Surprise, Surprise It’s Saturday Morning! Have A Blessed One!

I hope everyone is having a super Saturday. I just wanted to drop in and let you know this morning, I will be out promoting our site. Saturday is one of Pinterest’s hottest days. So I plan on covering their front page without nothing expect Pins for the WOTC. Pinterest has a huge following and that is how we end up with new members. They see our Pins, get curious and come over and visit. Right now, this is a fantastic advertising site for us. And besides there are so many people on here right now, I don’t want to interrupt their enjoyment of the site. It is great to see you all here this morning. Read, enjoy, look around, stay as long as you like. (It seems like when I show up to do the postings, everyone disappears, I don’t bite, I swear, Witches’ Honor!)

Anyway I am off to promote, I will be back in bit to start our new herb section and also put on some more strange forms of divination. I hope you have a fantastic day!

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A