today’s Moon

Planetary Positions
June 25, 2019
08:02 am GMT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun: 03 Cancer 30
Moon: 02 Aries 42
Mercury: 28 Cancer 36
Venus: 19 Gemini 51
Mars: 25 Cancer 46
Jupiter: 17 Sagittarius 39 Rx
Saturn: 18 Capricorn 15 Rx
Uranus: 05 Taurus 43
Neptune: 18 Pisces 43 Rx
Pluto: 22 Capricorn 21 Rx
True Lunar Node: 17 Cancer 43
Mean Lunar Node: 18 Cancer 17 Rx
Chiron: 05 Aries 52
Ceres: 02 Sagittarius 04 Rx
Pallas: 12 Libra 34
Juno: 02 Leo 03
Vesta: 06 Taurus 20
Eris: 24 Aries 16
Fire: 6
Earth: 4
Air: 2
Water: 6
Cardinal: 11
Fixed: 3
Mutable: 4

An Introduction to Chinese Astrology

Most of us, especially in the USA, have been to a Chinese restaurant at least once that has placemats showing the twelve signs of their Zodiac. All you have look for is the year you were born. My granddaughter bought me a used book called “The Little Giant Encyclopedia of the Zodiac.” Reading I found out that the date of your birth is just as important to know your Chinese sign as it is to know your tropical zodiac sign. 

The Chinese Zodiac is represented by twelve different animals, that repeat in order throughout a 12-year cycle. This is also how the name of the current year of the Chinese Calendar year. The names of the 12 animals are The Rat, The Ox, The Tiger, The Rabbit, The Dragon, The Snake, The Horse, The Goat, The Monkey, The Rooster, The Dog, and The Pig.

Once you know your zodiac sign then it is time to find out if you are a Yin or a Yang person, this is not based on if you are a male or female when doing a Chinese Zodiac reading it is based on what your animal sign is. Next, you can find out the elemental group you belong to. In China, the elements are Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth, and Water.

I will go into more detail about each of the different aspects of how to do a Chinese zodiac reading. The Next Topic will be the Chinese Zodiac Calendar. 

Here is a hypothetic, simplified reading for Jane Smith: She was born on October 31, 1954

In 1954 the dates for that year started on Feb 3, 1954, and ended on Jan 23, 1955, making Ms. Smith a Horse which is a Yang person and her element is Fire.

As I said, in the beginning, I will go through each part of a Chinese Zodiac reading in its own post.

What Holiday is Today? What Historical Events Happened? On June 22

If you were wondering if today is a holiday somewhere, yes, it is! It always is. Here are today’s holidays:

Holiday name Holiday location Holiday type
Aymara New Year Day holiday Bolivia National Holiday
Architecture Day Germany Observance
Teachers’ Day El salvador Observance
Midsummer Finland National Holiday
Day of Antifascist Struggle Croatia National Holiday
Remembrance Day of Victims of the Great Patriotic War Belarus Observance
Midsummer Day Sweden Public Holiday
National Chocolate Eclair Day Weird
National HVAC Tech Day Weird
National Onion Rings Day Weird

Historical Events on June 22

  • 1774: The Quebec Act is passed by Great Britain. This act establishes the governing rules for the Quebec colony in British North America.
  • 1783: A poisonous cloud arrives in Le Havre, France. This cloud was produced by the eruption of Laki Volcano in Iceland and had been carried by wind currents.
  • 1807: During the Chesapeake Leopard Affair, the American frigate the USS Chesapeake is attacked and boarded by the British warship the HMS Leopard.
  • 1813: During the War of 1812, Laura Secord embarks on a 18.6 mile journey -all on foot – to warn Lieutenant Jame FitzGibbon when she learns of the plans for an American attack on Beaver Dams in Ontario.
  • 1825: Feudalism and seigneurialism is abolished by the British Parliament in British controlled North America.
  • 1870: The United States Congress creates the U.S Department of Justice on this date.
  • 1898: During the Spanish American War, the 5thS Army Corps lands in Cuba.
  • 1918: A train carrying the Hammond Circus crashed near Hammond, Indiana on this date. Almost 130 people are injured and over 85 people are killed.
  • 1942: After capturing Tobruk, Erwin Rommel is promoted to the rank of Field Marshal.
  • 1942: The United States Congress officially adopts the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • 1944: The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act – now known as the G.I. Bill – is signed into law by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • 1945: The Battle of Okinawa concludes.
  • 1978: James W. Christy discovers Charon, Pluto’s satellite, at the U.S Naval Observatory.

Famous Birthdays on June 22

  • American actress Marguerite De La Motte is born in 1902.
  • American criminal John Dillinger is born in 1903.
  • American pilot and author, Anne Morrow Lindbergh is born in 1906.
  • American singer and producer, Alan Osmond is born in 1949.
  • American actress and singer, Meryl Streep is born in 1949.
  • American actress Lindsay Wagner is born in 1949.
  • American politician Elizabeth Warren is born in 1949.
  • American actress Amy Brenneman is born in 1964.
  • American author Dan Brown is born in 1964.
  • French actress Emmanuelle Seigner is born in 1966.

N. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions for 6/22

Current Moon Phase

The Moon today is in a Waning Gibbous Phase. This is the first phase after the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with a illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is between 9am and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later each night setting after sunrise in the morning. During this phase the Moon can also be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon.

Waning Gibbous Illumination at 76%

From Moon Giant

Current Planetary Positions
June 22, 2019
10:44 am GMT (5:45 AM CDT)
Tropical Zodiac

Sun:00 Cancer 45
Moon:28 Aquarius 22
Mercury:25 Cancer 50
Venus:16 Gemini 19
Mars:23 Cancer 56
Jupiter:18 Sagittarius 00 Rx
Saturn:18 Capricorn 27 Rx
Uranus:05 Taurus 36
Neptune:18 Pisces 43 Rx
Pluto:22 Capricorn 25 Rx

What is Juneteenth?

