Monday & The Perfect Magick Philter for the Day – Psychic Power Philter

Queen Nefertari

Psychic Power Philter

• One clear or blue glass bottle with a stopper or lid
• A clean dropper
• 6 inches silver ribbon
• A small moon-shaped charm
• A label and a pen (to list the ingredients and to decorate and mark the bottle)
• 8 cup almond base oil (almond is associated with the moon)
• 13 drops sandalwood oil (a lunar oil that is both spiritual and protective)
• 3 white rose petals
• 3 willow leaves or a pinch of dried willow bark
• A tiny moonstone chipPour the base oil into the bottle until the bottle is three quarters of the way full. Then add the moonstone chip, the rose petals, willow, and finally the essential sandalwood wood oil.

Close up the bottle with the lid, place your fingers over the lid, and carefully shake up the mixture.

Hold up the mixture to the moonlight and allow the moonbeams to illuminate the philter within. On the label, list the ingredients and the use for this potion. Decorate the label by drawing moons or whatever else you think would add to the moon magick. Attach the label to the glass bottle (wipe off the outside of the bottle first). Finish up by threading the moon charm onto the ribbon and then tying the silver ribbon around the neck of the bottle. As you finish tying on the bow, hold the bottle in your hands and repeat the charm below (Notice there is a place for you to insert which phase of the moon you happen to be currently in. This way, you can customize the philter for specific psychic abilities.)

This philter holds the powers of the moon
May it increase my psychic power soon
The stone adds lunar power and empathy
The herbs and oil increase the power times three
During this quarter’s enchanting moon phase
I’ll work easily with my powers through the day
This potion is enhanced by the moon’s magick so bright
My psychic talents will now blossom and come to light.

Store the philter bottle in a safe, dry place out of direct sunlight. Make sure that you keep all potion and philter bottles well out of reach of children. Now, if you want to get really creative, you can adapt the charm for the philter to work in any of the following lunar energies(which means you could literally create four different philters, one for each phase and psychic influence of the moon).


—Ellen Dugan, Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week