The Truth About Prosperity Spells

I get emails like this, daily: “Rose, HELP! I’m in serious debt… can you give me a money spell that can help?”

Most people who send emails like this are looking for an easy way out. If you could sit down, light a few candles, say a chant, and attract a surge of prosperity… everyone would be financially independent.

Magick doesn’t work that way, despite what many people will try to tell you. (Especially if they are trying to sell you something.)

Here’s how Magick can work for prosperity: if you work a prosperity spell properly, it helps focus your mind and spirit on your goal… helps you to really believe your desire is possible… and gives you the confidence to go after it. Many of these changes occur on a subconscious level… and it may seem like any prosperity just “happened”. The reality is, it’s all you.

Now that you understand the truth about how, and why prosperity spells can work… here’s one of my favorite’s you can try on your own whenever you wish.

It blends the mystical beliefs of 2 ancient cultures to create prosperity energy. Combine this energy with your desire, focus, and emotion… and you can achieve whatever you wish.

To read the rest of this article and the Prosperity Spell