Your Animal Spirit for February 11 is the Armadillo

Your Animal Spirit for Today



You’ll never get too close to Armadillo as his hard shell will keep you at arm’s length! And, if this roly-poly fellow is in your reading, he’s asking YOU to examine the areas where you need a hard shell—boundaries!  Do you “do” for everyone but never “do” for yourself? Or, are you being TOO sensitive, protecting yourself even when danger isn’t present?

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Light an orange candle, then take a small seashell and pass it three times through the flame. As  you do this, say:
“By the power of three, So make it be.”
Each time you go through the flame. Take a handful of cinnamon and using a spoon and bowl,
mix it with dried and crushed red rose petals. Sprinkle the shell with some of the mixture and
imagine yourself attracting many different people. Take the rest of the mixture and toss it into
the wind to carry your request to the God and Goddess. Then carry the shell with you in a
pocket or purse at all times.

T is for a Spell to Determine the Truth




Spell to Determine the Truth

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 Egg

1 White Candle


Egg Holder

Divining Oil or Vegetable Oil

Open a fresh egg and dispose of its contents. Do not wash the shell. Place the half shell on or in something to secure it. A soft-boiled egg server is perfect, but anything that will hold the half shell and prevent it from tipping over is fine.

Fill the half shell almost to the brim with rainwater. If you have Divining Oil, place a drop or two in the water now. Do not stir. If you have no Divining Oil, place a drop or two of a natural vegetable oil in the water. Once again??do not stir.

Light a single candle and slowly pass it over the eggshell three times, reciting the following words as you do so:

As of the earth

So let it be

That all that I seek

Be shown to me

Put down the candle. Place the tip of your right index finger into the water in the eggshell. Keeping your right index finger in the water, pick up the shell with your left hand and over a sink or some other suitable place, crush the shell while your finger is still in the water. Dispose of the shell. Extinguish the candle.

For the next twenty-four hours, your right index finger will tingle whenever it is near the truth.

This spell can be repeated as needed.



Light an orange candle, then take a small seashell and pass it three times through the flame.

As you do this, say:

“By the power of three, So make it be.”

each time you go through the flame. Take a handful of cinnamon and using a spoon and bowl,

mix it with dried and crushed red rose petals. Sprinkle the shell with some of the mixture and

imagine yourself attracting many different people. Take the rest of the mixture and toss it into

the wind to carry your request to the God and Goddess. Then carry the shell with you in a

pocket or purse at all times.

Your Charm for 3/30

Your Charm for Today
<!–   Interpretation Basics–>

Today’s Meaning:
This aspect is affected by good financial fortune. Your good fortune will come from an investment, an unexpected windfall, or a change of vocation.

General Description:
In India and Tibet, and other countries were Buddhism is practiced, the Conch Shell is prized as a charm for oratory, learning, protection, good fortune and riches. As Conch Shells were used as the current coin among all the primitive peoples of the East, no doubt this has suggested their use as charms for bringing wealth. The Conch Shell is also one of the eight emblems of Buddha, all of which are used as talismans. They consist of the Wheel of the Law, Conch Shell, Lucky Diagram, Goldn Fish, Umbrella, Vase, Lotus, and the Turmpet of Victory.