When You Think Things Are Going Great, The Crap Hits the Fan

pitbull picked up January
Injured pitbull from being in pit fights


Good Early Morning my friends,

I hope everyone has had a fantastic day. Since I lasted spoke to you, mine has went straight down hill. I had more contractors I had to deal with. I deal with the contractors here then  I turn around and go home and get to deal with them again.

Then I had three calls to pick up some new creatures. One is a beaver (I will post a pic of him, well all of them), after we got him settled, I got another call for a Mother lynx and two of her kits. I love Lynxs about as good as I do Bobcats, look out, here I go again. Then late this afternoon, I got a call for a pitbull. None of the vets ever call the humane shelters, they call me. They know in the shelters, the pitbulls will automatically be put to sleep. This poor dog pushed me over the edge. I love animals and to see one with it’s ribs showings, chunks were he had been bite, scars that were appropriately cared for, it broke my heart. The vet got him, he was half dead. He had recovered enough to be sitting up in the corner of his little cage. He was shaking like a leaf. The vet told me, they didn’t know what kind of temperment he could have. Seeing him shake in the corner, I didn’t care. I sit down in the floor and talked softly to him. I called him twice and on the third time, he stood up on his shaky legs and fell in my arms. He was shaking so and of course, the I was crying. I kept telling him, he didn’t have anything else to worry about. He was safe now, I would make sure of that. Through all the tears, a great, big sloppy tongue licked my face. I hugged him, crying and laughing at the same time. Automatic bond made. I carried him to the truck. I didn’t put him in a cage or anything. I put him in the cab with me. He sit right on top of me all the way back to the country. The vet had told me and I could see, he was a young pitbull that had been used as another’s fighting partner. These pitbullfighters pick younger dogs, strong ones but they don’t think they really have that killer in them, to be sparing partners. Sparing partners for the more vicious dogs. The one I picked up had been found in a back alley in the country, just throwed away. The person who found him, thought he was dead. Till they heard a faint whimper. They threw the garbage off the top of him and he was alive. They immediately picked him up and took him to the vet. He has been at the vet’s for more than a week recovering. Now it is my turn. All I want to do is show this poor animal all the TLC I can muster.

One of the baby lynx we picked up with her Mother & other sibling


When we got back, I made him a special place in the back of the building were the babies generally stay. When he gets strong enough, I will move him but right now he is way to weak to go outside and survive. It is 10 degrees here tonight.

Got all the critters taken care of, I came in the office for some peace and quiet. Till I got to reflecting on how expensive this week has been. I also found bills that Annie was suppose to have paid that hasn’t been paid. Well here I went to crying again, I have wrote four checks to four different contractors just to get the work started. In other words, they wanted my deductible up front just to start the jobs. Then I thought we had enough funds left, so I orders a huge order of straw and feed. Now to top it off, I have found a $524.12 power bill. Why so high? Heaters for the animals. It gets cold, they are hurt and they couldn’t survive without them. Then up pops a $378.64 water bill. No we don’t have a leak, its winter and we leave the water outlets dripping. This keeps the water from freezing in case it is not getting enough heat.


Baby beaver
Baby beaver


So here I am again doing something I hate to do more than anything in the world asking for donations. Any amount right now will help. If the government hadn’t pushed tas season back, we would have been find. You see I do taxes and all the money I make from that goes right straight to the refuge. So far, no calls for anyone wanting their taxes done early. I just keep thinking, make it to Spring, we will be fine. We are always ok in Spring. Make it to Spring.

Winter is a very rough time of the year for us. In fact, I hate to see Winter roll around. It is a struggle each year, just to figure out how we are going to make it through another year. This year with the figure, the computers and everything else that keeps popping up, it just seems exceptionally hard.

We need your help. I know money is tight everywhere. But like I said if we can make it just a little longer, we will be fine. We would deeply appreciate any amount, you could donate to the animals and the refuge. They have to have food, water and heat. I’ll go hungry myself before they do. All they know is that they have been mistreated for their entire lives. Now they have a chance for a brand new, loving life. I am going to see that they get that new start. You don’t realize how much a $2.00 can buy. It can buy 6 cans of cat food. $5.00 can buy a bale of straw. You see it doesn’t take much and right now we are in a very desperate situation.

Whatever you can donate, we will be deeply grateful. Spring and Summer gets here, I hope things will be better. But right now, we need your help, please.

Thank you so much,

May the Goddess Truly  Bless You & Yours,

Lady A


cutie in box
Found this kitten in box on front porch when I got back