Juneteenth is an annual holiday which occurs on June 19th and is observed in the United States. It is one of the oldest celebrations of the abolition of slavery in the world. While this holiday isn’t an official government holiday in any U.S state, it is recognized as a ceremonial observance in roughly half of the U.S states and is observed as a “partial staffing holiday” in Texas – which means that government offices do not close on this day but some employees are allowed to take the day off by using a floating holiday.

History of Juneteenth

The history of Juneteenth can be traced all the way back to June 19th of 1865. This is when the Union Army, led by Major General Gordon Granger, arrived in Galveston, Texas with news that the Civil War had ended and that all former slaves were now free. Although President Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, slavery hadn’t ended in Texas because there weren’t enough Union soldiers in the state to enforce the new order. However, the sound defeat of General Lee in April of that year and the arrival of the Union soldiers under Granger strengthened the forces sufficiently enough to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation.

While the original reason for why Texas was over two years behind in freeing slaves is lost to the fog of time. However, there are a few stories that have been passed down through the generations to explain the delay. The first story tells of a messenger who was on his way to Texas to deliver the order of freedom when he was captured and murdered. Another possibility is that the plantations ignored the order so they could maintain their free working force.

On June 19th, 1865, Major General Granger read General Order Number 3 to the people of Texas. This order stated: “The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and free laborer.” Reaction to this order by the former slaves was as varied as you could imagine. Some of the slaves stayed on under their former masters in a working capacity, while others left immediately after the order was read. Some of the headed North and others head to other parts of the South looking for family members they may have been separated. As more and more families united, they remembered fondly the day they acquired their freedom and began to celebrate it as Juneteenth. The day gained further prominence during the Civil Rights Movement.

Where is Juneteenth celebrated?

United states – All except am. samoa , az , hi , md , mp , mt , nd , nh , sd , ut , virg. is.


N. H. and S. H. Horoscopes – Today’s Your Birthday 6/18- 19, Love 6/17-19, Daily 6/18 – 19

June 18 Zodiac Sign Is Gemini

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On June 18

JUNE 18 birthday horoscope shows that you are a Gemini. You are likely to be impatient and energetic. It is said that you can be a charming fortune-hunter. Other positive qualities suggest that you are fun to be around as you approach life with a realistic and enthusiastic force. You are full of life and are always looking for another adventure.

If today is your birthday, your bubbly presence brings life into your conversations in addition to your moodiness. Those born on this day are sensitive and temperamental individuals who preserve emotional stability although they can have a sharp tongue.

Fortunately, Gemini has persuasive qualities that enable quick recovery from any negative activity. Typically, you like to have fun and find things commonplace or routine to be boring. You are an aggressive twin who is confident predict the June 18 birthday personality traits.

According to the June 18 zodiac analysis, people born on this day are extremely spontaneous and powerful. As a negative, you can be a moody person, but you remain practical and focused. This also works in your favor.

With the ability to articulate, you are open-minded and perceptive. You are likely a generous Gemini who will succeed in life. You have a positive attitude towards life, and you should reap the rewards of being tolerant of others.

Typically, a person born with a June 18 birthday will attract many social relationships that are sensuous and receptive to your love needs. You are most known for your smooth ways in which you seem to deal with strife and conflict. You may be a little distrusting when it comes to romance but are loveable and affectionate people.

The June 18 birthday horoscope says that you tend to live in fear of a relationship that takes away your freedom. This quality suggests that you could be commitaphobic. Normally, you are slow to love, but when you do, it’s not based on sex but rather a true friendship. When it comes to making love, you couldn’t find a partner who is more imaginative than those Gemini born on June 18.

You have a curious nature that is in tune with your partner’s desires and needs. You like to pillow fight and pillow talk. You are somewhat of a flirt but make faithful lovers and friends. However, when the tables are turned, June 18 Gemini can become jealous people.

You are inspiring, and this is natural for a Gemini born on this day. You tend to dream and put those dreams down to paper for the start of a new goal. Usually, you are surrounded by supportive people. You give your projects the time, and effort needs to contribute to your future success.

As a profession, your choices can be varied due to your intellectual qualities, and you tend to take unusual routes to overcoming obstacles. According to the June 18 horoscope meanings, you should work in a fast-paced environment to avoid boredom. Some may say that you are afraid to take the risk.

You hesitate to invest in so-called fast making income opportunities and rely on your instincts to guide you in the decision-making process. This quality gives Gemini a sense of strength, foresight, and security to know that reaching financial goals and independence are within reach.

If today June 18 is your birthday, your general healthiness can be seen in the way you look. You look good, Gemini. It’s important to you that you take care of your body and mind. You enjoy all forms of health care regimens and may invest a lot of money trying to achieve and preserve a certain look.

Nevertheless, your attitude is glowing with a healthy radiance inwardly and outwardly. Gemini natives typically are healthy people. To find a person born on this day ill is a day that has been too stressful for them. This is easily cured with meditation therapy or relaxation techniques.

The Gemini birthday reports that those born on June 18 are especially insightful people. You seem to understand people, and they appreciate that. They think the world of you, however, you can be aggressive.

In business, you are open to new ideas as the ordinary does not excite you. In love, you are prone to suspicious behavior, but you seem to flirt with other people.

You take good care of yourself, and it shows. You walk with confidence and surety. Those born on this day are Gemini that will find financial stability and autonomy.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On June 18

This Day That Year – June 18th In History

1863 – The four-day attack on Petersburg is over
1873 – Voting for president finds Susan B Anthony with a $100 penalty
1928 – The first female (Amelia Earhart) flies across the Atlantic Ocean
1941 – Nazi-Germany and Turkey sign a peace treaty

June 18 Mithuna Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)

June 18 Chinese Zodiac HORSE

June 18 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mercury that symbolizes a curious personality, introspection, and methodical nature.

