Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies


Definition: A brand name of flower essences created by an English physician and homeopath named Edward Bach in the 1930s.

Bach was said to have believed that negative emotions could worsen or lead to physical illness and that flowers had the potential to reduce emotional stress. Bach created 38 individual remedies, each associated with a negative emotional state, and a “rescue remedy,” which is recommended for panic, shock and emergencies.

Bach flower remedies are made by placing the flowers in a bowl of spring water and then leaving them to infuse in natural sunlight or boiling them in spring water. The flowers are then discarded and the liquid is preserved with brandy, diluted and then sold in small vials.

Bach flower remedies are found in many health food stores. They are typically taken by adding two drops of each desired remedy into a glass of water, which is then sipped.

Pronunciation: Bok
Also Known As: Bach flower essences

Daily Feng Shui Tip for Nov. 9th – ‘Chaos Never Dies’

The energies associated with this day might say that ‘Chaos Never Dies’ but remaining cool, calm and collected in the face of chaos can be as easy as taking four drops of Bach Rescue Remedy flower essence under the tongue, three times a day for as many days as it takes to assume a state of harmony and peace. Chaos will die quickly with this proven anxiety easer in hand.

By Ellen Whitehurst for

Break Through Blockage Bath (2) Flower Essence Remedy

  1. The flower essence remedy Chestnut bud (Bach) is indicated when you’re stuck, blocked, or trapped in repetitive cycles with no transformation.
  2. Initiate use by taking a single intensive bath:  add 20-30 drops of the remedy to the bath before bedtime. Pay attention to your dreams for clues on resolving your blockage.
  3. Do not add more than half a dozen drops to any additional baths. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for internal administration or apply topically.