Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, Aug. 28th

We long for the connected feeling that communication brings today. However, the flighty Gemini Moon distracts us from thinking about the impact that our words have. Nevertheless, messenger Mercury trines powerful Pluto, reminding us that a serious conversation about an important subject can transform the dynamics of a relationship. We may not know where a discussion will take us, but we can’t help but be deeply affected by the unfolding drama.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You want to say what’s on your mind but you need to pick your topics of discussion carefully now because your words might stir up more controversy than you wish. You won’t be satisfied following the party line today, yet you still appear to have ideas that are intelligent and sensible. Be clear and stick to the point; others will listen to you even if they don’t agree with your opinion. Keeping communication channels open cultivates positive growth.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

Although you may be accused of avoiding the tough questions sometimes, no such possibility exists today. You’re the one who is pushing for more meaning now and you want others to follow your lead. But even if they can see what brings you closer to your truth, it could lure them further away from theirs. Don’t expect people to endorse your thinking by joining your cause; just make certain that it’s valid for you before you act on your beliefs. Seek the answers from within.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

You don’t want to make a decision today and yet you know what your preference would be if you were forced to share it with others. Don’t let anyone coerce you into talking before you are fully ready or you might end up resenting whoever tries to control you. How much to reveal and when to reveal it is solely your choice alone. A kind word and a smile are enough to keep the peace for now.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

You might not feel as lighthearted as you appear today, but others won’t realize it unless they overstep their bounds and try to get you to say something you don’t actually believe. Fortunately, your endorsement is not up for grabs to the highest bidder. In fact, you might not be driven to engage with someone else’s drama right now; you just want to continue doing the best job you can without making any further promises about the future.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

An apparently casual conversation may lead you into the shadows today, where you can see previously hidden areas of your consciousness. As new ideas continue to rise into awareness, you want to do something about them — yet it still might be wiser to simply observe while waiting to act on your plans at a later time. Keep in mind that your decision to remain silent adds to your current air of mystery, which is not a bad thing at all. Exploring your dreams now is more productive on your own.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Although you sound quite passionate about many subjects today, you might not be all that interested in sharing your feelings. It’s not that you are detached from what you are saying; it’s just that this is more of an intellectual exercise now than something of integral importance to you. But you still could get caught up in wanting to be right since Mercury is occupying your logical sign. Backing down from an indefensible position now is a true sign of wisdom.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You have a sharper-than-normal edge to your tongue today as clever Mercury forms a smooth connection with incisive Pluto. Your words can cut to the bone and your message could inadvertently do damage before you even realize what has happened. It’s one thing to take a swipe at an opponent intentionally; however, it doesn’t feel good if you accidentally hurt a friend. Thankfully, taking a compassionate approach right from the start enables you to spread love and light rather than fear.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You long for some quality downtime today because you’ve been running at a sustained level of heightened intensity for a while now. Although the pace has begun to wear on your nerves, you are able to rejuvenate your energy by keeping your emotions private. There’s no need to tell all your secrets, even if you are feeling more open than usual. Don’t give away too much of your time; you gain more power now by taking care of yourself. Clear your schedule to recharge your batteries and regenerate your vitality.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

It’s time to undertake a project at work that requires a serious amount of mental fortitude now since you have the skills to concentrate until the job is done. Luckily, your ability to muster support from friends makes everything run smoother. Although the potential to have fun is always looming near the horizon, don’t be distracted until you accomplish something tangible. Dig in your heels today and complete the business at hand.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You feel as if you have been on an emotional roller coaster and it may finally be time to end the ride today. But you must be creative in your approach when you stand up to those who have made your life more complicated. Don’t blame anyone else for your extreme emotions now; if you do, you’ll just go around again and again in the same conversation. Instead, accept responsibility for your part in the recent drama and be ready to move on once and for all.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You may be surprised by the intensity of your own feelings now that relentless Pluto trines Mercury in your 8th House of Intimacy. You assume that you understand the current situation only to discover that everything is not as you perceived. Fortunately, you can think on your feet and are quite capable of quickly regaining your balance. But don’t dwell on the past; once things are stable again, let go of any residual negativity you might be holding onto for no reason. Creativity abounds when you stay in the present moment.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

There’s a part of you that won’t be satisfied until you’ve turned your support network inside out today. Rather than looking for comfort from your friends, you’re more interested in having them infuse more meaning into your life. But they might not be proactive enough for you now until you do something radical that catches them off balance. Fortunately, once you shine your light, others will be more likely to follow.