Let’s Talk Witch – Ouija Boards

Let’s Talk Witch – Ouija Boards

The Ouija board is what many believe can be used to communicate with the spirits of the dead. Although there is no scientific proof to support this belief it should be pointed out it is not a game and many people have suffered many psychological problems. This is not to say that it is purely in the minds of those that have been exposed to Ouija boards as always the power of the mind and its’ capabilities are still as yet unclear when dealing with spititual matters.

The name “ouija” comes from the French and German words for yes, “oui” and “ja.” There are many different types of Ouija Boards all have different layouts and are made from different materials. The board usually consists with the letters of the alphabet, 0-9 in numbers and the words, “Yes” and “No.” The user or users of the board then lightly touch a pointer (sometimes called a planchet) and the pointer moves and spells out the answers to questions asked of it. Usually this pointer is mounted on castors to help it move freely about the board.

They became very popular in the 1960’s being sold in many countries as a board game although they were eventually withdrawn from main shopping outlets because of the stigma that was attached to them by the media.
Some believe that the Ouija offers proof as to life after death. Others, though, believe that the answers to the ouija come from the unconscious mind of one or all of the sitters. In a similar type of way in which Tom Lethbridge argues that dowsing works.

It must be stated that persons of a nervous disposition can be frightened easily when using a ouija board and it is suggested that they should therefore avoid them. It must also be pointed out that there is no scientific proof that they actually work, although there have been many claims over the years. The Ouija board is not a game and should be treated with care, preferably there should be a medium/psychic who has experience present at all times.

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‘THINK on THESE THINGS’ for October 20th


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Why is it that we require so much scientific proof for the most ordinary things these days, when the very fact that we lie down and close our eyes at night is the highest proof that God’s world is in order. Though perhaps our personal world may not know such sequence. There comes a time when our human limitations insist that we lay down our questions and accept by faith the only way to survive ourselves.

There are those who say they must have tangible evidence that the world and all its wonders be displayed before their eyes to see in wisdom the way things really are. And yet who said the human eyes could see or ears could hear more than one tiny bit of the wonder. Who could be so bold as to believe their senses were strong enough to know, except through faith.

Who could see with the visible eye the hand that changes the seasons, or hear Job’s stars that sang together at dawn. Who set the day at rest and brings the morning in all its newness.

Only so far…..then explanations know no more…..and though we try to disbelieve when all goes wrong, there comes a time when we want no more explanation than that God’s world is in order – and we cannot change it.

Surely if someone took our hand and asked us to walk along the world and view the wonders so magnificently displayed….If by some miracle we could see the vastness of it all at once, and still bear up under the beauty of it….

If we can see the rolling rise and fall of the land – the purple, pink, and golden hues of shadows hung along the mountain sides….If our ears could hear the music of the rippling streams, the rushing waters, the graceful falls.

If by some mere chance we could sense the ebb and flow, the push and relaxing of the tides, the rise and set of the sun, the glittering stars and soft-faced moon that ignores the fact that other worlds encircle ours…..

And as the seasons sprinkle rain and flowers, golden leaves and snowfall…..On this continuous circle…..always new…..always beautiful…..

If we can see al this, how then, can we doubt that the earth that God created and saw as good is good. This is our land, and only our own forgetfulness of its source can make it different.


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By Joyce Sequichie Hifler.

Visit her web site to purchase the wonderful books by Joyce as gifts for yourself or for loved ones……and also for those who don’t have access to the Internet: http://www.hifler.com
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Elder’s Meditation of the Day
By White Bison, Inc., an American Indian-owned nonprofit organization. Order their many products from their web site: http://www.whitebison.org