June 18 Birthday Symbols

The Twins Are The Symbol For The Gemini Sun Sign

June 18 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Moon. This card symbolizes a sensitive nature, danger, inner truth, and nurturer. The Minor Arcana cards are Ten of Swords and Queen of Cups.

June 18 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Leo: This can be a happy and passionate match with a few adjustments.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign TaurusThis relationship will be a very stubborn and uncompromising one.

See Also:

June 18 Lucky Numbers

Number 9 – This number represents creativity and a selfless personality.
Number 6 – This number signifies caring for the community and helping others.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For June 18th Birthday

Red: This color stands for passion, love, determination, and courage.
Yellow: This is a positive color that represents a sunny atmosphere, happiness, prosperity, and vitality.

Lucky Days For June 18th Birthday

Wednesday – This is the day of planet Mercury that signifies how you manage your thoughts, actions, and exchange of ideas.
Tuesday – The day of planet Mars that stands for domination, raw courage, passion, and action.

June 18 Birthstone Agate

Your lucky gemstone is Agate which symbolizes healing powers, balancing of yin-yang energies and precision.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On June 18th

Tickets for a cruise for the man and cooking classes for the woman. The June 18 birthday personality love gifts that will challenge their energetic nature.

June 19 Zodiac Sign Is Gemini

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On June 19

JUNE 19 birthday horoscope shows that you are born under the Gemini sun sign. You are playful, good-natured, and youthful individuals. Generally, you are diverse people with a gifted personality. You glow with youthful qualities. This makes you look younger than your age.

This can cause you to find it difficult to follow a driven path. You like to do the opposite of what is considered to be normal. Additionally, those born on this day will happily make sacrifices to keep the peace in a relationship.

The June 19 birthday personality, is likely to be explosive, spontaneous and sociable. Also, you speak your mind but enjoy mixing with people that you find interesting. As a fault, you can be guilty of saying and doing things that you should not.

You seem to be popular. Those born on this June 19 birthday have a hunger for wisdom and welcome intelligent debates. You dress the part of a creative, successful individual. You have a great eye for details. It is typical for you to possess an energy that is determined and optimistic.

The June 19 zodiac shows that you own a unique combination of brains, resilience, and humor. On the other hand, you can be narrow-minded. This is a behavior that is unbecoming of the otherwise positive personality. Others look at this with a disapproving frown. This is just one of the problems that a person like you will face.

According to the June 19 horoscope, the individual born under the zodiac sign of Gemini is typically a hopeless romantic. Inclined to share a chemistry that is open and loving, you can be an eager lover.

According to your birthday meanings analysis, you are a sexual personality that is a good judge of character. Usually, you bring out some hidden qualities in people that can have an impact on their lives.

Nevertheless, you take commitment seriously, and you would not break your vows. In love, those of you born on this day have a propensity to be eager to act out sexual fantasies.

The June 19 astrology rightly predicts that you want a life that is extravagant and you usually are focused on achieving this goal. The person born under the zodiac sign Gemini are skilled communicators and are likely to pursue opportunities that use their best assets.

As a result, you are constantly improving yourself by going back to school or attending the latest educational seminars. You can socialize with like-minded individuals this way and make public contact. These associations can prove to be profitable.

However, you may need to hire a professional to handle your finances. This is not your strong point. According to the June 19 birthday characteristics analysis, Gemini personalities are lavish spenders who act on impulse. Sometimes you can spend beyond your budget, and this could cause problems for you. Do not live beyond your means.

If today is your birthday, you possess an excellent health report. You have a positive attitude toward being healthy and fit. It is easy to be envious, as you look radiant. Fitness almost comes naturally to you. You stay motivated and on track at the gym.

To get maximum enjoyment out of your workouts, you opt for an atmosphere that is pleasurable. This generally will put you in another place in which you can let your creative juices flow therefore you can relax. The Gemini birthday a people are likely to experience extreme headaches or suffer from a nervous stomach.

The June 19 astrology birthday meanings reports show that you can be ill-behaved but good-humored individuals. Young at heart, you like looking and feeling your best.

It is seemingly effortless for you to achieve your fitness goals as you enjoy the feelings associated with working out. Those born on this day are efficient in many professions but dislike restrictions. Your cheerful personality is contagious as you go all in for your loved ones especially your lover or partner.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On June 19

This Day That Year – June 19th In History

1861 – The post office in Anaheim opens
1865 – Texas free slaves per Union Gen Granger’s orders
1881 – Muhammad Ahmad officially Mahdi (prophet) of Sudan
1926 – The first black (DeFord Bailey) to perform at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville

June 19 Mithuna Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)

June 19 Chinese Zodiac HORSE

June 19 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mercury that symbolizes different methods of expression of logic, analysis and synchronizing your thoughts and action.

June 19 Birthday Symbols

The Twins Are The Symbol For The Gemini Star Sign

June 19 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Sun. This card symbolizes the foundation pillars on which the whole universe is built. The Minor Arcana cards are Ten of Swords and Queen of Cups.

June 19 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Aquarius: This is an ideal and playful match.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign CancerThis love relationship between the Cancerian and the Twin will not be compatible on any grounds.

See Also:

June 19 Lucky Numbers

Number 1 – This number signifies initiation, action, pioneer, visionary and individuality.
Number 7 – This number signifies a number that stands for awareness, knowledge, wisdom, and meditation.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For June 19th Birthday

Orange: This color stands for pleasure, extrovert, social, good health and strength.
Red: This is a bright color that stands for fire, power, strength, desire, energy, and anger.

Lucky Days For June 19th Birthday

Wednesday – This is the day of planet Mercury that helps you in analyzing issues and communicating the same to others.
Sunday – This is the day of Sun that helps you focus on your goals and work hard to achieve them.

