Get A Jump On Tomorrow, Your Daily Horoscopes for Saturday, July 25th





Get A Jump On Tomorrow…..

Your Daily Horoscopes for Saturday, July 25th



Venus turning retrograde today launches a six-week cycle that can find you reviewing, reassessing, and possibly experimenting with your social and love life, dear Aries. Work matters might be on the tricky side until the 31st. Review of health programs or work projects may be necessary now, particularly in terms of your enjoyment factor. There may be some lack of clarity in a romantic relationship. A mysterious backwards-looking energy is with you on a romantic level. It’s a period of fateful events and encounters. Your powers of attraction are high, but your love life may be complex. While reminiscing about the past is just fine and in fact helpful right now, try not to get stuck there. On the job, it’s time to show yourself what you’re worth – the focus should be on making yourself happy. Get in touch with what truly matters to you. Your more impulsive and reckless traits are likely to be stimulated this morning with a Mars-Uranus square. Something on the domestic front might get you irritated today, and your impatience doesn’t help. Energy, though stop and go, might be harnessed to do something creative or productive, and if you manage to do so, you could move mountains right now. Watch for rebellious or rash moves. Perceptions are a bit skewed today and tomorrow.



Venus turns retrograde today, and will remain retrograde until September 6th, dear Taurus. You will be looking at creative projects, romantic matters, relationships with your children, and home or family matters in new ways, perhaps critically at times. It’s not about putting creative ideas on hold, it’s about refining them before pushing forward. This can also be true of romantic relationships. Past loves may reappear, possibly in the flesh, or you could be a little hung up on them emotionally. A current romantic interest may be difficult to read. You may discover that you have been undervaluing or overvaluing someone during this cycle. There may be some comfort issues to deal with around the home. On a psychological level, too, you could experience some lack of support from family members during this cycle. The trick is to learn how to more confidently rely on yourself during leaner times. This morning, a Mars-Uranus square can tempt you to take shortcuts, but instead of saving time, it could cost you some. Don’t let impatience rule. Recent unresolved matters may be at the heart of stressed or impatient behavior today.



Relations can be on the tricky side today, dear Gemini, with Venus beginning its six-week long retrograde cycle. Social graces may not be up to par, and it’s important to avoid taking social faux pas too seriously. This cycle can find you strolling down memory lane frequently. Until the 31st, you may be dealing with uncomfortable conditions in the home or with family, or you could be revisiting old personal or domestic problems. For the remainder of the retrograde cycle, communications and your daily life are up for review. You may be thinking about, analyzing, or talking about old relationships and matters, perhaps feeling a little stuck in the past. In fact, you can learn a lot about what you want, who you love, and what you value during this retrograde, but important, big decisions should probably wait until later. This morning’s Mars-Uranus square can stimulate restlessness. Impatience can lead to impulsiveness today, especially with money, but it can also get you worked up about a differing concept or value that someone is expressing. You may need to deal with consequences of poor decisions today, so keep your wits about you.



Venus turns retrograde today, dear Cancer, and during this six-week cycle, you’ll do well to review the past in order to better understand your needs and values. You are looking at matters differently, especially related to finances, possessions, comfort issues, and love relationships. It’s probably better to avoid making important, life-changing decisions until you’ve digested everything. You might have important conversations about the past and possibly love during this time. You might be learning to live leaner. It’s an excellent period for reviewing finances and collecting financial information, as well as re-budgeting, but not ideal for buying new big-ticket items. If you are good at spotting deals, however, you could find some unusually good ones. A Mars-Uranus square this morning can put you in reaction mode, especially if you feel restricted or overruled. Your own independence could get you some negative attention today. Act from your heart rather than in reaction to others.



Venus turns retrograde today, launching a six-week cycle that turns love and financial matters around for review. This retrograde begins in the sign of Virgo, but returns to your sign, dear Leo, on the 31st where it remains for the remainder of the retrograde. While you may not always feel confident and certain about your feelings during this cycle, it’s an excellent period for considering how your approach to attracting what you want has served you in the past. It can be an important time for making adjustments to your personal behavior and manner. Taking extra time to figure out what it is you want is natural now, and anyone foolish enough to pressure you will not get very far! This morning, with a Mars-Uranus square, you may get all fired up over something, possibly a past or buried issue, but outlets for expressing your frustration can be limited. Differences of opinion can seem like blocks right now, but you’ll be much better off if you find ways to work through frustration before making a stand. Get to the heart of your impatience. Uranus will station retrograde tomorrow.



Venus has been in your sign for only a week, dear Virgo, and may have already brought you some pleasant attention and perhaps a few admirers. Today, Venus turns retrograde. This cycle lasts until September 6th, and while you will still attract others magnetically until the 31st when Venus moves back into your privacy zone, you could be a little withdrawn and hesitant about pushing forward in matters of the heart. Your love life is bound to become a little complicated and perhaps fateful. It’s a strong period for getting in touch with your needs from love, as well as the way in which you present yourself to others. This can be a time when you have a change of heart as you look at matters in a different way. Complicated love relationships may be an issue in the coming weeks. It can be a good time to put a difficult attachment behind you once and for all. This morning’s Mars-Uranus square can be a little problematic, especially with Uranus nearing a retrograde station. There can be a conflict involving a friend or associate revolving around matters of give and take. It’s probably not best to push things right now, as you’re likely to come up against a brick wall. Confusing interactions complicate matters considerably. Keep your cool now, even if provoked. It’s better to observe than take definite action at the moment.



Romantic matters are on the complicated side for you these days, and some of you might be tempted to bury your feelings in order to concentrate on other areas of life, dear Libra. Some of you will feel the need to keep your deeper feelings private. Dealing with past relationships, love triangles, or sacrifices made for a lover can figure strongly in your life now and in the coming weeks with a six-week Venus retrograde cycle beginning today. Your love life may be complex during this cycle, and you should watch for secrets surfacing that make you rethink current plans. Friendships can enter tricky, complicated territory later in the cycle. Resurfacing of issues and possibly even people from the past may figure strongly. Uranus is about to turn retrograde as well, and a square with Mars today can stimulate provocative energy. It’s your “job” to keep a handle on your own emotions, as it can be just as easy for others to hit a nerve with you as it can be to hit theirs. Unresolved tension can build, but you might discover a creative or physical outlet for it.



The ruler of your partnership sector, Venus, turns retrograde today, launching a six-week cycle that turns your attention to the past as well as to some of your unacknowledged inner needs, wants, and desires, dear Scorpio. Some of you could be experimenting with your social or love life. Friends may not be as forthcoming in the coming week, and you may need to approach acquaintances with more sensitivity. For the remaining five weeks of the retrograde period, partnerships, finances, and career matters can be areas that require a second look. Don’t waste your time trying to come to a decision about a relationship matter that is not yet ready to be resolved. Let things flow and observe how things are unfolding. Uranus is also coming to a retrograde station, and this morning’s Mars-Uranus square can have a little more impact than it normally does. You could have little patience when it comes to work or the sheer number of “little things” that you need to do today. You may be tempted to take shortcuts that could end up costing you more in the long run. If you can manage it, try to work independently or in a setting in which you can set your own pace, as others’ slowness can frustrate you now.



Sensitivity is important today as we can be a little on edge, dear Sagittarius, with both Venus and Uranus coming to a station. The Venus retrograde cycle that begins today can affect your professional goals or reputation for the first week, as you may be returning to old problems or dealing with resurfacing problems. The remaining five weeks, Venus will reverse into your adventure sector, and while some of your plans may require redoing or rethinking, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to see things in a different way and this can work to your advantage in the long run. This can also be a time when you’re processing recent events and you are catching up with your feelings on these matters. This morning, emotional restlessness can tempt you to take unnecessary risks, with money or with people. Haste truly makes waste today, so aim to take it easy. Listen to your heart rather than to others who may not be expressing themselves very pleasantly. Also keep in mind that all is not as it appears today, particularly when it comes to career matters and friendships.



Venus stations and turns retrograde today, dear Capricorn. Retrograde Venus will spend its first of six weeks in your adventure sector, and the remaining five in your intimacy sector. Your attention can turn to the past as you do some catching up with your feelings about your relationships, attachments, finances, hobbies, and pet projects. Review, revise, and redo if necessary. Most importantly, as you come at these matters from a different angle, get in touch with what it is you truly value and enjoy. Try to leave important deal-signing for a later date. Uranus is also coming to a station and Mars is in challenging relationship to Uranus this morning. You could be dealing with moody, stubborn, or difficult personalities now, especially when it comes to those closest to you. Crankiness tends to come from inner restlessness and a desire to break free from restrictive circumstances, so give everyone the space they need, and moods will settle.



