Your Charm for Sunday, November 10 is The Cross

Your Charm for Today

Today’s Meaning:      

This is probably the most popular of charms. You will be protected in this aspect. No one will be able to harm you or your state of being.

General Description:

The Cross has always been a favourite device. It was used by the sun-worhippers as a symbol of the sun, and their warriors carried the Cross upon their shields. In olden days kings and nobles, when they could not write, used the sign of the Cross. That sign was used in breaking spells and for protection from evil spirits. In the East the Cross hbas been used as a talisman from time immemortal. The Eastern Cross as illustrated was worn as a charm against stickness, accidents and witchcraft, also to attract good fortune. Sentences from the Koran were often inscribed upon the small pendents to make the chamr still more potent.