Good Tuesday Morning, dear Precious Family!

I will try to make this brief as possible. We have a lot to get to today. There will be a prayer and a remembrance for all of those who lost their lives yesterday. But first, I would like to say a few words….

I found out about the shootings late yesterday afternoon. I had just came in, fixed myself a cup of coffee and turned on the TV. I had it on a local News Station that doesn’t know it’s butt from a hole in the ground. It was reported a Naval Base had been shot up, details at 6:00. You hear something like that these days you don’t want to wait to 6:00 to find out. You want to know then. Right then! So I turned it over to CNN and they were broadcasting what had happened. I couldn’t believe it. A civilian had went in there and killed 12 and injured 8. What on earth was this madman thinking? There is no other explanation for it, he had to be stark raving mad! There is no other reason for it. No respect for life. No respect for self. No respect for anything or anyone. Just a cold blooded killer that turned on a bunch of innocent people. What is this planet coming too?

I got a little upset to say the least this morning. Every time we would change the channel, it would show a picture of the killer. Fantastic mugshot, so good he is even smiling in. That’s the one that pisses me off. It looks like he has this sheepish smile, as to say, “guess what’s next?” Oh, it makes me angry! All I heard about last night and all morning is about the shooter. Finally I heard the victims mentioned once. I got on-line. Heck I knew I could find anything there. Yeah, right! I had to search for the victims of the Navy Yard Shooting.

The point I am getting to is simple, why does the media play up the killer, shooter, murderer, whatever you want to call it. Everyone seems to want to know what would make a person do something like that. Well, in that case, drag the body off, hold it in a morgue, do an autopsy and then publish a paper. To all the media press, killing a bunch of people is not something to give a person a gold medal for.  Yes, we know we have sick individuals in our community. Yes, we know there will be more killings. We this, we are human and is going to happen.

But can’t you realize there are individuals, families, parents, brothers, sisters, sibling, that will never see their loved one again. They are all in a state of shock right now. I know they have questions but let them ask. Give them the respect and dignity they deserve. Instead of some crazy person that went on a rampage and killed their loved ones. Think about them.