Magical Wiccan Names – 5 Tips To Choosing the Best One For You

Magical Wiccan Names – 5 Tips To Choosing the Best One For You


Upon joining a Wiccan coven, members are usually asked to pick out a new  name. This symbolizes the person being “born” into a new life. It also helps the  individual separate his old self from his newly chosen one. With so much  importance placed on this decision, choosing magical Wiccan names requires a  fair amount of thought and effort.

Here are 5 tips to make choosing magical Wiccan names easier:

1. Use a baby names book. These resources are very easy to find at your local  library or bookstore and have thousands of names and their respective meanings.  If “wisdom” is a characteristic you want to embody, choose names that share that  meaning.

2. Use “earthly” words. Because Wicca is centered around the energy and  spirit found in Nature, it is common practice to use earthly words, or their  derivatives, to help create your Wiccan name. Examples include using names of  animals (Raeven, Magwolfe, Serpenta, etc), names of trees and shrubs (Furne,  Wadoak, Salvini, etc) or other nature-related words.

3. Use historic names. Pick up a book about the history of witchcraft, and  your head will be spinning with ideas for new names. You don’t have to choose  the exact spelling. But if there is a past witch whose life you admire, you may  use a derivative of that name for your own.

4. Use numerology. Every name can be broken down to a single number, and that  number has a meaning of its own. So if you are wanting a magical Wiccan name  that has to do with individuality, you would want a name whose single digit  value was 1. Doing a little research online will give you a listing of the  values of all digits, from 0-9. Make sure that your new name is in line with the  characteristics you want to embody.

5. Use elders. If you are having trouble coming up with a new name, talk to  an elder of your coven. That’s what they are there for. There are times when an  outsider looking in can give you the answer you are looking for.

Choosing magical Wiccan names does not have to be a long or difficult  process. But because it will be the name that represents who you want to be in  your new Wiccan lifestyle, it needs to be chosen with care.


Ravine Masters is the owner of  []

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