The Witches Magick for Tuesday, June 6th – Charm & Philter for Courage

The Witches Magick for Tuesday, June 6th – Charm & Philter for Courage


Items You Will Need:

Jewelry Items

Musk or Cedar Oil


Obtain a piece of jewelry. Any sort will do as long as it is something that you like enough to wear frequently. Rub a bit of oil into the piece and chant:


“I imbue you with courage, and bravery, and nerve.
I empower you with self-confidence, so you may serve
My needs when anxieties attempt to emerge
Eradicate them; let new confidence surge.”

Wear the jewelry as needed.


—Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan



Philter Recipe for Courage

You Will Need:
One small decorative glass bottle, red if you can find it

Base oil, approximately Vs cup (sunflower or almond oil)

Clean dropper

3 drops ginger oil

z drops basil oil or 2 fresh basil leaves

i drop black pepper oil

i small fresh holly leaf

Small red jasper chip

6 inches thin red or black satin ribbon

1 small metal protective charm or talisman of your choosing (such as a tiny pentagram, a star, or even the Eye of Horus)

A label and a pen (to list the ingredients and to decorate and mark the bottle)


Pour the base oil into the bottle, enough to fill it three quarters of the way full. Add the essential oils one at a time. Next, add the crystal and the holly leaf. If you used basil leaves instead of oil, add those now. Close up the bottle with the lid, place your fingers over the lid, and carefully shake up the mixture. Hold up the mixture to the sunlight, and allow the light of Tuesday’s sun to illuminate the philter within.


Wipe off the outside of the bottle. Use the label to list the ingredients and the use of this potion. Decorate the bottle by drawing protective symbols on the label or whatever ever else you think would add to the magick. Attach the label to the glass bottle and finish up by threading the metal charm onto the ribbon and then tying the red or black ribbon around the neck of the bottle.


As you finish tying on the bow, hold the bottle in your hands and concentrate on the visualization that your aura is pulsing a deep red, filled with vitality, courage and protection. See it in your mind’s eye and feel it all over your body. Now send all that energy straight into the bottle you hold in your hands. Take a deep breath, hold it for three counts, and then blow it out slowly. Now, repeat the charm below:


Basil, holly, and ginger are associated with Mars
Tap into a warrior’s energy and you will go far
Red and black are the Martian hues of power
My spell begins in this enchanted hour
This Tuesday philter will add valor galore
I am courageous and strong forever more!


Set aside the bottle, and ground and center yourself. Clean up the supplies, then go for a quick walk and firmly reconnect yourself back to the earthly plane. Make sure to store the philter in a dark, dry place and out of the reach of young children.


—Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan