Your Weekend Horoscope for Feb. 14 – 16

Weekend Love Horoscope

February 14-16: Hearts and Flowers

Maria DeSimone   Maria DeSimone on the topics of love, horoscopes, astrology

This Friday is Valentine’s Day which means that life should be all about romance. But will the planets cooperate this weekend? Fortunately, the answer is a resounding YES!

On Friday a Full Moon will occur in the most romantic sign of all — Leo. This is the king of amore and you can anticipate great fulfillment if you and your sweetie have plans for a night on the town. Expect grand gestures, indulgent gifts and exquisite love making. Leo pulls out all the stops when it comes to giving love. He does everything over the top so you can anticipate feeling completely adored — even worshipped — by the one you love. You’ll also reciprocate this magnanimous spirit effortlessly which will only enhance your mutual Valentine’s Day affair.

Late Friday night the Sun will be at a fine angle to Mars which will only up the ante in the bedroom. Yes, sparks WILL fly! Then, on Saturday the Moon enters pragmatic Virgo. The energy of Friday’s Full Moon will affect you all weekend but once the Moon moves into Virgo there will be more practical attention given to each other. Saturday and Sunday love will be in the details.

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