Northern and Southern Hemisphere Weekly Horoscope

Starting on Sunday, August 18, 2019

All Signs

Just a few days left of Leo then swoosh! We’re into Virgo. This means our desire to be divas and cavort theatrically with others will mellow as we begin to think about ways to improve ourselves. First, on the list will be an increased focus on what and how much we drink and on what and how much we eat. A nourishing diet contributes to beauty but also to health and longevity! Why this switch? The sign of Virgo rules the intestines and they don’t fool around. Virgos have tried every diet in the books. But hey – when we’re all old – they will look great because they always took care of themselves. They know that a balanced diet is not a toasted buttered bagel in each hand.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You charge forward into life headfirst, always eager — the leader of the pack. Small wonder that this week marks a turning point when you suddenly will be gripped by that back-to-school panic. “Shops must be visited! Money must be spent!” Your desire to get better organized will most strongly be reflected at work and in your job because this is where you are going to give it your best shot. You want to be efficient and productive, and you’re prepared to work hard to get results. Not only will you work hard, you will delegate to others as well. Fortunately, people will be cooperative! This gives you time to ponder how you can get better organized in all aspects of your life. Are you going to alphabetize your spices and colour code your closet?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Although many people are gearing up for that back-to-school moment, you are entering serious party mode! Whaat? If you can, please slip away on vacation during the next four weeks to live it up and enjoy life! The overall theme of this next five weeks is that you want the freedom to do your own thing and be yourself. You don’t have to please anyone else. Love affairs, amusements, creative self-expression and fun activities with kids will all appeal. You feel confident and relaxed because there’s no need to pretend to be what you are not. Nevertheless, many of you will tackle home repairs and enjoy family confabs.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It’s been busy and this week marks a shift of focus for the next five weeks to home, family and your private life. Renovations, residential moves and redecorating projects will demand your attention. This same planetary influence will bring real-estate opportunities or a chance to rent something better. This month ahead is perfect to entertain friends and family at home, especially to show off what you’ve been doing. Life has been hectic! Now you need a chance to cocoon and relax. Do what you can to keep the peace at home because increased activity can trigger conflict. “Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously for they will shape your life.” (Albert Einstein)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The back-to-school theme will grip you now even if you don’t have kids going to school. Why? It’s an ingrained habit from the past. It’s that little voice on your shoulder whispering into your ear saying, “The party’s over. Do the laundry and find your bedroom floor.” Not only will you be busy with personal tasks, your schedule will be packed with short trips, increased time with siblings and relatives plus lots of reading, studying and writing. There’s only 24 hours in a day and you’re booked! Look around you at your immediate surroundings to see what you want to change. How do you handle your casual relationships? Now is the time to be clear about your position on things.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

“Show me the money!” For the next five weeks, your focus is on cash flow, earnings and major purchases. Some of you will review your summer spending and grab a drink. “Aaagh?” However, you might decide to boost your earnings, which is why you will hatch moneymaking ideas along with ways to cut back on spending. (Smart to tackle both ends of this situation.) Venus guarantees you will attract money to you this month! It also guarantees you will buy pretty things for yourself and loved ones. Avoid disputes with someone about how you to spend your money. For you, the right to spend your money symbolizes personal freedom.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

For the next month, it’s all about you! The Sun, Venus and Mars are in your sign, shortly followed by your ruler Mercury. This empowers you and gives you a chance to rejuvenate yourself! Both the Sun and Mars will boost your stamina, motivation and drive! You won’t hesitate to defend your best interests and go after what you want, which is why this will be an amazing, productive month. Make note: This same month is also a terrific time to buy wardrobe goodies that you will love. Use this blessing! You will have opportunities to state your views to others because they will listen and hear you. You rule!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Fellow Libran Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless but planning is indispensable.” Of course! The process of defining goals and the parameters that affect them gives you lots of information. For the next month, you’re in a holding pattern waiting for the Sun to enter your sign. That’s why this is the best time all year to make goals for your new year ahead. Goals will give you a clearer focus about what is important to you. They offer more clarity in decision-making. In turn, this gives you better control over your future and also a sense of purpose. What do you want for your new year ahead?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

