Phases of the Moon and Their Psychic Associations

black cat

Phases of the Moon and Their Psychic Associations


(waxing half moon to the full moon)

During this lunar phase, your emotions and senses get turned up to “high.” (Think of it as riding a psychic wave of sorts: it builds as the full moon gets closer, peaks, and then you start to ride downward.) Precognitive dreaming is more likely to happen during this particular lunar phase. At the full moon phase itself, you will probably notice everything in a more detailed and magickal way, so work with it when it hits. Intuition and clairvoyance abilities will peak as the moon waxes to full. Employ your favorite divinatory tools now to see the past, present, and future.



Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan