The Witches Almanac for Tuesday, December 15th

winter animal

The Witches Almanac for Tuesday, December 15th

Tuesday (Mars): Passion, sex, courage, aggression, and protection.

Consualia (Roman)


Waxing Moon

The Waxing Moon (from the New Moon to the Full) is the ideal time for magic to draw things toward you.

Moon phase: First Quarter

Moon Sign: Aquarius

Aquarius: Rebellious energy. Time to break habits and make abrupt changes. Personal freedom and individuality is the focus.

Incense: Cedar

Color: Red


Celebrating Other Spirituality 365 Days A Year – Consualia


August 21


Held annually in Rome on August 21, Consualia was a celebration of the harvest held in honor of Consus. There would have been a sacrifice and offerings of the first fruits, followed by horse racing in the Circus Maximus. The horses and chariots would have been decorated in garland and paraded before the altar of Consus, which was kept underground and exposed only on August 21 and at the preceding celebration of Consualia and the Festival of The Pales.


Consus was the ancient Roman Earth God of granary and was connected with the harvest and Autumn sowing. He had an underground barn and altar at the Circus Maximus, which was only uncovered at his twice-yearly festivals. Consus also had a temple on the Aventine Hill, and his sacrifical offerins consisted of first fruits. Consus was also identified with the Greek God Poseidon and with Neptune, presumably because of his association with horses. HIs symbols include the horse and chariot, cornucopia, all fruits, vegetables and grain. His colors are gold, brown, and rust, and his numerical values are 7 and 21.


Calendar of the Sun for August 21

Calendar of the Sun

21 Weodmonath

Consualia: First Harvest of Rome

Color: Brown
Element: Earth
Altar: Upon a brown a cloth display the preserved fruits of the harvest thus far. There should be a pot of fruit that has been cooked to charring as a traditional offering, a wreath of flowers, and a chalice of wine. Outside, the underground stone altar of Consus is dug open and revealed.
Offering: Burned fruits.
Daily Meal: Food out of the garden.

Consualia Invocation

Hail, Consus, Lord of the Storehouse!
As our ancestors stored things deep underground,
So we have opened the earth
To give you what is your due.
For it is not enough to grow what must be grown.
Our sustenance must also be cultivated,
Plucked from vine and stem,
Cleaned and prepared,
And if necessary preserved.
You are the keeper of next year’s seeds
Which we must save as if our lives
Depended on those tiny cradles of life.
You are the keeper of next year’s grain,
And may we all come to love and understand
The cycle of seed and fruit on which
Our table, and our bellies, depend.
Hail Consus, keeper of the seeds,
May your blessing carry through
To next year’s garden, and each year forever.

(All go out to the garden, where the open hole reveals the carved stone of Consus’s altar. The burned fruits are laid in as an offering, and the wine poured in on top. Then the altar is covered again with earth, and the wreath of flowers is laid over it.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

The Witches Almanac for Saturday, December 15th

Gypsy Comments & Graphics

The Witches Almanac for *Saturday, December 15th

*Saturday (Saturn): Longevity, exorcism, endings, homes and houses.

Consualia (Roman)

Moon Sign: *Capricorn

*Capricorn: Develops strong structure. Focus on traditions, responsibilities, and obligations. A good time to set boundaries and rules.

*Waxing Moon

*The Waxing Moon (from the New Moon to the Full): is the ideal time for magick to draw things toward you.

Moon enters *Aquarius 4:53 pm

*Aquarius: Rebellious energy. Time to break habits and make abrupt changes. Personal freedom and individuality is the focus.

Moon Phase: First Quarter

Incense: Pine

Color: Brown

~Magickal Graphics~

The Wicca Book of Days for August 21 – Guaranteeing Grain

The Wicca Book of Days for August 21

Guaranteeing Grain

The Consualia, a festival dedicated to the Roman granary God Consus, was celebrated on August 21 in ancient times, in the hope of securing divine protection for the just-threshed harvest. On the Consualia, sacrifices made by the flamen Quirinalis (priest of Quirinus) were offered to Consus at his Maximus, where an underground altar was dedicated to him. Above ground, races were held, while some equines were garlanded and given the day off, for Consus was furthermore equated with Neptune Equester (“Equestrian Neptune”).

A Historical Healer

The Persian physician and philosopher Ibn Sina (980 – 1037), or Avicenna, is said to have been born on this day in Uzbekistan. Avicenna’s The Canon of Medicine was an important reference work for European healers. Read more about this great man’s theories today.

Witches Almanac for Tuesday, August 21


Witches Almanac for *Tuesday, August 21

*Tuesday (Mars):  Passion, sex, courage, aggression, and protection.

Consualia (Roman)

Moon Sign: *Leo

*Leo: Draws emphasis to the self, central ideas or institutions, away from connections with others and other emotional needs. People tend to be melodramatic.

*Waxing Moon

*The Waxing Moon: is the ideal time for magick to draw things toward you.

Incense: Cedar

Moon Phase: First Quarter

Color:  Gray