The Witches Magick for February 3rd – Far Memory Divination


Far Memory Divination

Set a white candle aflame in a darkened room and place in a position so that it illuminates your face as you stand before the mirror, but itself isn’t reflected.

Say the following:

Oracle of lunar light,
send me now the second sight.

Gaze into your reflection’s eyes, or just above and between them. Gradually, your reflection will dissolve and you will see another face appear; it will be that of a former life. It should be unmistakably familiar to you.

With practice this can be used to learn a great deal about past lives. Try to “tune in” on the face. Attempt to see the rest of the body, clothing, jewelry, backgrounds— anything that would help you place the period and location.

Just seeing the face may trigger unexpected emotional reactions within you; note these and you may begin to remember people and events that have been locked away inside your far memory.

Sometimes this works better in near darkness; adjust the amount of light that hits your face until you have achieved desired results.

Scott Cunningham, Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic