The Witches Magick for January 2nd – Second Sight Spell

Second Sight Spell

Goal: To increase psychic abilities.

Items Needed:

Purple candle
Piece of amethyst.

Be careful what you ask for-psychic abilities can be a mixed blessing. If you want to work on expanding yours, go slowly and don’t forget to use protective shields. A good familiar can help ground you while you do psychic work if you ask nicely. This spell was originally published in, “Circle, Coven & Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice,” as “Spell to Open the Inner Eye.”

Perform this spell under the full moon–outside, if possible. Light the candle and hold the amethyst up to your third eye (between your eyebrows and up a bit).

“Moon, moon, burning bright
Help me hone my inner sight
Make my vision clear and true
Show me what I need to do
Whether cards or stones of old
Show me what I need to know
Guide my heart and guide my hand
Help me see and understand.
So Mote It Be.

Try to stay open to any messages you might get through your second sight. Be particularly alert to dreams and portents.

The Witches Magick for Oct. 18th – Second Sight Spell


Second Sight Spell

Goal: To increase psychic abilities.

Items Needed:

Purple candle

Piece of amethyst.

Be careful what you ask for-psychic abilities can be a mixed blessing. If you want to work on expanding yours, go slowly and don’t forget to use protective shields. A good familiar can help ground you while you do psychic work if you ask nicely. This spell was originally published in, “Circle, Coven & Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice,” as “Spell to Open the Inner Eye.”

Perform this spell under the full moon–outside, if possible. Light the candle and hold the amethyst up to your third eye (between your eyebrows and up a bit).

“Moon, moon, burning bright
Help me hone my inner sight
Make my vision clear and true
Show me what I need to do
Whether cards or stones of old
Show me what I need to know
Guide my heart and guide my hand
Help me see and understand.
So Mote It Be.

Try to stay open to any messages you might get through your second sight. Be particularly alert to dreams and portents