With Venus now retrograde, it’s time to review the past and to avoid making important, life-changing decisions until you’ve digested everything, dear Aquarius. This six-week cycle is about playing catch-up with your feelings, needs, wants, and values. This is not a time for making strong, definite decisions, but rather for considering problems from different angles and perspectives. This Venus retrograde cycle lasts until September 6th, and for you, reassessing relationship and intimacy needs can figure strongly. Your ruler, Uranus, is also coming to a retrograde station tomorrow, and is challenged by Mars today. This influence can have you feeling pressured. Avoid hasty moves and shortcuts, particularly when it comes to work, paperwork, communications, and transportation. While the retrograde cycles of both Venus and Uranus should be rewarding on many levels, their stations today and tomorrow can be a little disorienting as you adjust to the changes of direction, and perceptions can be a little skewed.



Venus turning retrograde today launches a six-week cycle in which you are getting into better touch with your feelings, sensibilities, tastes, and values, dear Pisces. You are given a chance to catch up with those matters that you’ve overlooked, brushed aside, or simply were too busy to deal with. You may be looking at partnerships, relationships, your work, or your health and daily routines in a different light. Questions of whether you are enjoying yourself enough can be called up now. This morning, a Mars-Uranus square can have a stronger influence than usual with Uranus also approaching a retrograde station. Do your best to avoid risk-taking with money. You might work up the nerve to take an emotional risk with a love matter, but it’s probably better to wait for a less volatile time to express yourself. There can be difficulty seeing things clearly today, and our judgment may be slightly impaired.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, July 22nd






Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, July 22nd



Aries Horoscope

You may be drawing up plans for organizing and beautifying your home environment now, dear Aries. Some of you could be coming into money or support. Family matters can be running quite smoothly right now, and conversations with those closest to you can be especially constructive.  This is a strong day overall for family and home matters, financial planning, asking for a loan, or other practical activities that help you improve your personal or home life. The Moon in your relationship-centered solar seventh house all day puts you in an accommodating mood.



The Moon in your work and health sector all day certainly stimulates a desire to take care of practical matters today, dear Taurus, and fortunately you have some help from the cosmos for making plans and dealing with details. Even so, it’s also a good time to have that important conversation, to make a pledge, or to share and receive advice, so be sure to make time for a partner or friends. Others may be stabilizing forces in your life now. Clear, logical thinking is the general order of the day, and you’ll be able to focus your mental energies very effectively, so if you have the option, choose a project that has long-term potential and work with it. It’s also a good day for clear thinking about a relationship.



This is a potentially strong day for personal influence, dear Gemini, as well as for financial, work, and other practical matters. You are expressing yourself with authority. Plans can be made or refined on the lines of business or money-making ideas with great success. This is a time when you can be especially realistic about your practical affairs, and actually enjoy the process. A sense of purpose and direction is with you now. You are realistic in your thinking, if a tad conservative, and you can envision what needs to be done to put yourself into a better position of security, both with your personal finances and in your job.



This is a time when you can be talking about your personal plans and feeling a strong sense of purpose and direction, dear Cancer. In fact, sharing your ideas or plans with trusted others can be especially constructive and can help fuel the flames of your own inspiration. A relationship can feel solid right now. Some of you could be making a commitment. You are more credible today. Others take note of what you say and any advice you may give, and part of your magnetic charm revolves around your maturity and ability to live in the here and now. It’s a strong time for asking for what you want and for presenting your ideas, and it’s especially good for making long-term plans. The Sun leaves your sign tonight, which puts less emphasis on your personality and more emphasis on what you own, need, and want!



Circumstances are such that you feel compelled to look inward for answers today, dear Leo, and you’re likely to find them! At the very least, it’s a time for drawing up plans and feeling more empowered by doing so. Some of you could feel a strong desire to talk about a private matter with someone trusted, possibly a family member. Support seems to be there for you, but you instinctively feel the need to get in touch with your intuition. Some of you could be offering advice to others, as you are feeling especially charitable and your ideas are useful.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

Self-improvement is a focus right now, dear Virgo, but the inspiration to do so is likely found in a friend. You are expressing yourself well, with authority, and others are listening. Even so, conversations are a two-way street today, and both parties can gain in the process. This is an excellent day for bonding with a friend or love interest, and it’s also strong for drawing up solid plans, particularly for long-term happiness goals. You are able to make a good educated guess about what you can realistically achieve, and you might decide to share your vision with others. At the very least, put your plans to writing – make lists as well as resolutions.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

While the Moon in your sign today can stimulate your more impatient and impulsive nature, dear Libra, there is a wonderfully grounding energy to the day that helps to keep you in the here and now. This is a strong day for organizing, refining, or formulating plans on a professional line. Through a more organized approach, you are feeling a stronger sense of purpose and direction when it comes to your work, business, or finances. Getting organized on the home front can also figure strongly, and can benefit you in your work as well, freeing yourself up to concentrate on more worldly affairs. Listen to advice today. You have a greater ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. You may be doing things that earn you respect. This is a strong day for long-term career and financial planning, but also for anything that can benefit from structured thinking and concentration.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

The Libra Moon today tends to draw you into your shell, dear Scorpio, and extra alone time can help you take advantage of the positive energy for making plans that is with you today. This could be a time for making solid plans to make a travel, adventure, or educational goal realizable. You have a stronger sense of purpose right now, and there is a real sense that your plans are “doable”. Inspiration can come from an email, a novel, or a conversation, and you can turn an idea into a plan, or feel inspired to go after a cherished dream. This can be a good day for making your intentions known and for communications in general. Expressing your opinion in a diplomatic yet firm manner can win you respect. You can get rid of annoying paperwork now, and it’s also a good time for a new course or learning process if you are so inclined.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

Support is easier to come by, if you need it, and financial matters can improve with planning and strategy, dear Sagittarius. Paying off debt, material or spiritual, can pay off in many areas of your life, as you feel freer and less burdened. Today, you can take some steps in so doing, even if it’s only something you talk about. A partnership can feel solid and reliable, and not boring in the process! Long-term financial planning can be very successful today. It’s also strong for research and investigation, as you are especially keen and able to spot details that you might overlook on another day. Discussion of personal matters can be rewarding, as you can bring a stronger level of logic and rationality to these topics without emotionality limiting self-expression.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

This is a good time for collaborating with others and coming up with truly workable plans, dear Capricorn. You are coming across very well these days. Negotiations not only turn out well, they actually bring you to a better place. The key right now is to share the load. Capricorns can keep a lot to themselves, but today, benefits come from collaboration and sharing, smartly and within reason of course. Talks with friends or a partner can be very fruitful now, even if they are not especially colorful! It’s a better day for making solid plans and commitments rather than for expressing more romantic or flowery intentions.



This can be an empowering time, dear Aquarius, as you get your daily life and routines organized. Drawing up and talking about plans on the lines of work, your personal environment, and health can be the first steps towards a better lifestyle and a stronger sense that you’re in control of your life. This can also be a day in which you help someone out and feel stronger for it. You are especially gracious and charitable, particularly with your ideas and strategies. This is a fine day for asking for what you want as well as for recognition for your intelligence, skills, and the work you do. Your eye for details is pronounced and can be put to full use now in professional matters.



A partner can be especially supportive now, dear Pisces, and might offer some very sound advice, so listen up! Alternatively, after processing information, your own conclusions are especially useful and practical. You are communicating with more authority. Creative plans drawn up now can be especially solid, and so can plans for travels and education. Romantic relationships can feel very balanced, steady, or supportive, although perhaps not especially demonstrative. Making something productive or profitable out of a hobby can figure now. There is more authenticity or simplicity in your presentation now, which endears you to others and makes you feel better about yourself. You are more able to see your efforts in a realistic light, and you can experience a strong desire to create something tangible. Promotion or self-publishing can be quite successful now.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Sunday, July 19th






Your Daily Horoscopes for Sunday, July 19th



Aries Horoscope

Today’s Mercury-Chiron trine can be best used by taking stock of what is and what isn’t working in your life, dear Aries. It’s also good for having conversations that help heal and repair the rough edges in a relationship. This influence facilitates pleasant solutions to problems, which tend to happen organically and naturally. It helps that you’re a little more patient and willing to take extra time to listen, absorb, and explain. Family and personal matters benefit the most. Forgiving others doesn’t have to be about them – it is a kindness to yourself as you let go of toxic emotions and begin to live your life more emotionally free.



This is one of the better times for socializing, learning, connecting, and sharing, dear Taurus. There can be a lot to learn and teach now, and conversations tend to flow quite nicely, as they seem to be at the pace and of the quality you naturally love – slow and sweet. People quite readily lean on you, and you’re happy to oblige them as long as you know they’re sincere. When you respond to others’ dilemmas right now, and quite expertly, you can also gain some insight into your own life. The Moon in your creative, romantic sector all day certainly helps to boost your mood, although this position can also temporarily thin your skin emotionally when it comes to feedback.