June 19 Birthstone Agate

Agate gemstone helps strengthen new relationships and overcome all kinds of bitterness.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On June 19th

Gift coupons for hobby stores for the man and assorted cookies and chocolates for the woman. The June 19 birthday horoscope predicts that you are young at heart all through your lives.


Love Horoscope

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope

Pisces LovePisces today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

Something could reach a boiling point in your emotional world or a close relationship at this time, but whether this release of passion is pleasurable or confrontational could depend on you. Be willing to open your mind and trust your heart’s intuition now. It’s by showing compassion and sensitivity that you can overcome whatever feels turbulent or prone to flaring up with very little encouragement. If a spark must become something more, make sure it’s passionate and pleasurable in all the right ways.

Pisces tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

Although we can all be fearful at times of what we don’t know or understand, it’s important that you don’t treat an unusual or unexpected development as something to be suspicious of. It’s by being flexible, spontaneous, and open-minded that you could experience something heartwarming or pleasurable. If a plan goes off on a tangent, then this offers an opportunity to explore new and potentially more interesting possibilities with a loved one or love interest. Welcome and don’t resent change or what occurs unexpectedly.

Pisces yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

Something connected with your emotional world or a love relationship could appear to be unfolding in a way you’ve wanted to see for some time but don’t set your sights too high at this stage. The saying about counting chickens before they’ve hatched comes to mind, and it might be wise to refrain from making any sudden or impetuous gestures or actions until a hazy romantic scenario becomes clearer.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope

Capricorn LoveCapricorn today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

If you’ve been wrestling with what has appeared vague or uncertain in your emotional world or a special connection recently, then the proverbial penny could drop now or shortly. However, any revelation or epiphany you experience is unlikely to come from external influences or circumstances. What you discover could be the result of looking inward and learning something about yourself. If it’s time to release outdated attitudes towards affairs of the heart, then doing so could be imminent.

Capricorn tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

The path of least resistance could be appealing in more than one way where affairs of the heart are concerned at this time, but may not be the most sensible option to take. You could feel tempted to ‘better a certain devil you know’ than continue to feel uncertain or possibly insecure in some way. However, a step taken recently in your love life probably has yet to reveal how far-reaching or transformational it can be. Don’t disrupt a positive process unfolding now by choosing to cling to what is familiar.

Capricorn yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

Quick but practical thinking on your part could avert a mini-crisis in your emotional world or within a close connection. Focusing on what’s real and realistic rather than succumbing to an impatient move could help to keep affairs of the heart on an even keel. Spontaneity needn’t be completely pushed aside, but it’s by playing an integral part in maintaining what’s stable and predictable that will be most beneficial for you and a certain person now.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope

Sagittarius LoveSagittarius today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

Even if you feel that you’ve covered every base and ticked every box where your hopes and aspirations regarding a love life development are concerned, you’d be wise to allow spontaneity to create a bit of chaos. Fortunately, this could be more exciting than frustrating. It could also lead to you and a certain person re-establishing or redefining certain boundaries in your relationship. If this involves accepting that a bit more “you time“ is needed on both sides, then that could be very healthy for your connection.

Sagittarius tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

Someone who makes you smile or possibly laugh from deep within should be the company you seek to immerse yourself in at this time. Despite somber influences that may be evident in other areas of your world, it’s your love life or one special connection that can bring a delightful ray of sunshine that permeates clouds of seriousness. As much as you may need and appreciate someone’s upbeat and positive qualities, it could be your generous spirit and light-hearted attitude that they need to connect with and benefit from.

Sagittarius yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

Today’s Full Moon in your sign bodes well for any area of your world, and if affairs of the heart require a pick-me-up or a revived sense of optimism, then you can bring precisely the sort of change your heart yearns to experience. Focus your romantic efforts on what you know is practical and feasible, though. The sky supports what you know in your heart to be real and attainable.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope

Scorpio LoveScorpio today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

A sense of impatience could intensify in your world generally at this time, and it would be helpful to resist allowing it to find its way into your emotional world or a special connection. You might believe you’re accelerating a process cleverly but could discover that you’re only succeeding in hampering the progress you’re determined to make. You could be dealing with the equivalent of a “watched pot“ in your emotional world. Rather than stand over it and wait for it to boil, go and do something more interesting – or pleasurable – in the meantime!

Scorpio tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

If you sense that a new chapter is commencing in your emotional world or a special relationship, then that’s a cosmic indication that it’s time to move on from the past and embrace the future. You appear to have learned more than one lesson in the name of love recently and gained valuable knowledge and insights that offer a more fulfilling future. Even if one or two harsh lessons have been learned along the way, it’s important to accept how integral they’ve been to bringing you to where you are now.

Scorpio yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

Adopting a laid-back or nonchalant attitude could be a sensible strategy now, especially if you sense you could escalate something in your emotional world by appearing too keen or forthright. If you feel there are benefits to keeping cool while showing subtle signs of interest, then trust your sharp instincts. Don’t believe you’re at risk of blowing a potential opportunity because your patience and restraint will pay off.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope

Libra LoveLibra today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

It might feel as if much falls into place where your emotional world or a close relationship is concerned at this time. However, rather than believe that serendipity is at work, it could be your focused effort brings the desired results. By giving matters of the heart attention they deserve and encouraging a stronger sense of openness between you and a loved one, you could be integral to bringing progress where you have been waiting for it to happen.

Libra tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

Although you could draw comfort from what’s ticking along predictably in your emotional world or a special connection, you could also sense a need to inject even a tiny bit of spontaneity into it. Plenty of light-hearted moments are on offer to enjoy a bit more fun and frivolity where affairs of the heart are concerned. Whether you’re single or attached, you could also be reminded of how powerful an aphrodisiac laughter can be.

