S. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions for 8/10

Current Moon Phase


Today the Moon will be in a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts round 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon will rise in the east in mid-afternoon and will be high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible though most of the night sky setting a few hour before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has its roots in the Latin word “gibbosus” meaning humpbacked.

Custom Planetary Positions

August 09, 2019 (10 August 6:00 AM AEST)
08:00 pm GMT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:16 Leo 57
Moon:12 Sagittarius 41
Mercury:27 Cancer 57
Venus:15 Leo 44
Mars:24 Leo 40
Jupiter:14 Sagittarius 31 Rx
Saturn:15 Capricorn 06 Rx
Uranus:06 Taurus 37
Neptune:18 Pisces 07 Rx
Pluto:21 Capricorn 17 Rx

True Lunar Node:17 Cancer 23
Mean Lunar Node:15 Cancer 52 Rx

Chiron:05 Aries 31 Rx
Ceres:02 Sagittarius 03
Pallas:24 Libra 16
Juno:23 Leo 33
Vesta:21 Taurus 15

Eris:24 Aries 18 Rx


N. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions for 8/9

Current Moon Phase



Today the Moon will be in a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts round 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon will rise in the east in mid-afternoon and will be high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible though most of the night sky setting a few hour before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has its roots in the Latin word “gibbosus” meaning humpbacked.


From moongiant.com

Current Planetary Positions

August 09, 2019 (8:12 AM CDT)
01:12 pm GMT
Tropical Zodiac

Sun:16 Leo 41
Moon:09 Sagittarius 02
Mercury:27 Cancer 42
Venus:15 Leo 23
Mars:24 Leo 30
Jupiter:14 Sagittarius 31 Rx
Saturn:15 Capricorn 07 Rx
Uranus:06 Taurus 37
Neptune:18 Pisces 08 Rx
Pluto:21 Capricorn 17 Rx

August 9th Birthday Horoscope

August 9 Zodiac Sign Is Leo

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On August 9

AUGUST 9 birthday horoscope says that your zodiac sign is Leo – The Lion. The Lion is strong and has a potential to be extremely creative. Your desire to be a success is great and so is the likelihood. You are charismatic and pleasant.

In order for the person born today to provide a comfortable life for the family, a stable career is necessary. Although stability is sought after, there may be some blockage due to this drive. It may be a good idea to let the lion roam so that creativity is restored. All eyes are watching your every move but you love it.

As an employer, the August 9th birthday personality has excellent leadership ability. Those in management positions usually go all the way up the chain. While you may have the enthusiasm for life, others may not.

It is your wish that you provide another avenue for them. You believe prosperity is for all and not just a limited few. It could be that you disapprove of poverty. However, occasionally, you can be somewhat of a snob.

The August 9th astrology analysis also predicts that on the other hand, your attitude can be infectious. Seeing others enjoying themselves does your heart good. You like being a part of that, and that is what keeps you grounded.

If today is your birthday, you inspire others to give their all in life. Personally and professionally, you are constantly growing. If you are not helping someone to do better, then those born on August 9 are unhappy. Inactivity can diminish this Leo’s capabilities.

Your friends and family love you. In spite of this, you need constant praise. As a young lion, you were impressionable and would crave praise as a means of affection. The Leo birthday horoscope for August 9 predicts that you do not take criticisms very well. Your self-confidence could have been crushed as a child so as an adult you are super sensitive.

To effectively communicate with a Leo born on this day, you could use a little wit. Laughter goes a long way with the person born under this zodiac sun sign. Many problems could be solved with a smile.

As a negative August 9 horoscope characteristic, you can be stubborn. You certainly willpower, as the optimist would say. Depending on how you look at it, it could be a good thing. It could be said that when you make up your mind about something, you stick with it until it has lost its usefulness.

A Leo in love will usually take the lead. You would think that the Lion would be strong, but you are just the opposite. You are likely to be a temperamental individual. Those with the birthday of August 9 mostly have idealistic notions when it comes to romance. It could be the reason why your feelings are so easily hurt.

