Celebrating Legends, Folklore and Spirituality 365 Days a Year for May 15th

THE MYSTICAL NIGHT by fuzzywuzzy1
Celebrating Legends, Folklore and Spirituality 365 Days a Year for May 15th

Festival of Maia, Vesta, and Mercury

Today was sacred to the ancient Roman Goddess Maia, Goddess of Spring, and the wife of Vulcan. She was connected with fertility and the growth of all living things. Over time, she became confused with the Greek Goddess of the same name, who was the mother of Hermes, and the equivalent of the Roman Mercury.

On this day in ancient Rome, the Vestal Virgins (priestesses of Vesta) performed special ceremonies to regulate the water supply for the coming Summer. The rites were considered ered critical to the survival of Rome and the propagation of its crops. Additionally, this was the day when Roman citizens paid tribute to Mercury, the God of commerce and the marketplace. This was a prominent day of celebration, because Mercury’s help was considered crucial to maintaining the growing foreign trade that the Empire enjoyed and depended on.