Others are thoroughly enjoying your company as you are not coming on too strong today, dear Gemini, but rather radiating a subtle air of competence. You are displaying more humble confidence, endearing yourself to others. Your ability to both listen and share helps put others at ease. Family matters are on the mind more than usual, or you are drawn to familiar people, things, and circumstances. Emotionally, you are less brave than you are usually, but when it comes to conversations, you are ready to entertain challenges and you are practically fearless when it comes to the topics you’re willing to explore today.



There is special comfort with your words today, and conversations can be quite wonderful as a result, dear Cancer. People may be hanging on your words or particularly interested in what you have to say. You might teach, guide, or instruct others now, whether this is done informally or not. Your perspective is unique and appreciated now. You are able to envision solutions and to develop strategies for dealing with problems or for achieving your long-term goals. This is a strong day for socializing, connecting, sharing, and publishing or promoting.



There can be a stronger interest in, but not necessarily a lot of objectivity, your financial state today, dear Leo. Financial matters and concerns are on your mind, but you’re also prone to worry about issues of security and comfort now. Help can come from behind the scenes, or anonymously today, or it can be through an illuminating conversation. You are looking at past matters in a new light, as you are more able to see and understand human weakness, which gives you a more compassionate outlook. There might also be helpful and even healing interactions with family or close loved ones today.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

This is a fine day for making repairs in a relationship and connecting more deeply with a partner or special friend, dear Virgo. You have a chance to prove your commitment, and a special person in your life may be more willing than usual to share deeper feelings with you. You may be recognized for your competence and focus on the job as well now. The Moon is in your sign all day, pulling up emotions that you may have put on a shelf in recent times. This can come in as a flood, but with careful management, you can learn a lot about what’s been driving your behavior.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

You are more in touch with your need for privacy and with your more personal and private feelings today, dear Libra. A little time taken for and by yourself can be especially helpful now. This is a time for self-honesty. Even so, friends have something to show you. Quiet lessons can be learned now, so while you should honor your need for time to get in touch with your innermost feelings, don’t turn off your phone either. Balance your private and social lives today. Conversations about work matters can also be helpful, and health news could be supportive as well.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

This can be a very strong day for creative or romantic endeavors that can benefit from commitment, depth, and focus, dear Scorpio. While you are forward-looking emotionally speaking at the moment, you can quite easily tap into and draw upon emotions from the past and apply them to whatever you are doing now with nice results. Conversations can be both kind and useful, as you are connecting on many different levels, including practical or physical levels as well as emotional ones. You can get a new perspective on a matter today, likely revolving around a creative project, romance, or educational interest, and this can help you out tremendously.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

You are a little more emotionally invested in your performance, career matters, or what others are thinking of you today, dear Sagittarius. Even so, there is strong energy with you for issues taking place behind the scenes. Family interactions can be revealing, supportive, and insightful, or you might learn a little something about your own inner workings that is useful and that points you in a positive, happy direction. When it comes to your home environment or personal, psychological matters, your attitude is not necessarily in with the new, but certainly out with the old.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

There is a freer energy to the day, dear Capricorn, but even so, the morning can bring a nice conversation or new insight into a relationship. Look for different ways of communicating if you’re not getting your message across. There are many ways to express yourself, and some are suited better for certain topics or situations. News, advice, or insights can point you in a positive direction. This is a time for enjoying people’s company without issues with judgment or expectations. You are also experiencing a more adventurous, outgoing trend now.



You could find that you’re solving other people’s problems today, dear Aquarius, which not only makes you feel good, it might even lead to solving one of your own. You’re a little more patient than usual today, taking the bad with the good, and also quite observant. You are truly taking the time to listen to people around you, and others appreciate this. Because you’re looking in places you usually would overlook on another day, you might find a lost item or the missing piece to a puzzle, or even a resource that you didn’t know was yours. This is a good day for making the most of what you have or own, whether this is a latent talent, knowledge, or a material good.



A good day is in store for personal appeal. Having fun and being creative are the best ways for you to enjoy the day. It’s a time for attracting what or who you want, dear Pisces, and subtly persuading others to follow your quiet lead. You have a unique or different view of life these days, and this trait is pronounced today, and also quite appreciated by others. This is a good time for turning problem areas around, to your own favor. You tend to go your own way when it comes to ideas these days, and if it stirs up a bit of controversy, so be it! This is the case because you are always careful with other people’s ideas and opinions. This is a wonderful time to teach others to uncover their own personal power or to listen to their intuition.

Get A Jump On Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Sunday, July 19th






Get A Jump On Tomorrow……

Your Horoscopes for Sunday, July 19th



Aries Horoscope

Today’s Mercury-Chiron trine can be best used by taking stock of what is and what isn’t working in your life, dear Aries. It’s also good for having conversations that help heal and repair the rough edges in a relationship. This influence facilitates pleasant solutions to problems, which tend to happen organically and naturally. It helps that you’re a little more patient and willing to take extra time to listen, absorb, and explain. Family and personal matters benefit the most. Forgiving others doesn’t have to be about them – it is a kindness to yourself as you let go of toxic emotions and begin to live your life more emotionally free.



This is one of the better times for socializing, learning, connecting, and sharing, dear Taurus. There can be a lot to learn and teach now, and conversations tend to flow quite nicely, as they seem to be at the pace and of the quality you naturally love – slow and sweet. People quite readily lean on you, and you’re happy to oblige them as long as you know they’re sincere. When you respond to others’ dilemmas right now, and quite expertly, you can also gain some insight into your own life. The Moon in your creative, romantic sector all day certainly helps to boost your mood, although this position can also temporarily thin your skin emotionally when it comes to feedback.



Others are thoroughly enjoying your company as you are not coming on too strong today, dear Gemini, but rather radiating a subtle air of competence. You are displaying more humble confidence, endearing yourself to others. Your ability to both listen and share helps put others at ease. Family matters are on the mind more than usual, or you are drawn to familiar people, things, and circumstances. Emotionally, you are less brave than you are usually, but when it comes to conversations, you are ready to entertain challenges and you are practically fearless when it comes to the topics you’re willing to explore today.



There is special comfort with your words today, and conversations can be quite wonderful as a result, dear Cancer. People may be hanging on your words or particularly interested in what you have to say. You might teach, guide, or instruct others now, whether this is done informally or not. Your perspective is unique and appreciated now. You are able to envision solutions and to develop strategies for dealing with problems or for achieving your long-term goals. This is a strong day for socializing, connecting, sharing, and publishing or promoting.



There can be a stronger interest in, but not necessarily a lot of objectivity, your financial state today, dear Leo. Financial matters and concerns are on your mind, but you’re also prone to worry about issues of security and comfort now. Help can come from behind the scenes, or anonymously today, or it can be through an illuminating conversation. You are looking at past matters in a new light, as you are more able to see and understand human weakness, which gives you a more compassionate outlook. There might also be helpful and even healing interactions with family or close loved ones today.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

This is a fine day for making repairs in a relationship and connecting more deeply with a partner or special friend, dear Virgo. You have a chance to prove your commitment, and a special person in your life may be more willing than usual to share deeper feelings with you. You may be recognized for your competence and focus on the job as well now. The Moon is in your sign all day, pulling up emotions that you may have put on a shelf in recent times. This can come in as a flood, but with careful management, you can learn a lot about what’s been driving your behavior.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

You are more in touch with your need for privacy and with your more personal and private feelings today, dear Libra. A little time taken for and by yourself can be especially helpful now. This is a time for self-honesty. Even so, friends have something to show you. Quiet lessons can be learned now, so while you should honor your need for time to get in touch with your innermost feelings, don’t turn off your phone either. Balance your private and social lives today. Conversations about work matters can also be helpful, and health news could be supportive as well.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

This can be a very strong day for creative or romantic endeavors that can benefit from commitment, depth, and focus, dear Scorpio. While you are forward-looking emotionally speaking at the moment, you can quite easily tap into and draw upon emotions from the past and apply them to whatever you are doing now with nice results. Conversations can be both kind and useful, as you are connecting on many different levels, including practical or physical levels as well as emotional ones. You can get a new perspective on a matter today, likely revolving around a creative project, romance, or educational interest, and this can help you out tremendously.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

You are a little more emotionally invested in your performance, career matters, or what others are thinking of you today, dear Sagittarius. Even so, there is strong energy with you for issues taking place behind the scenes. Family interactions can be revealing, supportive, and insightful, or you might learn a little something about your own inner workings that is useful and that points you in a positive, happy direction. When it comes to your home environment or personal, psychological matters, your attitude is not necessarily in with the new, but certainly out with the old.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

There is a freer energy to the day, dear Capricorn, but even so, the morning can bring a nice conversation or new insight into a relationship. Look for different ways of communicating if you’re not getting your message across. There are many ways to express yourself, and some are suited better for certain topics or situations. News, advice, or insights can point you in a positive direction. This is a time for enjoying people’s company without issues with judgment or expectations. You are also experiencing a more adventurous, outgoing trend now.



You could find that you’re solving other people’s problems today, dear Aquarius, which not only makes you feel good, it might even lead to solving one of your own. You’re a little more patient than usual today, taking the bad with the good, and also quite observant. You are truly taking the time to listen to people around you, and others appreciate this. Because you’re looking in places you usually would overlook on another day, you might find a lost item or the missing piece to a puzzle, or even a resource that you didn’t know was yours. This is a good day for making the most of what you have or own, whether this is a latent talent, knowledge, or a material good.



A good day is in store for personal appeal. Having fun and being creative are the best ways for you to enjoy the day. It’s a time for attracting what or who you want, dear Pisces, and subtly persuading others to follow your quiet lead. You have a unique or different view of life these days, and this trait is pronounced today, and also quite appreciated by others. This is a good time for turning problem areas around, to your own favor. You tend to go your own way when it comes to ideas these days, and if it stirs up a bit of controversy, so be it! This is the case because you are always careful with other people’s ideas and opinions. This is a wonderful time to teach others to uncover their own personal power or to listen to their intuition.

Get A Jump On Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Thursday, July 16th





Get a Jump on Tomorrow……

Your Horoscopes for Thursday, July 15th



Aries Horoscope

Due to last night’s New Moon, home and family matters are in high focus, and new energy is with you to make improvements to these areas of your life, dear Aries. You might immerse yourself in family projects or home improvement activities. Family is more inclusive or you are more interested in setting things right. Later today, you could have a vague feeling that something is not right. Your perceptions may not be as reliable as they usually are, and reading too much into a situation may even get you into trouble. Avoid, as much as possible, spiraling thoughts and wrestling with regrets or recent decisions. You can feel out of touch. Even so, the Moon begins supporting your sign later morning, and this helps you to feel more alert, capable, and confident.



There are likely to be busy days ahead of you with a New Moon in your solar third house, dear Taurus. New energy is with you for connecting, communicating, and learning. Ideas can fill your head, but so can too much information. Some of your ideas will take and others may not, but don’t worry about the difference between the two just yet. There’s no rush. Plan to make warm and interesting new connections with people, be open to the idea that you need more intellectual stimulation in your life, and look for ways you can improve your approachability. However, watch for taking on so many things that you feel overwhelmed. Later today, a mildly difficult aspect between the Sun and Neptune can point to a feeling that others are draining you of energy or confidence, which can be the result of their negativity or simply your expectations of them.



A New Moon in your second house occurred last night, dear Gemini, and you are receiving wonderful energy for improving your finances and tending to your personal possessions. The impulse to buy something can be sudden and should probably be tamed just for now, until you get a plan in place. Ideas, and especially money-making ones, come to you with force and passion. Receive and enjoy them, and sort them out patiently as you go along. This can be the start of something special. Even so, later today, you may need to get over a temporary hump in the form of lack of confidence, a mental disconnect, or illusions related to money and work. Enjoy your imagination, but go slowly.



The yearly New Moon in your sign has just occurred, dear Cancer, pointing to a time for personal new beginnings. What you’d like to change, improve, or initiate is in your hands. You’re suddenly more noticeable and “out there”, and it’s a good time to ride this energy. It’s also a time for personal re-invention. You are always in charge of your destiny, but times like now, you really feel it. Confidence comes across well; excessive preoccupation with yourself doesn’t! People believe in you, and this only serves to motivate you further to present the best version of yourself. However, later today, watch for some self-deception, as you may not be seeing yourself and others very clearly. You mean different things to different people and this can confuse true understanding of yourself, or you may be giving off mixed signals. Treat any hesitance you might feel now as a chance to slow down and make adjustments.



Last night’s New Moon occurred in your soul sector, dear Leo, launching a cycle in which you are strongly inclined to take charge of personal and private matters that need your attention, or give more time to a person in need or an important cause. Buried or neglected issues can demand your attention, but for some of you, you may need to take on a supportive role in which you sacrifice some of your personal plans and goals, at least temporarily, in order to take care of or help out other people. You might take the lead on such a matter, or if you are the one who needs extra rest, then you’ll push for that. If you’ve been neglecting your psychic, spiritual, and emotional needs, then this is a time that forces you to acknowledge and tend to them. Later today, a minor difficult aspect involving the Sun (your ruler) in this same sector can leave you yearning for more and especially sensitive psychically. Try not to over-think things. Stick to the simple now.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

Pay special attention to who you meet and ideas that come to you around now, dear Virgo. The New Moon that occurred last night energized your sector of friendships, networking, community involvement, new ideas, technology, and aspirations. What’s happening around the time of this lunation helps pave the way for personal changes and new beginnings. There can be new friends or associations with groups and people who share some similar interests or a common goal, or new beginnings with existing connections. A New Moon is about taking the lead and taking charge. Open yourself to the need for people in your life who offer you new perspectives, a change of pace, and some exciting variety to your daily life. Tonight, however, there can be some tendency to nurse an idealized image of someone or a plan. There can be a strong desire to believe in someone, but at the same time, fear that you’ll discover reasons not to. Try to avoid over-thinking.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

Last night, a New Moon occurred in your profession and reputation sector, dear Libra. Even if you’re happy in your position as it stands, there are always some tweaks that can be made to improve your professional and public life. New projects and goals, and possibly even a new area of focus on the job, may emerge in the coming days and weeks. Enter these with healthy confidence, not over-confidence. Take the time to plan, and act rather than react. You have more impact on others than usual, so use this time in the spotlight well. Later today, however, when it comes to practical matters, you just aren’t seeing things realistically. In fact, you can swing from pie in the sky to negative thinking, making it a less than ideal time for making big purchases and business decisions. Daydream rather than make solid plans just for now.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

Your spirit to explore beyond the ordinary experiences in your life is powerful now and in the coming weeks, dear Scorpio. A New Moon occurred in your expansion sector last night, and this gives you extra energy and resolve to seek out new experiences on mental, physical, and spiritual planes. This can be a period for beginning new activities or projects that feed your thirst for mind-expanding experiences. This is a time of increased bravery and spontaneity. Later today, you may be dealing with mixed messages and minor irritations or delays. The tendency to act in conditioned rather than mindful ways is strong right now, and you would do well to identify these patterns so that you can step around them. Otherwise, it’s a decent day for daydreaming and fantasizing. Take things easy, and slowly right now.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

Last night’s New Moon energized your sector of intimacy and sharing – a sector of your chart that’s making a lot of headlines these days! Now and in the coming weeks, dear Sagittarius, there can be a feeling of revitalization on a deep, inner level. This can be experienced in your relationship with yourself and/or in a partnership. Inhibitions can drop and there is more acceptance of the deeper side of your personality. Alternatively, you might have had enough of a bad habit, addiction, or superstition, and you are suddenly motivated to end it. It’s a time for getting rid of burdens, or sharing their weight with trusted others. You might decide to rid yourself of clutter or debt. You may be saying goodbye to a bad attitude or habit, or getting closer to someone who makes you feel better about yourself. Later today, there is a tendency for people to be indirect, which can be especially annoying to Sagittarians! It’s not the best time for healthy relating patterns, but consider that you might need some personal space.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

Last night’s New Moon brings you good energy for starting a new partnership or committing to a new way of enhancing a current relationship, dear Capricorn. Someone in your life could need more support or attention and you may need to put your own plans on hold. It’s time to strengthen your relationships, negotiate, compromise, and strike up deals. It can be a strong period for communications in one-on-one setups. Take in now, and take action when it feels right. If you need to take charge of a relationship issue, you’ll feel the energy to do so. Later today, situations and people may leave you feeling drained or confused. There is a vacillating energy tonight that is best handled by imagining or enjoying entertainment and art than for serious thinking.



You can be tempted and motivated to totally rework your daily routines now with the New Moon having just occurred in your solar sixth house last night, dear Aquarius. A new health program or fitness routine could be implemented now, or you could be doing a top to bottom reorganization of your workspace or home. Whatever gets you more organized and feeling in charge of your daily life is favored. A new project, work task, or even line of work can be on the table. This is an important time for clearing clutter, both physical and mental. Take advantage, but take it easy. Tonight, dreamy or creative activities can be nice detours from pressures.