In the next month, you will be more involved with groups — both formal and casual because you will be most effective working and cooperating with others. Friendships will be important as you realize the role they play in your life. Study your friends. What is true of your friends is generally also true of you. You will enjoy your friends and realize how fond you are of someone. Possibly, a friend will become a lover. This is also a good time to identify goals and think about how you want to pursue them. Many of you will be involved in physical activities with others such as athletics, especially in competition. Go team!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You are entering an auspicious month ahead. The reason it is a special time is because without any effort on your part, you will suddenly shine in the eyes of bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. They see you as competent, capable and successful. Because of this, they’ll ask you to take on increased responsibilities or they will ask for advice. It’s important to accept their respect and admiration and cooperate because you will succeed! You will feel more ambitious; and you will also feel a greater ease in dealing with others because people are going to be favourably inclined toward you! (In fact, a romance with someone older or a mentor figure might begin.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Do everything in your power to travel in the next month because this is what you really want to do! If you cannot travel, then make an effort to explore your own city so that you can expand your knowledge, and at the same time, feel stimulated by new experiences. Likewise, in the next month, if you take courses or go back to school, you will love it! You will find it pleasurable to learn new things. You might also be attracted to people from different countries and different cultures. New love with someone “different” might begin. However, you might find you have to defend your beliefs. If so, don’t force your views on others. (There are none so deaf as those who are wearing ear buds.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

In the next month, you will feel strong compulsions surfacing. Basically, you want to experience life on a feeling level – not just intellectual. Perhaps you will meet someone who produces this effect on you? Or perhaps they will provoke you to explore psychological self inquiry? During this same time, you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others. Yay! People will give you things! And it will be easier to get a loan or mortgage from a bank. Admittedly, you might encounter disputes about shared property, inheritances or insurance issues. Nevertheless, life favours you now. (Good to know.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

For the next month, a handful of planets will oppose your sign. This is why you will need more sleep and more rest. This is also why you will need more patience when dealing with partners and close friends because Mars will be opposite your sign. This happens every two years for a month and when it does, you feel easily annoyed with those who are close to you. In truth, they might not be doing anything different. Therefore, this is a test of who you are and how you regard others. Fortunately Venus opposite your sign will help you make peace in all your relationships. Venus will also help you express your affection to others and make your feelings clear to them.

August 19th S. H. Current Moon Phase


Tommorow the Moon will be in a Waning Gibbous Phase. This is the first phase after the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with a illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is between 9am and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later each night setting after sunrise in the morning. During this phase the Moon can also be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon.

August 15th Birthday Horoscope

When I posted this originally some how I posted July 15th by mistake. To those of you born on August 15th I apologize for taking so long to get your correct birthday horoscope up. A huge thank you to the person that pointed out my mistake!

August 15 Zodiac Sign Is Leo

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On August 15

AUGUST 15 birthday horoscope predicts that you have such potential, and no one is more excited about it than you are! You see more than most people with your creative ability. You appreciate the simple things in life probably because of it. You sense what others are feeling.

The August 15th birthday meanings show you to be easygoing individuals. You have many admirers, and people want to hang out with you simply because you attract attention.

As a friend of a Leo, having this kind of popularity could put a damper on a night out with close friends. Where there is no one else around, you are sure to get the full consideration of the person born on August 15.

Yes, you can be a conceited little lion. You know your stuff and have a strong sense of accomplishment. Everyone can see how great you are. You’re a show off as well.

According to the August 15 horoscope, these Leos can be theatrical people. This attitude could pay off for you, as you would make a good actor.

Maybe you have forgotten your dreams and could consider this a good time to invest in you a new life and career. As an alternative, you could have been the class clown in school with a strong need to be the center of attention.

If your bestie has this Leo birthday, you have a good friend who will be there for you unconditionally. An August 15 birthday personality will typically classify all relationships; labeling each as a business, special and “rounds” (people you hang “around”).

As a lover, you are subject to your reputation receiving much notoriety. Mostly, the talk is about how good you are and how romantic you are. Nevertheless, not everyone has had a successful conclusion with you, and you could tell that too.