Libra yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

You may need to do some juggling where your schedule is concerned to fit in one or two plans that involve a love interest. That’s why it’s important that you don’t pin your hopes too strongly on any schedule you create going entirely to plan. If anything, you can confirm your commitment to someone special by being a bit more flexible and focusing on what they believe to be important. Showing a willingness to accommodate them might be enough to touch their heart.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope

Virgo LoveVirgo today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

The sky insists that an array of sensual delights are on offer to you and, fortunately, you needn’t break the bank to experience and enjoy them. If you’ve been considering grand or extravagant ways to impress a loved one or potential partner, then you could find that adopting a less conventional more traditional approach that involves applying more imagination than money brings a sweeter and more memorable result.

Virgo tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

There appears to be a connection between your professional ambitions or aspirations and love life at this time. There may be implications attached to something you’re keen to pursue career-wise, and these could have a knock-on effect to your emotional world or one special connection. Although there may not be immediate implications, it could be helpful at this stage to put in place a strategy that can balance your love life and professional pursuits.

Virgo yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

A loved one could be more intense than you’d prefer them to be, perhaps wanting to bring seriousness or heaviness to what you prefer remained lighthearted between you. You might have thoughts or feelings you’re inclined to make known in ways that feel comfortable to you because of the emotional demands a loved one makes of you now. This might be a time when it’s best for you to be the listener they need.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope

Leo LoveLeo today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

If you find yourself reminded of how the little things count for more in your emotional world or a special relationship, then it’s worth taking the time to offer tokens of support or affection rather than grand, extravagant gestures. Rather than look far off in the distant future of your love life or a close relationship, try to focus instead on the different ways your effort and attention are needed in the present. One small gesture could move something along wonderfully!

Leo tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

There can be heartwarming benefits to not suppressing thoughts or feelings at this time. Whether it’s because you assume a loved one or a love interest knows what you think or feel or you sense emotional disclosure on your part could create complications, it’s a case of ‘better out than in’ at this time. Revealing what’s on your mind or in your heart needn’t be tense or dramatic. Lightheartedness that underpins exchanges had now could be precisely what you need to reveal all.

Leo yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

A Full Moon influencing love and romance brings with it a new or revived sense of optimism where your love life or a close relationship is concerned. A new set of guidelines can be agreed, or you and the object of your affections can agree to leave an aspect of the past where it belongs. Passionately sealing this new agreement could prove to be delightful in more than one way, too!

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope

Cancer LoveCancer today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

You could feel inclined to do a U-turn of some kind in your emotional world or with one, special connection. The change of heart you experience or information that comes to light could alter your perspective on a certain matter, possibly encouraging you to backtrack and put right what you believe went wrong. You might not achieve an instant result but could get something moving in a way that feels reassuring and comforting.

Cancer tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

Your desire to dig deeper into the mind of a loved one or love interest could be done to discover more about what makes them “tick” or to uncover passions that you sense they may be suppressing. However, unless discussions are two-way and done on a “quid pro quo” basis, they could be one-sided or feel interrogative. Rather than push for answers, let them evolve or appear naturally. Try not to be so determined to discover so much, so quickly.

Cancer yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

You’re not too big to offer an apology where one may be needed, especially if you have reacted oversensitively to something the object of your affections has tried to encourage you to see practically or rationally. If you chose to use your claws rather than listen to what a loved one tried to tell you, then you have a chance to listen now. There’s something logical and sensible about what they’re encouraging you to consider. Listen with a very open and compassionate mind.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope

Gemini LoveGemini today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

You could adopt a more intellectual than an emotional approach to affairs of the heart at this time. However, romantic or relationship progress may require you to do plenty of thinking and assessing before your heart gives the go-ahead to proceed with a particular love life plan or goal. Looking inward honestly at what you want and need from a close or intimate relationship could bring a surprising but intriguing revelation. It may be time to update an outdated attitude – or be a bit bolder, experimental, or adventurous!

Gemini tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

Your innate curiosity could encourage you to explore new realms of love and romance, and you could be delighted by what you find. This may take the form of a willingness on your part to be more open and expressive regarding thoughts and feelings. Engaging in deeper conversations brings important and heartwarming revelations. This new level of openness could feel unfamiliar initially, but you’ll soon grow to embrace it.

Gemini yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

A Full Moon influencing relationships and commitments marks a fresh start where a key connection is concerned. This applies to both new and existing relationships. An opportunity to put an aspect of the past behind you and focus on creating a new beginning in some way is on offer and can bring a new or revived sense of optimism to a special connection. It’s time to start looking forward, not backward.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope

Taurus LoveTaurus today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

An intense desire to find truth or answers in your emotional world or within one special connection could push you toward over-analyzing and overthinking a love life matter. Your intuition may only serve you well to a certain point where filling in various gaps are concerned. What you want and need to know appears to be scheduled for an imminent arrival. Allow it to find you.

Taurus tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

Any sense of restlessness that you may feel in your romantic or relationship world can serve a helpful purpose if it pushes you to cross a line you’ve been determined to remain behind. Whether single or attached, you’re right to believe there’s much to be explored and enjoyed with affairs of the heart. It’s by making yourself a tiny bit vulnerable by heading into unexplored emotional territory that something delightful and pleasurable awaits.

Taurus yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

If something appears complex in your emotional world, then don’t believe a complicated solution or answer is needed. You could be prone to overthinking what’s unfolding in your love life at this time, and it’s important that you allow certain information to come to you rather than frantically try to fill in any gaps. Very soon, what appears complicated or convoluted with matters of the heart could appear much more straightforward.

Aries Daily Love Horoscope

Aries LoveAries today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

The most satisfying and potentially memorable developments that could manifest in your emotional world or one special connection require only an open mind and imagination on your part. This is the time to replace any desire to control affairs of the heart and encourage spontaneity and fun. Delightful, lighthearted moments are on offer by relaxing and allowing them to find you rather than making a concerted effort to find them.

Aries tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

Your emotional world or one special connection could contain many mysterious qualities, intensifying your desire to find answers. This could result in you becoming clearer about your emotional and physical needs. If you’re attached, then one or two revelations could come your way that remind you of how special your connection is with a certain person. Either way, discovering or rediscovering a certain truth could be reassuring.

Aries yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

Although you could feel an urge to be spontaneous at this time, this needn’t involve spending money or breaking the bank. Delightful, passionate energy is on offer to you if you can embrace the light-hearted vibe that’s trying to make its way into your emotional world now. If you need reminding at the best things in life really are free, then this could happen.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope

Aquarius LoveAquarius today’s love horoscope:

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

Adopting a more open or flexible mind toward learning or acquiring information could be your ticket to experiencing deeper levels of passionate fun or fulfillment in your emotional world or a special connection. You may not be able to conceal your excitement with sharing ideas or plans that motivate and inspire you. You could also feel there’s something very sexy about how a loved one or potential partner shares your interest or is on the same page. An abundance of mental stimulation is on offer, and this can very easily lead to something delightful.

Aquarius tomorrow love horoscope:

Wednesday 19th of June 2019

There could be no time like the present to instigate a conversation with a lover or love interest. Not only are you blessed with enhanced confidence, but you could also discover that your powers of persuasion are increased noticeably. These may require you to make more of a concerted effort to listen than talk, but if you have something to say, then you could be surprised at the ease in which thoughts transform into words effortlessly and how easily you’re understood.

Aquarius yesterday love horoscope:

Monday 17th of June 2019

Although you might not be in the mood for or supportive of what a loved one or someone close encourages you to consider, try to push your needs aside briefly and allow your paramour to explain what they want or need from you – and why. You might find their honesty can change your mind, and if you’re willing to be a tiny bit more accommodating, then you could be glad you were!

Daily Horoscope
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Moon Alert

We have the “all clear” today to shop and do business. The Moon is in Capricorn.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Today you have lots of mental energy that you can use to reorganize your home base. You might want to start shoving furniture around or tackling repairs. Resist the urge to challenge a family member about anything. Instead, use this energy to work and accomplish something.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You have a tremendous amount of mental energy today, which means you can will a lot done. You will work for hours and accept a demanding schedule. However, don’t get sidetracked in disputes with anyone because these will be ego battles that take up your valuable time.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Money disputes are likely today. Don’t feel you have to defend yourself about something. And don’t be quick to attack anyone else, either. Far better to use today’s mental drive to figure out how to improve your finances or boost your earnings.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today both Mercury and fiery Mars are lined up in your sign, which gives you amazing mental energy! You can use your mind to work much longer than usual and thereby accomplish a lot. However, you might get sidetracked with arguments and a desire to make your point. Don’t do this.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The confusing thing today is identifying whether or not you have to defend yourself to maintain your integrity about something. Before you jump in to do this, examine your position because you probably don’t have to say anything. Guard against knee-jerk reactions.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You might be bossy dealing with groups today or with a friend. Quite likely, you don’t intend to be, but because your energy, enthusiasm and ideas are all rolled up together, you’re coming on like gangbusters! Be aware of this, especially if you see hair blowing back over other people’s ears.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Tread carefully when talking to bosses, parents and VIPs today (this includes the police) because it’s easy to come on too strong. You might do this for two reasons: the first is that you think you’re right and you want everyone else to know. Or you feel defensive, perhaps attacked? Either way – stay frosty.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Avoid controversial subjects like politics, religion and racial issues today because everyone is mentally agitated and ready to argue. They are equally eager to defend. It’s a poor day for a logical, rational discussion; (plus prejudices are never logical).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Don’t get hung up on discussions about inheritances and shared property today because they will probably be a bummer. People will be at each other’s throats. Instead, use today’s mental energy to do your homework. Then choose another day for this discussion.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You might attract someone to you today who is either too aggressive or suddenly so defensive that they’re impossible to deal with. (Admittedly, you might display these same qualities.) This is because Mercury is lined up with Mars today and this makes everyone intellectually amped!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You will get a tremendous amount done at work today because your mind is charged up and you’re raring to go. Use this strong energy to get things done! Don’t waste time being sidetracked and seduced into arguments with anyone else. Use this time for your own good.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Don’t be bossy with kids today and don’t be bossy with your main squeeze. I say this because it’s easy to fall into this trap. However, you can be a wildly creative today because your mind is in overdrive and you’re full of original, clever ideas!

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Richard Madden (1986) shares your birthday today. You are dedicated to what you do. You are blunt, honest and also a risk taker. This is a fun-loving year. Enjoy increased popularity and warm friendships. This year you will be more grateful for your life and will appreciate the happiness and beauty around you in a daily way. You will make an important choice — choose wisely.

Daily Horoscope
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Moon Alert

Caution: Avoid shopping or big decisions from 7 AM to 10:30 PM EDT today (4 AM to 7:30 PM PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Capricorn into Aquarius.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Do your best to avoid getting tangled up a family argument today, especially with authority figure or someone older. What’s the point? What are you trying to prove? The result will be angry words and bad feelings and nothing will be accomplished. Do something else.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is the classic day to be at odds with others, which incidentally can also lead to accidents. Therefore, be smart. Avoid these arguments. Do not shop for anything other than food, gas and entertainment. Keep things light because this day will pass. No need to prove anything to anyone.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Be aware of the Moon Alert today. (See above) restrict spending to food, gas and entertainment. Avoid important financial decisions. Most especially, avoid financial arguments and squabbles about shared property, inheritances and such. Keep the peace.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is the classic day for arguments with partners and close friends. In part, it’s because people want to “improve” others or tell them how to do things. Some days you can get away with this – but today you can’t. Don’t get caught up in something where you either attack someone or have to defend yourself.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is a terrible day to introduce improvements reforms at work or on the job. This will go over like a lead balloon. In addition, it’s a Moon Alert today, which means it’s a poor day for important decisions, anyway. Keep things light. Don’t overreact.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Parents must be gentle and easy-going with their kids today because this is the classic day for them to have hissy fits and meltdowns. It’s not their fault – these vibes are in the air. Likewise, romantic partners might also have a falling out. Patience! Be understanding.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Although you are a great debater, you actually shun conflict. You need a harmonious environment. Therefore, do not engage with parents, bosses and VIPs today because arguments could arise. Don’t make clever suggestions. Just tread water. “Throw me a lifesaver!”