You’re receiving a nice boost of energy that jumpstarts a cycle in which taking charge of your life is appropriate, dear Pisces, particularly when it comes to romance, children, creativity, and entertainment. This is a time for making improvements to your life that help restore balance. You are in need of quality leisure time and channels for expressing yourself creatively. Ideas for enjoying life’s more playful moments can come to you in a rush, or opportunities can suddenly appear, ready to grab. Even if your life seems crammed with things to do, you need to learn to make the most of the time you do have for enjoying yourself. Later today, you may be giving off mixed signals, but who can really blame you? It’s hard to project confidence and clarity if you’re not feeling these things inside. If you feel out of the loop, which is quite possible tonight and early tomorrow, hold off. Be easy on yourself.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, July 13th






Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, July 13th



Aries Horoscope

Circumstances are such today that domestic and family matters tend to repair themselves, dear Aries. You are seeing things in a holistic way, particularly as it pertains to home, family, and personal matters, and this makes it a fabulous time for making long-term plans. You might also be sharing your ideas and plans with people close to you and enjoying the process. Finding support and building a positive self-image are important themes now, even if there can be some challenging energy in the next couple of days on this front. Stay grounded and accept compliments. There’s a more receptive environment for your ideas right now, generally speaking, and this helps you not only to get in touch, but to stay in touch, with your personal muse. Your ability to imagine possibilities and to express yourself creatively is enhanced today.



You might express an idea or opinion that is inspiring to, or well-received by others today, dear Taurus, or friends can be a source of inspiration. The more idealistic side of your nature is stimulated, and you might find that you’re giving of yourself through help, support, or services. Ideas and communications are more compassionate, interesting, creative, and fascinating. There is a calming or soothing way of looking at things now. You are looking for different, unusual topics or amusements now, as the ordinary is holding very little appeal for you at the moment! If relationships with classmates, siblings, friends, neighbors or other acquaintances can use some help or healing, today is excellent for making repairs. Understanding is intuitive and natural. Later today, however, you can reach a frustrating block in a partnership or family relationship.



While the Moon in your sign can often stimulate your more impatient and impulsive nature, there is a wonderfully soothing energy with you today that is likely to soften the rough edges, dear Gemini. You can come up with new ideas that help you improve the flow of your work, and you can be very imaginative when it comes to practical and business solutions. There can be experiences now that help boost your self-esteem and faith in yourself. This can be a time for taking positive steps for improving career, business, performance, and finances, especially if you deal with the more challenging energy of the next couple of days in this regard with a cool head and mindfulness. You might see ways to improve upon your reputation. Others are drawn to you in subtle ways, and a gentle approach to the world can find you at your best now.



The Gemini Moon today tends to have the effect of drawing you into your shell, dear Cancer, and extra alone time can help you take advantage of the positive energy with you today for making plans, working on self-improvement, and imagining possibilities. Feelings, and possibly complicated ones, that emerge today can help you to see your own insecurities more clearly, and thus allow you to learn from them. Fortunately, we are especially open to learning and improving today. Your personal charm is stronger or more noticeable today, and much of what you are doing now seems to have an alluring appeal. You may very well be in the position of role model or simply set a good example for others. You tend to be following your inner guide or muse, and this can encourage others to want to do the same. It’s easier than usual to put elusive concepts into words, so be sure to share.



Helpful, inspiring, or simply enjoyable conversations can figure prominently today, dear Leo. It’s a good time for combining logic and creativity, and for tending to practical matters with both realistic and positive thinking. Your mind might open to an idea or concept that you previously overlooked. It’s a good time for connecting and sharing something of yourself that helps others to open up as well. You may be a little withdrawn, but you’re still magnetic in a quiet way. You are doing your own thing, quite naturally, and this can really impress others. Someone could be putting their faith in you, and might take you into their confidence. As you get into better touch with your inner world with a number of planets, including your ruler, the Sun, in your solar twelfth house, a stronger sense of purpose can emerge. The next couple of days can be on the tense side, so do your best to center yourself now. You may be experiencing some of the more difficult energy as early as tonight, when you could encounter some feelings of rejection or blockage.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

You might find it easier to put your worries aside today, dear Virgo, and truly enjoy yourself as a result. Relationships tend to be pleasant and supportive, possibly even feeling magical now, and agreements tend to be arrived at naturally and without strain. Cooperation with others, and also on business levels, tends to be a theme today. You might be coming to a comfortable conclusion that you need to make a change. There can be a new idea that humbles you or opens your mind to an important concept. You may be expanding your knowledge or experience through friends, networks, or associates. Your perspective is changing in a very positive way, and it can feel wonderful to see the world a little differently. Even so, tonight, there can be some worries or frustrations when it comes to expressing your feelings. This is a time for cutting back or reminding yourself of limits, without stifling your creativity in the process.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

While actions do typically speak louder than words, you may very well say something today that touches and inspires someone, dear Libra. Take extra time to notice and appreciate the small gestures that show you are cared for. A little bit of compassion goes a long way right now. Business and reputation matters are especially important to you these days, and they are subject to ups and downs, but today you have added imagination and creativity benefiting you in these areas. It’s less about your talents now, as considerable as they are, and more about your effort that is being recognized. Your approach to achieving your goals is subtly different – improved and renewed, instead of habitual. Towards the end of the day, however, your ruler, Venus, is approaching a square with Saturn, and distancing behavior tonight can be driven by insecurities. Reflect on recent events, slow down, and give yourself space away from distractions.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

A relationship can deepen through the sharing of something personal, private, or previously hidden now, dear Scorpio. Your ability to take the bad with the good is appreciated now. It’s a good day for sharing ideas and personal philosophies, and for acceptance of differing viewpoints. Conversations can be inspiring and uplifting. Your imagination can be harnessed and channeled into something productive. The atmosphere is ripe for change, especially in terms of activity and learning, as these can be a major path to empowerment. You could experience emotional distance or frustration in a relationship tonight, however, but if someone important to you seems distant or disinterested, try to detach yourself and go about your own business. Clinging or probing behavior will not get you anywhere.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

Others could be drawn to you with fascination today, dear Sagittarius. Be willing to let go of a bad situation, habit, or attitude today, as that is the path towards attracting more positive into your life. With self-honesty, you’ll know what it is that needs to go. Imagination is wild but you’re able to harness it and put it to good use. Dreams and ideas that you come up with today can later take on substance, and your confidence in yourself will help get things going. It’s a good day for coming to agreements, respecting others’ ideas and input, or agreeing and feeling stronger for it. Conversations with family take on a compassionate, creative tone. Tonight, try to reflect rather than push. Avoid letting insecurities or fears drive behavior.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

You could be feeling especially confident about relationships in your life much of the day, dear Capricorn. Easy energy is with you for expressing your more charming and creative side. There is more spontaneity and imagination in your conversations and interactions now. There can be extra courage to express yourself, your ideas, and your affections. As well, you’re approaching relating in a fresher way, rather than falling back on old, ineffective methods. Later today, however, you could face some limitations or blocks with your ruler, Saturn, in hard aspect with Venus. Creative energy is abundant when it’s with you today, but there can be some feelings of being unappreciated or there can be confused feelings for someone. Focus on things that truly matter rather than ride totally on the emotion of the moment.



You can have an easier time coming to an understanding or agreement with someone close to you, dear Aquarius. There is a natural flow happening that makes necessary adjustments natural and strain-free. Ideas that come to you today possess subtle flair and plans birthed now tend to have long-term worth. You might reach people in different ways or express yourself in ways that people are especially pleased with. There might be good business sense today, not necessarily regarding facts and figures, but more on the lines of design and creativity. You might bring something new, imaginative, fresh, or unique to business or work projects. Tonight, there can be some tricky energy in a partnership or other close relationship, and for some, worries about work or reputation, due to a Venus-Saturn square. There might be some disappointment with a person in authority. Use your intuition when it comes to interacting with a partner, as it will serve you much better than over-analyzing a situation.



There can be quite a bit of fun in simple chatting today, dear Pisces, and the details of what’s being said are not as important as the spirit behind the communications. This is a great time for coming up with fresh new ideas or adding wonderful imaginative details to projects and ideas you already have going. It’s all about the feeling, and you’re feeling it! You’re also coming across very well. You can find yourself on the same page with a partner or special friend. There might be some opening up involved in your interactions that feels good and bonds you closer. You might also repair or heal problem areas through sharing a lofty, encouraging belief. Tolerance, allowance for errors, and desire to learn and improve are all keys to success today.

Get A Jump On Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Monday, July 13th






Get A Jump On Tomorrow…….

Your Horoscopes for Monday, July 13th



Aries Horoscope

Circumstances are such today that domestic and family matters tend to repair themselves, dear Aries. You are seeing things in a holistic way, particularly as it pertains to home, family, and personal matters, and this makes it a fabulous time for making long-term plans. You might also be sharing your ideas and plans with people close to you and enjoying the process. Finding support and building a positive self-image are important themes now, even if there can be some challenging energy in the next couple of days on this front. Stay grounded and accept compliments. There’s a more receptive environment for your ideas right now, generally speaking, and this helps you not only to get in touch, but to stay in touch, with your personal muse. Your ability to imagine possibilities and to express yourself creatively is enhanced today.



You might express an idea or opinion that is inspiring to, or well-received by others today, dear Taurus, or friends can be a source of inspiration. The more idealistic side of your nature is stimulated, and you might find that you’re giving of yourself through help, support, or services. Ideas and communications are more compassionate, interesting, creative, and fascinating. There is a calming or soothing way of looking at things now. You are looking for different, unusual topics or amusements now, as the ordinary is holding very little appeal for you at the moment! If relationships with classmates, siblings, friends, neighbors or other acquaintances can use some help or healing, today is excellent for making repairs. Understanding is intuitive and natural. Later today, however, you can reach a frustrating block in a partnership or family relationship.



While the Moon in your sign can often stimulate your more impatient and impulsive nature, there is a wonderfully soothing energy with you today that is likely to soften the rough edges, dear Gemini. You can come up with new ideas that help you improve the flow of your work, and you can be very imaginative when it comes to practical and business solutions. There can be experiences now that help boost your self-esteem and faith in yourself. This can be a time for taking positive steps for improving career, business, performance, and finances, especially if you deal with the more challenging energy of the next couple of days in this regard with a cool head and mindfulness. You might see ways to improve upon your reputation. Others are drawn to you in subtle ways, and a gentle approach to the world can find you at your best now.



The Gemini Moon today tends to have the effect of drawing you into your shell, dear Cancer, and extra alone time can help you take advantage of the positive energy with you today for making plans, working on self-improvement, and imagining possibilities. Feelings, and possibly complicated ones, that emerge today can help you to see your own insecurities more clearly, and thus allow you to learn from them. Fortunately, we are especially open to learning and improving today. Your personal charm is stronger or more noticeable today, and much of what you are doing now seems to have an alluring appeal. You may very well be in the position of role model or simply set a good example for others. You tend to be following your inner guide or muse, and this can encourage others to want to do the same. It’s easier than usual to put elusive concepts into words, so be sure to share.



Helpful, inspiring, or simply enjoyable conversations can figure prominently today, dear Leo. It’s a good time for combining logic and creativity, and for tending to practical matters with both realistic and positive thinking. Your mind might open to an idea or concept that you previously overlooked. It’s a good time for connecting and sharing something of yourself that helps others to open up as well. You may be a little withdrawn, but you’re still magnetic in a quiet way. You are doing your own thing, quite naturally, and this can really impress others. Someone could be putting their faith in you, and might take you into their confidence. As you get into better touch with your inner world with a number of planets, including your ruler, the Sun, in your solar twelfth house, a stronger sense of purpose can emerge. The next couple of days can be on the tense side, so do your best to center yourself now. You may be experiencing some of the more difficult energy as early as tonight, when you could encounter some feelings of rejection or blockage.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

You might find it easier to put your worries aside today, dear Virgo, and truly enjoy yourself as a result. Relationships tend to be pleasant and supportive, possibly even feeling magical now, and agreements tend to be arrived at naturally and without strain. Cooperation with others, and also on business levels, tends to be a theme today. You might be coming to a comfortable conclusion that you need to make a change. There can be a new idea that humbles you or opens your mind to an important concept. You may be expanding your knowledge or experience through friends, networks, or associates. Your perspective is changing in a very positive way, and it can feel wonderful to see the world a little differently. Even so, tonight, there can be some worries or frustrations when it comes to expressing your feelings. This is a time for cutting back or reminding yourself of limits, without stifling your creativity in the process.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

While actions do typically speak louder than words, you may very well say something today that touches and inspires someone, dear Libra. Take extra time to notice and appreciate the small gestures that show you are cared for. A little bit of compassion goes a long way right now. Business and reputation matters are especially important to you these days, and they are subject to ups and downs, but today you have added imagination and creativity benefiting you in these areas. It’s less about your talents now, as considerable as they are, and more about your effort that is being recognized. Your approach to achieving your goals is subtly different – improved and renewed, instead of habitual. Towards the end of the day, however, your ruler, Venus, is approaching a square with Saturn, and distancing behavior tonight can be driven by insecurities. Reflect on recent events, slow down, and give yourself space away from distractions.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

A relationship can deepen through the sharing of something personal, private, or previously hidden now, dear Scorpio. Your ability to take the bad with the good is appreciated now. It’s a good day for sharing ideas and personal philosophies, and for acceptance of differing viewpoints. Conversations can be inspiring and uplifting. Your imagination can be harnessed and channeled into something productive. The atmosphere is ripe for change, especially in terms of activity and learning, as these can be a major path to empowerment. You could experience emotional distance or frustration in a relationship tonight, however, but if someone important to you seems distant or disinterested, try to detach yourself and go about your own business. Clinging or probing behavior will not get you anywhere.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

Others could be drawn to you with fascination today, dear Sagittarius. Be willing to let go of a bad situation, habit, or attitude today, as that is the path towards attracting more positive into your life. With self-honesty, you’ll know what it is that needs to go. Imagination is wild but you’re able to harness it and put it to good use. Dreams and ideas that you come up with today can later take on substance, and your confidence in yourself will help get things going. It’s a good day for coming to agreements, respecting others’ ideas and input, or agreeing and feeling stronger for it. Conversations with family take on a compassionate, creative tone. Tonight, try to reflect rather than push. Avoid letting insecurities or fears drive behavior.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

You could be feeling especially confident about relationships in your life much of the day, dear Capricorn. Easy energy is with you for expressing your more charming and creative side. There is more spontaneity and imagination in your conversations and interactions now. There can be extra courage to express yourself, your ideas, and your affections. As well, you’re approaching relating in a fresher way, rather than falling back on old, ineffective methods. Later today, however, you could face some limitations or blocks with your ruler, Saturn, in hard aspect with Venus. Creative energy is abundant when it’s with you today, but there can be some feelings of being unappreciated or there can be confused feelings for someone. Focus on things that truly matter rather than ride totally on the emotion of the moment.



You can have an easier time coming to an understanding or agreement with someone close to you, dear Aquarius. There is a natural flow happening that makes necessary adjustments natural and strain-free. Ideas that come to you today possess subtle flair and plans birthed now tend to have long-term worth. You might reach people in different ways or express yourself in ways that people are especially pleased with. There might be good business sense today, not necessarily regarding facts and figures, but more on the lines of design and creativity. You might bring something new, imaginative, fresh, or unique to business or work projects. Tonight, there can be some tricky energy in a partnership or other close relationship, and for some, worries about work or reputation, due to a Venus-Saturn square. There might be some disappointment with a person in authority. Use your intuition when it comes to interacting with a partner, as it will serve you much better than over-analyzing a situation.



There can be quite a bit of fun in simple chatting today, dear Pisces, and the details of what’s being said are not as important as the spirit behind the communications. This is a great time for coming up with fresh new ideas or adding wonderful imaginative details to projects and ideas you already have going. It’s all about the feeling, and you’re feeling it! You’re also coming across very well. You can find yourself on the same page with a partner or special friend. There might be some opening up involved in your interactions that feels good and bonds you closer. You might also repair or heal problem areas through sharing a lofty, encouraging belief. Tolerance, allowance for errors, and desire to learn and improve are all keys to success today.

What Do The Stars Have In Store For You, Your Weekly Astrology Report for July 13 thru 19





Weekly Astrology: July 13 – 19, 2015

It’s anything but smooth this week!

Maria DeSimone

Break out the big guns because while family matters may shine for you this week, communication will be dicey in the romance department! It’s not going to be pretty. Read all about it!


Monday, July 13: Mercury trine Neptune

On Monday, Mercury will trine Neptune and you may think you’re starting the week off in a way that is too good to be true…

Tuesday, July 14: Venus in Leo square Saturn

Enjoy the dreamy mental state while you have it because by Tuesday, Venus will square off with Saturn and you might feel an extraordinary level of tension between you and your partner. You’re not feeling the love for some reason, and it’s quite possible that your mate simply doesn’t have the ability to give you what you want right now.

Wednesday, July 15: New Moon in Cancer; Mars opposite Pluto; Mercury opposite Pluto

On Wednesday, a New Moon in Cancer does suggest a glorious opportunity for a fresh start in a domestic or real estate matter. You may hear news from a relative during this time but if so, your reaction will be unpredictable. That’s because Mars and Mercury will also oppose Pluto on this day.