If today August 15th is your birthday, you are leaders naturally. As a child, you would take the lead over your older siblings. This could cause conflict among the family so remember to watch whose toes you step on climbing to the top.

You are likely to have the respect of those who follow you. You are an ambitious and confident lion who does not take no for an answer. Those of you with a zodiac birthday of August 15 is always ready with Plan B.

The August 15 astrology analysis also shows that you may have an unorthodox way of showing your love in the bedroom. However, you have a talent for satisfying the tenderest personality. You prefer to take it one day at a time in deciding on a permanent relationship.

The August 15 zodiac says that dating should be a process of deciding if you want to be with that person. The lion additionally loves the perks such as gift giving. You want to feel special as you give so freely, you believe you should be treated as you treat others.If you eat right and exercise, then a good report would be expected. If you overeat of the wrong foods, then you get an upset stomach. It is up to you which method you choose but developing good habits are encouraged. There is a program out there suited to your needs and likes. Find the right one for you and enjoy your new lifestyle.

As an August 15th birthday personality, you are pretty smart and flexible. The person born on this day tends to brag, but it is not necessary. As a child, you would enjoy performing for the family on those special occasions. You love to show-off whenever possible.

With all of this special treatment, this mighty lion could use some reality checks. Bad news always travels fastest. The Leo can be very outgoing and explicit. You mainly decide your health. Take care of yourself.



See: Famous Celebrities Born On August 15

This Day That Year –August 15 In History

1973 – First hole-in-one for player Lee Trevino
1986 – DMC concert produces riot; 40 attendants injured
1987 – Boxing celebrity Mohammad Ali selected to appear in Ring’s magazine as its featured in Hall of Fame
1990 – The movie the “Exorcist, part 3,” released

August 15 Simha Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
August 15 Chinese Zodiac MONKEY

August 15 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Sun that symbolizes your current feelings, actions, confidence, and pride.

August 15 Birthday Symbols

The Lion Is The Symbol For The Leo Zodiac Sign

August 15 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Devil. This card symbolizes the need to remain calm and not be profoundly affected by losses and ill fortune. The Minor Arcana cards are Seven of Wands and King of Pentacles

August 15 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Libra: This can be a great match provided you move ahead with caution.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Aquarius: This relationship will not survive because of the difference in attitudes.

See Also:

August 15 Lucky Numbers

Number 5 – This number stands for courage, vivaciousness, influence, and curiosity.
Number 6 – This number symbolizes convention, responsibility, idealism, and simplicity.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For August 15th Birthday

Green: This color signifies harmony, sound judgment, endurance, and finance.
Yellow: This color signifies happiness, positivity, strength and excellent communication.

Lucky Days For August 15 Birthday

Sunday – This day is ruled by Sun and symbolizes your leadership skills, determination and giving nature.
Friday – This day ruled by Venus and signifies pleasure and happiness that will help you bond with your family.

August 15 Birthstone Ruby

Ruby is a healing gemstone that can bring happiness in your life and improve your relationships.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On August 15th

A bottle of aged Single Malt Scotch for the Leo man and a cosmetic vanity case for the woman. The August 15 birthday horoscope predicts that you love things that boost your position in society.


A Thought for Today

I pulled this from an older post because it fits with my post of yesterday.

We can help the most by showing society we are peaceful, loving people just like everyone should be.

We can help be leading by example living in harmony with Mother Earth and doing all we can to help her heal. Such as recycling anything we use that has that option, pick up others track including cigarette butts when out for a walk or hiking. Use earth friendly laundry soap, liquid fabric softener, dish soap, body soap (bar or gel), shampoo, paper products made at least in part with recycled paper.

We can help by saying hi or just smiling at people We walk pass or inter act with.

Please share your thoughts or things you already do to live in better harmony with all living things. Especially the talking humans who can really get under your skin.

August 18th N. H. Current Moon Phase

Current Moon Phase


Tommorow the Moon will be in a Waning Gibbous Phase. This is the first phase after the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with a illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is between 9am and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later each night setting after sunrise in the morning. During this phase the Moon can also be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon.

You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else you know was on the date the person was born.