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Don’t get involved in arguments about politics, religion or racial issues today. Likewise, avoid any kind of disputes because they could get nasty. People are easily agitated today, therefore, keep things light. Be polite. Walk softly and carry your cell phone.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Although you might be tempted to get into arguments about inheritances, shared property, debt or insurance issues – today is a terrible day to do this. For starters, it’s a Moon Alert, which means nothing will come of it anyway. Secondly, people will be nasty. Run away! Run away!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This could be an emotional day for you, especially if you feel challenged partners and close friends. However, no matter what happens, don’t take the bait. Today is a Moon Alert. Everything is loosey-goosey. Stay on your side of the road and maybe treat yourself to a guilty pleasure. (Hawkins’ Cheesies?)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Be patient with pet-related issues because something could get out of hand! Likewise, be patient with coworkers and customers because people want to argue. However, remember it takes two to make a fight. Don’t show up.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Parents have to be patient with their kids today. Likewise, romantic partners have to be patient and understanding with each other because people are at each other’s throats today. (Yikes!) It’s one of those days. Treat yourself to an ice cream cone.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actress Zoe Saldana (1978) shares your birthday today. You love learning new things and sharing your ideas with others. You have a youthful outlook and enjoy the company of your friends. Your hard work will begin to pay off this year! Therefore, start to simplify your life and focus on how to build solid foundations. Work with purpose. Physical exercise will be important, which is why you should explore any physical discipline that you enjoy.

Daily is from

We Can Change The World

We Can Change The World

Author: Lady Wolfwind

I am growing older. That’s a fact. I’m still in the Mother stage of my life, but I am fast approaching Crone. I am okay with this. More than most people, I would guess. I’ve learned that part of my contribution to society, as a Crone, is to provide wisdom and guidance to those seekers who ask. I’ve fit into this role flawlessly. Most people don’t want to hear what you have to say and if they do, they don’t listen anyway. I’m sure this is just a natural part of life. I never listened to my elders either. I look back on it now and I remember their words. How I wish I’d heeded their advice. The road would have been so much easier and I would have traveled so much farther.

I think that we’ve all learned some hard lessons on our journey. I believe that it’s what life is all about. I believe that our lessons and experiences have shaped who we are and what we believe to be true today. I wonder what experiences have led all of you to the Goddess’s path? What made us choose to be so different than mainstream society and their beliefs?

I was talking to my husband this morning. He is not Pagan, but he respects me for who I am. I had had a conversation with our daughter the previous night and there were some things that were said that bothered me. It seems that in talking to my children, they expect me to “be” a certain way. They have expectations of who I should be and how I should be living my life and even what I should believe. They are grown and out of all the people in my life, they are the ones I feel pressure from to live the way society says I should. To put on a false face to please them and the world. They don’t live near me so there is no embarrassment that Mom is a Pagan. Most time I don’t think they know what it truly means and they don’t care to ask or to listen. They are caught up in living their lives and making a living.

As children, I put aside dealing with my own life and figuring out what I wanted for my future to raise them. I didn’t let my past life experiences determine how I would make decisions regarding them. I have come to realize, now that they are older, I’ve grown into the woman I was meant to become. All of my life experiences have made me who I am. They don’t seem to understand that I had past experiences before they were born. They don’t understand that I am living my life exactly the way I want to. They don’t’ seem to understand that it’s a person’s choice to not fit in. It’s the way it has to be. They talk about their past experiences and lessons and think that if it is so with them, it must be so with me. I can never be the person they think I should be.

My husband feels that this is a lesson for them to learn. That it takes years of wisdom before you understand what I’m trying to say. I’m so afraid that even he doesn’t understand what I’m trying to say. Maybe he feels that I should live like everyone else as well. He is younger than me. He set my fears at rest when he looked me in the eyes and told me, “ There are not many people who have the courage to live as you do.” I knew then that he understands me. He said it with such a deep feeling of respect and love that it brought tears to my eyes.

I am afraid that my children will wish they’d gotten to know me after I pass to the other side. Isn’t that the way it usually is? Don’t we all stand back and wish we’d said this or that? Don’t we wish we’d listened to one more story or just sat a few moments longer? Is there a time when we have that “ah ha” moment when it all becomes crystal clear and we finally put the final piece of the puzzle in place and understand the whole picture we’ve struggled with for so long? It is a sad realization that we never took the time to get to know the ones we love the most. Why do they feel the way they do? Why do they believe what they believe? Why is Mom so quiet? Why does Aunt Mary not cry? Do we know? Do we care? Wouldn’t it be nice to figure it all out while you’re sitting with them, looking into their eyes?

This is one of those lessons that I know will have to be learned the hard way. One day they will realize that I had a life before they were born. One day they will honor my strength for overcoming the obstacles that could have stood in the way of me being a good mother to them. One day, they will understand what it means to be Pagan and they will honor me for my courage to walk a different path. One day, they will realize how much I love them. One day, I will not be here. I want them to know me and understand me before that time comes. I don’t think it will work out that way. I think we all walk around with the wounds of “what if.” I don’t think it has to be that way. I think we need to take more time with the ones we love. We get so caught up in the daily grind. We get angry at each other for things that don’t even really matter. We need to learn to listen, not just hear. We need to listen to their body language, and we need to listen to the voice inflections. We need to listen to the subtle clues that vibrate through the air currents, which tell us about the other person. We need to take a moment each day and consciously decide to learn one thing about another person. Take the time to tell the ones you love how you feel about them.