Thursday, July 16: Mercury conjunct Mars

On Thursday, Mercury will conjunct Mars. You might feel as if you have to fight and argue with all of your might in order to turn the page on a family situation. Or, it’s possible that the new beginning in your family life has to do with clearing the air with one of your relatives. It might pinch just a little more than you’d like, but family is worth it.

Saturday, July 18: Venus enters Virgo

Finally on Saturday, Venus enters Virgo — but next week she’ll turn retrograde. Now it’s time to re-assess the value of a relationship. Is it productive in your life or does it set up a feeling of you doing all the work and sacrifice without any reward? You might begin to second guess whether or not a potential relationship is ever going to be what you want it to be. Perhaps there’s a lesson about accepting less-than-perfect conditions. Love is messy — but worth it. is a Daily Insight Group Site

Your Daily Horoscopes for Saturday, July 4th





Your Horoscopes for Saturday, July 4th



Aries Horoscope

Romance, social relations, comfort, and finances are starred for you today, Aries. You are magnetizing good things to you quite naturally now. Interactions tend to be easy, smooth, kind, and helpful. Socially, you may be at the right place at the right time. Complicated problems seem to be easier to understand when you feel supported and approach them in a relaxed manner. You could be expressing your feelings and ideas both with the same ease. This is unlikely to be a productive time for work, but can be wonderful for taking a break and enjoying good company.



Home and family matters can be quite easy and smooth-running today, Taurus. There can be good news or promising developments with house or financial affairs, an exciting new purchase for the family, or a sense of abundance now. There can be some restlessness today that stems from an unsatisfied or unrecognized need. This type of feeling often leads to self-indulgence, which of course doesn’t resolve things. Get into better touch with what it is you feel is missing. However, this should be a good time for family and relationship matters, as well as helpful, happy conversations.



You are communicating your needs quite effectively today, dear Gemini, but it’s also a strong time for presenting your ideas. Personal appeal is boosted today, as your ruler, Mercury, is in your sign and forms a nice angle with pleasing Venus. There could be news or a communication that is warm, pleasant, and promising. You can feel understood, cared for, and supported as a result. You might be looking into a new idea or discovering a new interest. The Moon is in your adventure sector all day, supporting and enhancing your curiosity and encouraging you to think in big, happy terms.



It’s a little easier than usual to discuss private or tricky topics with more rationality and readiness, dear Cancer, as you are seeing emotions from an intellectual perspective. This can also be a good day for bringing intuition and aesthetic sense to practical matters. You might come up with interesting ideas about how you can improve your financial state. You are more inclined to pay attention to unusual signs or symbols, and these can factor into decisions now. There is a playful quality to conversations, and politeness or kindness, which is especially pleasant for you right now. Past love can come to mind or resurface in a significant way.



With Venus in your sign these days, dear Leo, you could find that people in general are appreciating the qualities that come very naturally to you. Others are showing interest and seem to be drawn or attracted to you more than usual. You might also be especially in touch with the gentler, more receptive side of your nature. Today is good for sharing ideas, personal thoughts, feelings, and memories. You can be particularly interesting and convincing. You have a stronger sense than usual about what ideas have true potential for success in the long term.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

While you’ve been in a trend of taking stock of your emotional and social life more than pursuing it directly, dear Virgo, this is a good day for spending time with others, sharing your ideas, or simply joining in and doing most of the listening. Today is strong for sharing personal matters with a trusted friend, and for coming to an understanding with someone or with a matter from the past. It’s also a good day for intuition on business and financial matters. There can be a subtle communication of romantic interest from someone today. There can be a sudden impulse to contact someone, or you can be the recipient of surprising contact.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

You have a stronger desire than usual to bring a spirit of true friendship and acceptance to your relationships, dear Libra, but also a loving, warm quality to your friendships. It’s easier than usual to “win” friends with an easygoing, charming, and open manner. Friends are drawn to you. Today is particularly strong for friendships as well as romance, and mending broken fences. People are showing definite interest in you. You have been discovering your own unique set of truths and beliefs recently, and today you’re especially eager to share them. You can feel very hopeful about the future now.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

This can be a good time for enhancing your reputation, learning things that help you in your career, and talking about plans for the future or long-term goals, dear Scorpio. People may be speaking highly of you. It’s a generally good day for making business decisions or for fact-gathering in casual ways. A partner may be especially conversational. You are more aware of public sentiment and what others think of you when you are making decisions. When it comes to private or personal matters, you’re more inclined to discuss them rationally and naturally.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

It’s a strong day for connecting with others, and especially on one-to-one levels and romantically, dear Sagittarius. Even so, good communication skills positively affect all areas of life now. A feeling of camaraderie with a special someone can lift your spirits and make you feel that you’re moving forward. You may be feeling some inner restlessness that, if left unchecked, could lead you to push others’ boundaries. Identify the source of this so that it doesn’t drive your behavior. Otherwise, make extra time for people you care about today.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

Love is easily expressed and attracted today, dear Capricorn, although you’re inclined to show your feelings through quiet support rather than through showy means. Your intuition regarding health or work methods is strong now. Perhaps because you may be breaking the routine a little, you are able to see regular things in new ways, and you may even meet someone interesting as you pursue your daily affairs or health goals. There can be a special attraction to mysteries and hidden motives, investigations of some kind, and all that we don’t typically see.



This is a good time for coming to agreements, romantic overtures, expressions of affection, and sharing of good humor, dear Aquarius. The beauty may very well be in how you communicate more than what you are expressing. It’s a good time for getting advice or simply reaching out. You can be eager to start a new creative project, or possibly a new romantic affair or experience. Conversations about love, children, creative arts, hobbies, or entertainment can be pleasing now. With the Moon in your sign all day, you are projecting yourself warmly and others are drawn to you. Others may seem a little indulgent or even irresponsible in your eyes today, however.



Agreements might come easily right now, dear Pisces, and you can have a stronger desire to find peace in your domestic life or with family now. You are seeking out more harmony on the job and in your daily life. This may not be a day in which a lot gets done in an obvious or explicit way, but it’s good for mending fences, enjoying others, and expressing your feelings. The Moon in the sign just behind yours all day suggests keeping things quiet, and makes it a good time for personal reflection. You may not be in the spotlight, but this can be a good thing as you need to emotionally recharge.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, May 20th


Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, May 20th



This is a good time to find ways to improve work/leisure balance problems in your life, Aries. Some of you could be considering delegating work, as pressures for you to perform are strong. This can be a difficult thing to do right now with Pluto transiting your career zone, as this transit can sometimes lead you to believe that you have to do it all. Energies today and tomorrow can stimulate all sorts of fears and tensions concerning your career or reputation, and it would be wise to consider ways to reduce stress. The Moon moving into your home and family sector today might help you to back away from problems coming from the outside world so that you can see them from a better perspective.



Outside interests are plenty, dear Taurus, and while good for you, can sometimes consume so much of your time that you are missing the opportunities that Jupiter’s transit of your solar fourth has been offering you in terms of connection with home and family. Today and this week, you’re more likely to truly see and identify problem areas, and all is in your favor to make the necessary improvements that will improve your life. If you’ve been spreading yourself too thin, trying to please too many people and to do more than you are truly capable of doing, this is a good time for making changes. Obsessions and addictions that have been dragging you down may become painfully obvious, and now you have the chance to get back on track.



Today and tomorrow, you may be dealing with issues revolving around fears, obsessions, and addictions, dear Gemini, and how any of these may have been holding you back from succeeding at your goals or making important changes. You may have been getting worked up about matters that haven’t yet happened, and may never happen, and for some of you, an intimate relationship and concerns revolving around it may have been consuming so much of your time that it’s hard to grab the opportunities that have been with you for learning and communications. This is an excellent time to see what has been tripping you up and for taking steps to make the necessary adjustments to bring back more balance to your life. The Moon’s move out of your sign this morning can in fact help you to look at situations in a more practical way.



This is a good time to clearly see what may have been preventing you from achieving your goals or going after what makes you happy, dear Cancer. Challenges in partnerships can be magnified temporarily, just long enough for you to identify attitudes or situations that have been weighing you down or negatively impacting your life. You could be questioning recent alliances or choices, and now is the time to get yourself back on track by making important adjustments. Excesses on a financial level might also be dealt with now. The Moon enters your sign this morning, bringing emotions close to the surface and reminding you of your need to connect emotionally to the world around you.