However, the August 9 birthday meaning rightly predicts that you are supportive of your lovers and friends. Additionally, as you love to be seen or noticed, this could cause you conflict with your love interest. This in turn can lead to disappointments in the relationship department.

While dating, this August 9 zodiac birthday person, will generally treat his or her partner with loving kindness. You like to do it big with expensive hotel rooms and fine food. The person you would most like to share your experiences with should be independent and equally as smart as you are.

The August 9 zodiac analysis predicts that those born on this day, could be a sculptor, you have an eye for the unusual. Now, your imagination is not limited to work involving the hands. You are quite an actor. You love live music and could play an instrument.

It is possible that you have thought of auditioning for a few parts, but nothing ever came out of it. Maybe you have put the thought off until later in life. The child of a Leo is likely to be pampered and is an essential part of his or her life. Mostly as an occupation, you may look to recognizing your hobbies as being worthwhile and profitable.

A person with an August 9 birthday personality is capable of occupationally doing almost anything. You are extraordinarily gifted, and you possess a great deal of will-power. Being idle means to stifle your creativity. Characteristically, you may not handle criticisms very well, but you are likely a leader who is smart and inspiring.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On August 9

This Day That Year –August 9 In History

1803 – First-time horses are brought to Hawaii
1841 – 242 people died as a result of an Erie boat fire in Buffalo, NY
1923 – First NY State Golf Association is formed
1964 – The Rolling Stone’s first concert in the Netherlands

August 9 Simha Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
August 9 Chinese Zodiac MONKEY

August 9 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Sun that symbolizes your present feelings, thoughts, and actions.

August 9 Birthday Symbols

The Lion Is The Symbol For The Leo Star Sign

August 9 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Hermit. This card symbolizes a period of contemplation, aloofness, solitude, and deliberation. The Minor Arcana cards are Six of Wands and Knight of Wands

August 9 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Leo: This match can be a battle of wits.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign PiscesThere is no love in this match only sparks.

See Also:

August 9 Lucky Numbers

Number 8 – This number signifies your Karmic and materialistic goals in life.
Number 9 – This number signifies the charitable and humanitarian aspect of your personality.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For August 9th Birthday

Red: This color stands for love, action, enthusiasm, and revenge
Orange: This is an energizing color that stands for success, joy, trust, and balance.

Lucky Days For August 9 Birthday

Sunday – This is the day of the Sun that helps you plan your future and gives you the determination to fulfill your dreams.
Tuesday – This is the day of the planet Mars and is symbolic of ability to come out a winner if you avoid getting into useless arguments.

August 9 Birthstone Ruby

Ruby gemstone gives you courage and strength and makes you more passionate and energetic.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On August 9th

A dinner suit for the man and an evening gown for the woman. The August 9 birthday horoscope predicts that you will love formal gifts.

From SunSigns.org

A Thought for Today


Whether it is your family whose bloodlines you share or your family whose spirituality connects you always look for ways to strength your love and respect, to support another with words, a hug (20 second hugs release good endorphins making both people feeling better and happier), or just sitting beside them – face to face or virtually.

If not for my spiritual family I would not have made it through the first two years after my mom’s spirit crossed. My bloodline family, except for my children, grandchildren, and one second cousin, went back to us rarely talking. My love and devotion to my coven and the rest of my spiritual family should never be in question no matter what may happen they are my brothers and sisters the Great Mother and Father brought into my life for a reason. To the Great Mother and Father I am grateful beyond having words to use to give them the thanks and gratitude my heart holds for their gift to me.

My dear brothers and sisters know I am only an email away if there is ever anything I can do, even if it is just to listen to you vent about home, and family, work, the state of the world or how most people use and abuse Mother Earth and many if not all things living upon, under, and over her instead of in harmony with all living things.

Blessed be dear ones.