I think if we would take a few moments each morning, instead of running out the door, to make a decision to slow down for a little while each day. If we would make the choice to not keep procrastinating about visiting our aging mother who tells the same stories over and over, to sit with our child and understand how their understanding the world around them, we would become better people for it. I believe it would change not only the ones we’ve taken the time with, but also ourselves. We have to stop letting life get in the way. I think we would understand how we all became to be the people we are and how the ones around us became the people they are. I think all of us would be able to let things go easier.

I believe, as a society, we have lost the course we were supposed to be on. Somewhere, we allowed money and instant gratification to become more important than even the ones that are supposed to mean the most to us. I think, as a Pagan community, we need to be different than that. I think we need to set the standards and set them high. I think we should start living as we talk, to be the example of change in our world. One person can make a difference. I feel that our time is coming. We need to be united and to send a message to the world. We need to slow down and let the message come through loud and strong. Pagans are about love and about doing what is right. We’re about caring about each other, even others of different races and beliefs. We have to start at home.

Tonight, call someone you haven’t talked to in awhile and tell them how much you’ve missed them. Reach out to someone who’s made you angry and tell them that you have forgiven them, set up a date with your spouse, dinner with your parents, a movie with your kids. Don’t worry about how much it will cost. It will cost you much more to not do these things. Don’t worry about what others will think. It is up to us to be the example. Today is the time to take the first steps toward a new world; one we all know is possible. I don’t believe we can put it off any longer.

The Wicca Book of Days for Feb. 21 – Rest in Peace

The Wicca Book of Days for February 21

Rest in Peace

In ancient Rome, February 21 marked the last day of the Parentalia festival honoring ancestral spirits that began on February 13. Today was known as the Feralia, or the “Festival of the Dead,” when libations of milk, honey, and wine were poured over the tombs of deceased family members, which were garlanded with violets and roses, and black animals were sacrificed to them, in the hope that these placatory gestures would encourage them to rest in peace. For it was said that when Romans neglected to keep their dead sweet in this way, they roamed around howling their displeasure and punishing many for their disrespect with an untimely end.

Unfinished Business?

If you are uncomfortably aware that you have not yet fulfilled a deathbed promise, that you made to a dying relative, today would be an ideal time to begin to lay that particular ghost to rest. Otherwise, light a candle in memory of those who have gone before you.

The Wicca Book of Days for Feb. 18th – Mighty Ash

The Wicca Book of Days for February 18th

Mighty Ash

The Celtic tree month of the Ash begins today, and will last until the Alder takes over on March 18th. Yggdrasil, the Norse world tree, was envisaged as a mighty Ash, and this is just one of the reasons why the Ash was considered to supply stability and strength (another is that its hard-wearing wood was favored for spear shafts and tool handles). The ancient Greeks believed that serpents fled from the Ash tree, so that it also had protective powers, that is, unless you sheltered under it during a thunderstorm, for according to an old English rhyme, “And shun the Ash/It courts the flash.”


“A Heavenly View”

Take inspiration from U. S. astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh, who discovered the planet Pluto on February 18, 1930, to do some stargazing of your own this evening, perhaps after wrapping up warmly and venturing out in the dead of night. Communing with the heavens will be time wonderfully spent.

You Know Someone Is New To Magick and Paganism When They Think That…

You Know Someone Is New To Magick and Paganism When They Think That…

An ATHAME is the gas you use for your grill.

A CENSOR is a drink you mix with alcohol.

ASTRAL PROJECTION is a home-made movie viewer.

A SYMPATHITIC LINK is when you feel sorry because your chain broke.

WICCA is that part of the candle that burns.

APHRODITE is a prehistoric bird.

ARCHETYPES is a kind of building structure.

BLESSED BE is the god of insects.

A BOOK OF SHADOWS contains silhouettes of friends or family members.

A BRAZIER is support wear for women.

CASTING is done with a fishing line, or on a set in Hollywood.

CHARGING is done with a credit card or battery.

The only way to get into a CIRCLE is to have the right of way.

Crystal CLEANSING is done with window cleaner.

CYCLES have to do with your washing machine and when to add fabric softener.

DEMETER is where you put your quarter when you park downtown.

A DOLMAN is a new brand of banana.

HANDFASTING is eating without utensils.

LEY LINES happen at the airport in Hawaii.

PAN is something you fry food in.

A QUARTER is 25 cents and still buys a cup of coffee. (Note: This person is not only new to magick, but they also haven’t been out in a while!)

SKYCLAD is a shade of blue clothing.

A TRAD is a type of geometrical figure.

WHEEL OF FORTUNE is the game show with Vanna White.

The Wicca Book of Days for Feb. 8th – Aspirational Air

Fantasy Graphics= 

Aspirational Air  


The Element that ancient astrologers assigned to today’s zodiacal sign of Aquarius is Air which has many symbolic connotations, including communication, intelligence, spirituality, aspirations and other “higher things,” along with independence and an aversion to being constrained. In addition, Air is associated with Spring; the East; and the color blue, the hue of the sky that is this Element’s realm. Air is also considered to be a spiritual Element, for it provides the breath of life, or soul, that animates us, while ghosts are popularly believed to be ethereal, incorporeal beings that can be felt (often as a breeze or drop in temperature), rather than seen.


 “Melodious Messages” 

Messages are carried through the air as sounds. Today, you’ll find that including songs in you rituals pays dividends, by enabling your soul to sing freely. Invoke the Goddess in this melodious way and you should find your pleas answered.   

~Magickal Graphics~