Periodically since September, you may have been dealing with health, motivation, or scheduling problems that interfered with your broader goals or personal success, dear Leo. Today and this week, you’ll have the chance to make important adjustments in order to free yourself of burdens that have been holding you back. Obstacles now can have to do with expecting too much from yourself, or managing demanding schedules all on your own. Doubts about current goals or alliances might in fact help you to slow down long enough to make important adjustments, and getting back on track is the focus now. The Moon’s move into your soul sector this morning can help turn your attention to the need for further reflection.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

Periodically in recent months, you may have been dealing with problems dragging you down revolving around a romantic relationship, creative pursuit, or children, dear Virgo, which consume a lot of your time and/or energy. This week, you are getting the chance to sort out your love life, attention to leisure activities, and attachment to certain creative projects or ideas so that you can better tend to your priorities going forward. If you’ve been holding on to guilt, do your best to face why this may be so. The more burdens you release now, the better your chances for taking advantage of opportunities coming your way in the future. The Moon moves into your networking zone this morning, and friendships or casual connections might help you to positively release some of the tension you’ve been feeling.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

You may have the chance to deal with an imbalance once and for all today and this week, Libra, particularly surrounding family matters if they’ve been getting in the way of your growth on a social level or concerning outside interests. This is a time for facing fears of making changes or of making mistakes, as these may be standing in the way of success. If you need to assuage your guilt, take steps to do so. Finding a better balance is key. Dealing with personal, family, and home matters that have reached difficult proportions is essential, as problems in these areas seem to be the major obstacles to happiness right now.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

If you’ve been overshooting, slacking off, or otherwise missing opportunities to reach your goals, Scorpio, this week will bring a reminder to restore balance in your life. You may be dealing with a need to review your communications or to handle excess attention to problem areas and outside interests. You might also need to let go of a fear of others getting to know more about you, or of a need to do everything yourself at the expense of other areas of life that you’ve been neglecting. Relaxing and trusting that things will be okay if you take some needed rest can be difficult for you these days, but very necessary. The Moon entering fellow Water sign Cancer this morning can help you to find natural outlets for expressing pent-up emotions and frustrations.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

Your ruler, Jupiter, is generally in good form these days, Sagittarius, but periodically since September, it gets into difficult relationship with Pluto, as it does today for the final time in this series. This can be considered a time for slowing down if you’ve been overshooting or excessive recently. Today and tomorrow, you’ll likely have to face some of your fears surrounding money management, business prospects, and for some, talents and self-worth. These may be holding you back from pursuing your dreams, or keeping you tied down and grounded when you might be better off venturing out and about. This is an excellent time for working on confidence issues.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

A Jupiter-Pluto repeated theme since September ends this week, Capricorn, and you have a chance to resolve recent problems that have held you back from success, and for many of you, this can be quitting a bad habit or fully committing yourself to a relationship. You may need to slow down a little so that you can make adjustments to your goals or expectations. There can be an obvious need to relax your attitude or outlook in order to welcome improvement and growth into your life. Identifying areas of overshooting, obsessive attention to negative areas of life, and those things that are consuming too much of your time and/or dragging you down. This is an excellent time for seeing problem areas and making the necessary adjustments to fix them.



Periodically you may have recently been dealing with self-doubt and fear of making changes, Aquarius, and this week, you have a chance to improve your attitude. While it’s important to take your time making important decisions now, it’s also an ideal time to face fears of moving forward. Identify guilt that might also be holding you back from seeking out happiness. If the past keeps surfacing in a relationship, aim to deal with it once and for all. The Moon’s move into your sector of work and routines can bring you into a taking care of business frame of mind that is helpful for taking the pressure off overthinking other areas of your life.



You may have the chance to finally deal with a problem involving imbalance between your social life and working life this week, Pisces. A sign that you’ve been overdoing things is if both areas of your life are overextended – in other words, you’re spreading yourself too thin trying to please everyone. Take the time to realign and redirect your energies, as this will benefit you most down the road. This morning, the Moon moves into your pleasure sector, and tensions might be released through creative, entertaining activities. Pulling yourself away from problems can sometimes give you a better perspective.



Other Gods And Goddesses – Deities Of Marriage

Other Gods And Goddesses

Because the deities come from so many cultures and times, it is important to invoke only the positive qualities you need and to remember that some did reflect dark as well as benign aspects of divinity. For example, Diana, the goddess of the Moon and the hunt, is thought by most to be a sympathetic soul; but you might be surprised to learn that she would, according to myth, have her rejected lovers torn apart by her hounds. So, when setting up your icons, read about them first, and decide which are the attributes that will assist your magical workings. Some deities fit into more than one category, so I have listed them under their most significant one.

Deities Of Marriage

These deities can be invoked in rituals concerning the family and the home.



Frigg was the Viking Mother Goddess whose jewelled spinning wheel formed Orion’s belt; as patroness of marriage, women, mothers and families, she can be invoked for all rituals concerned with families and domestic happiness. She invited devoted husbands and wives to her hall after death so that they might never be parted again and so is goddess of fidelity.


As Ostara, goddess of spring, she was known among the Anglo-Saxons and is remembered in the festival of Easter as a fertility goddess and bringer of new beginnings. In her role as Valfreya, the Lady of the Battlefield, Frigg recalls the Northern tradition of warrior goddesses and offers courage to women.




Hera, the wife-sister of Zeus, is a the supreme Greek goddess of protection, marriage and childbirth whose sacred bird is the peacock. She is a powerful deity of fidelity and is called upon by women seeking revenge upon unfaithful partners.




Hestia is the Greek goddess of the hearth and home, all family matters and peace within the home. She is a benign, gentle goddess and so can be invoked for matters involving children and pets.




Juno, the wife-sister of Jupiter, is the Roman queen of the gods, the protectress of women, marriage and childbirth and also wise counsellor. Together with Jupiter and Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, she made up the triumvirate of deities who made decisions about humankind and especially Roman affairs. Her month, June, is most fortunate for marriage and, like Hera, her Greek equivalent, her sacred creature is the peacock. She is invoked in sex magick as well as for all matters concerning marriage, children, fidelity and wise counsel.




Parvati is the benign and gentle Hindu Mother Goddess, consort of the god Shiva and the goddess daughter of the Himalayas. Her name means ‘mountain’ and she is associated with all mountains. She and Shiva are often pictured as a family in the Himalayas with their sons Ganesh, god of wisdom and learning, and six-headed Skanda, the warrior god. She is invoked for all family matters and those concerning children and by women in distress.




Vesta is the Roman goddess of domesticity and of the sacred hearth at which dead and living were welcomed. The Vestal Virgins of Rome kept alight the sacred flame in Vesta’s temple and this was rekindled at the New Year, as were household flames. Vesta can be invoked in rituals centred around the element Fire.


Dieties of Marriage

Dieties of Marriage

by Divine Spirits

Deities Of Marriage These deities can be invoked in rituals concerning the family and the home. Frigg Frigg was the Viking Mother  Goddess whose jewelled spinning wheel formed Orion’s belt; as patroness of marriage, women, mothers and families, she can be invoked for all rituals  concerned with families and domestic happiness. She invited devoted husbands and wives to her hall after death so that they might never be parted again and  so is goddess of fidelity. As Ostara, goddess of spring, she was known among the Anglo-Saxons and is remembered in the festival of Easter as a fertility  goddess and bringer of new beginnings. In her role as Valfreya, the Lady of the Battlefield, Frigg recalls the Northern tradition of warrior goddesses and  offers courage to women. Hera Hera, the wife-sister of Zeus, is a the supreme Greek goddess of protection, marriage and childbirth whose sacred bird is the  peacock. She is a powerful deity of fidelity and is called upon by women seeking revenge upon unfaithful partners. Hestia Hestia is the Greek goddess of the  hearth and home, all family matters and peace within the home. She is a benign, gentle goddess and so can be invoked for matters involving children and pets.  Juno Juno, the wife-sister of Jupiter, is the Roman queen of the gods, the protectress of women, marriage and childbirth and also wise counsellor. Together  with Jupiter and Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, she made up the triumvirate of deities who made decisions about humankind and especially Roman affairs. Her  month, June, is most fortunate for marriage and, like Hera, her Greek equivalent, her sacred creature is the peacock. She is invoked in sex magick as well as  for all matters concerning marriage, children, fidelity and wise counsel. Parvati Parvati is the benign and gentle Hindu Mother Goddess, consort of the god  Shiva and the goddess daughter of the Himalayas. Her name means ‘mountain’ and she is associated with all mountains. She and Shiva are often pictured  as a family in the Himalayas with their sons Ganesh, god of wisdom andlearning, and six-headed Skanda, the warrior god. She is invoked for all family matters  and those concerning children and by women in distress. Vesta Vesta is the Roman goddess of domesticity and of the sacred hearth at which dead and living  were welcomed. The Vestal Virgins of Rome kept alight the sacred flame in Vesta’s temple and this was rekindled at the New Year, as were household  flames. Vesta can be invoked in rituals centred around the element Fire.